Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1: Action is his reward.

Clue #2:
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Clue #3:

Clue #4: This song contains a laugh.

Clue #5: Marillion - g

Clue #6: They say chances on the outside are looking pretty slim

Incorrect guesses: Gates of Tomorrow/ The Mercenary/ Iron Maiden/ Be Quick Or Be Dead/ The Nomad/ Caught Somewhere in Time/ Public Enema Number One/ El Dorado/ Moonchild/ Killers / Childhood's End/ Hooks in You
The Assassin
Winner! :)

Clue #1: Action is his reward.
< "It's not the money I make / It's the thrill of the chase"

Clue #2:
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< in Queen's "Death On Two Legs", the bridge including "You're just an old barrow boy" ends with "but now you can kiss my ass goodbye" // "And you can kiss your ass goodbye"

Clue #3:
< "I watch the way you walk"... and decide whether to give a grant for it or not. :D

Clue #4: This song contains a laugh.
< just before the solo section

Clue #5: Marillion - g
< On the album Fugazi, Marillion opened with "Assassing" (namely, the song we were looking for, minus the letter g)

Clue #6: They say chances on the outside are looking pretty slim
< a line from Thin Lizzy's "Cold Sweat" // "I'm in a cold, cold sweat / I taste the smell of death"

Congratulations @Vaenyr , your turn! :)
Clue #1: The song we are looking for references a character in the lyrics. The same character is referenced in a song on the previous album. A few albums earlier there was even a song about that same character and titled after them.
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Clue #2: Multiple songs on the same album as our mystery song have the same exact songwriting credits as the song we are looking for.

Previous Clues:
Clue #1:
The song we are looking for references a character in the lyrics. The same character is referenced in a song on the previous album. A few albums earlier there was even a song about that same character and titled after them.

Incorrect Guesses: The Prophecy, Fates Warning, Hooks In You, From Here To Eternity