Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

I usually become less cryptic from the fourth or fifth clue, depending on the number of players.
I'll wait for a third guess now but I'll post a new one in a few hours anyway. :)
PS You should have seen @Diesel 11 's earliest rounds from a couple of years ago! :dancinggeek::D
I really thought it was Pass The Jam. Do you want jam on your bread? No I'll pass this time. I'm on a diet.
I really thought it was Pass The Jam. Do you want jam on your bread? No I'll pass this time. I'm on a diet.
Let's just say this clue relates to the initials of the name of the diet business it is linked to... I know for one that sometimes, it is better risking not being right and submit something all the same after thinking about it for a couple of minutes, just for the sake of the pace of the game... and of your neurons. :D
Clue #1: prudent diet
Clue #2:


Clue #3: Leaving so soon?
Clue #4: 35 years (and almost a month) ago

Incorrect guesses: The Prisoner/ Childhood's End/ Pass The Jam/The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner/ Wasting Love/ Prodigal Son/ Still Life/ Age of Innocence
Clue #1: prudent diet
Clue #2:


Clue #3: Leaving so soon?
Clue #4: 35 years (and almost a month) ago
Clue #5: the team who wrote the song (which has never been played live) is the same as the one who wrote the lead single of the album it appears on.(WRONG)
Clue #5: this song, which has never been played live, can be related to the first line of the song that follows it on the same album.

Incorrect guesses: The Prisoner/ Childhood's End/ Pass The Jam/The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner/ Wasting Love/ Prodigal Son/ Still Life/ Age of Innocence/Running Free/ Revelations/ When the Wild Wind Blows/ Fear is the Key/
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Good try (it indeed could fit clues 3, 5 and roughly 4) but no. ;)

Yep, have to get the correct thing to fit the overall picture (of given clues) and then answer with the right one.
My last one was more of trying to find a needle in the haystack. But I like these things anyways.
Sometimes something gives it straightaway (like Sesame Street on that BYDTTS) but most of the times not.
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Ok, @Jmaster and @PhantomOfTheOpera , I've simply made a mistake in the phrasing of Clue #5, which is partially wrong. You both can have another try. Sorry.
Here is the new one:
Clue #5: this song, which has never been played live, can be related to the first line of the song that follows it on the same album.
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Clue #1: prudent diet
Clue #2:

Clue #3: Leaving so soon?
Clue #4: 35 years (and almost a month) ago
Clue #5: this song, which has never been played live, can be related to the first line of the song that follows it on the same album.
Clue #6: check your diary for June 29th

Incorrect guesses: The Prisoner/ Childhood's End/ Pass The Jam/The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner/ Wasting Love/ Prodigal Son/ Still Life/ Age of Innocence/Running Free/ Revelations/ When the Wild Wind Blows/ Fear is the Key/ Fates Warning/ Flash of the Blade