Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #4: As is the case with many songs throughout Maiden's career, the song we are looking for (in a sense) tells the story of a certain individual.

Previous Hints:

Clue #1:
The songwriters of this song work together frequently. Their songs tend to have some similarities and there are certain traits that pop up over and over again. This song does not feature these traits. In fact, there's something unique about that song and to the best of my knowledge no other songs in the entire Maiden catalogue share this unique characteristic.

Clue #2: The song we are looking for is not a B-Side, nor a single. It was played live on the tour supporting its album.

Clue #3: The length of the song puts it in the minority compared to most other songs on the album it appears. On the other hand, the key of the song is the same as many of the other songs on the album (with a couple of notable departures).

Incorrect Guesses: Sun And Steel, 2 Minutes To Midnight, Hooks In You, Futureal, The Legacy, The Book Of Souls, Days Of Future Past
Clue #4: As is the case with many songs throughout Maiden's career, the song we are looking for (in a sense) tells the story of a certain individual.

Previous Hints:

Clue #1:
The songwriters of this song work together frequently. Their songs tend to have some similarities and there are certain traits that pop up over and over again. This song does not feature these traits. In fact, there's something unique about that song and to the best of my knowledge no other songs in the entire Maiden catalogue share this unique characteristic.

Clue #2: The song we are looking for is not a B-Side, nor a single. It was played live on the tour supporting its album.

Clue #3: The length of the song puts it in the minority compared to most other songs on the album it appears. On the other hand, the key of the song is the same as many of the other songs on the album (with a couple of notable departures).

Incorrect Guesses: Sun And Steel, 2 Minutes To Midnight, Hooks In You, Futureal, The Legacy, The Book Of Souls, Days Of Future Past
I'll go with Death or Glory

H and Bruce work together frequently (#1), the song is in 12/8 with a swing feel that AFAIK Maiden hadn't used since Drifter (written by Steve, anyway) but the unique trait might be that H uses a bottleneck for the solo (#1), it's not a b-side nor a single (the only official single for The Book of Souls were Speed of Light and Empire of the Clouds; #2), it's the second-to-shortest song on the album (after Tears of a Clown) and I'm pretty sure the majority of the album is in the usual E minor as DoG is (#3), and it's about the Red Barron (#4).
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The Clansman ?
Not the one. While Clue #1 only implies it, I'll state it outright: The song was written by more than one person.

Brighter Than a Thousand Suns
Satisfies some of the conditions, but not all of them.

I'll go with Death or Glory

H and Bruce work together frequently (#1), the song is in 12/8 with a swing feel that AFAIK Maiden hadn't used since Drifter (written by Steve, anyway) but the unique trait might be that H uses a bottleneck for the solo (#1), it's not a b-side nor a single (the only official single for The Book of Souls were Speed of Light and Empire of the Clouds; #2), it's the second-to-shortest song on the album (after Tears of a Clown) and I'm pretty sure the majority of the album is in the usual E minor as DoG is (#3), and it's about the Red Barron (#4).
Great reasoning that gets a lot of things right, but not the correct song unfortunately!
Clue #5: The song was played live only on one tour. Furthermore, the first time and the last time it was played were within the same calendar year. Bonus hint: Two songs from the correct album were named in the incorrect guesses already.

Previous Hints:

Clue #1:
The songwriters of this song work together frequently. Their songs tend to have some similarities and there are certain traits that pop up over and over again. This song does not feature these traits. In fact, there's something unique about that song and to the best of my knowledge no other songs in the entire Maiden catalogue share this unique characteristic.

Clue #2: The song we are looking for is not a B-Side, nor a single. It was played live on the tour supporting its album.

Clue #3: The length of the song puts it in the minority compared to most other songs on the album it appears. On the other hand, the key of the song is the same as many of the other songs on the album (with a couple of notable departures).

Clue #4: As is the case with many songs throughout Maiden's career, the song we are looking for (in a sense) tells the story of a certain individual.

Incorrect Guesses: Sun And Steel, 2 Minutes To Midnight, Hooks In You, Futureal, The Clansman, Brighter Than A Thousand Suns, The Legacy, Death Or Glory, The Book Of Souls, Days Of Future Past
The Pilgrim
That's the one!

Clue #1: Steve and Janick write together on almost each album. Since BNW every album features one song of theirs with an acoustic intro, The Pilgrim doesn't though. The unique characteristic is that the lyrics are actually written by Janick! As far as I know, he's never written lyrics for Maiden before.

Clue #2: Self-explanatory.

Clue #3: The Pilgrim is among the shortest songs on the album, on an album with a ton of long and epic songs. All songs on AMOLAD start in E minor, except The Legacy which starts in D minor. The Pilgrim has a bit of Phrygian phrasing in the oriental melodies as well.

Clue #4: Like The Trooper, The Assassin, The Mercenary and plenty of other "The (...)" songs, The Pilgrim is one of them.

Clue #5: As with the rest of AMOLAD, the entire album was played in 2006. The next year saw a new leg of the tour and a modified setlist with the A Matter Of The Beast tour, dropping a bunch of AMOLAD songs and playing a couple of TNOTB songs instead.

Your turn @Black Bart! Looking forward to your clues :)