Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1 :

In the song you can find a Stratovarius song, a TV series and an unusual physics theory.

Clue #2 :

We all run some kind of marathon in parallel with our fellows human, no matter if lonely or not...

Incorrect guesses : Lost in a Lost World /// Brighter Than A Thousand Suns /// Die With Your Boots On ///
Clue 1:
In the lyrics to this song, you'll find the name of a legendary video game from the 1990s. You'll also find the name of an Iron Maiden B-side.
Clue 1:
In the lyrics to this song, you'll find the name of a legendary video game from the 1990s. You'll also find the name of an Iron Maiden B-side.

Clue 2:
The writing of the song was a collaborative effort. One more song on the album has the same writing credit.

Guesses torn in two: 2 Minutes to Midnight, Brighter Than a Thousand Suns, The Parchment