Guess The Iron Maiden Song!


Clue #1 :

In this song, you can find another Stratovarius song, a word that appears in other Maiden songs, the last name of an american female singer, two Queen songs and a Within Temptation song.

Stratovarius' song => "Infinity"
A word that appears in many Maiden's songs => "nightmare"
The last name of an american female singer => Maria Brink from the band In This Moment
Queen's songs => "Save Me" and "Play The Game"
Within Temptation's song => "Restless"

(And I could have also added another Maiden's song in the unique clue => "Wildest Dreams")
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Clue #1: In the lyrics will find the title of a song by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, which appears more than once.

Incorrect guesses: No More Lies, Communication Breakdown
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Time for a new clue...

Clue #1: In the lyrics will find the title of a song by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, which appears more than once.

Clue #2: This song has been played live.

Incorrect guesses: No More Lies, Communication Breakdown, Fear Of The Dark, Caught somewhere in time
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