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Any particular reason? Malmsteen's energy is irresistible, I don't get the hate. Plus, that tone.I’m mostly here to vote for Gojira and against Yngwie.
I expected better of you Mosh!

Any particular reason? Malmsteen's energy is irresistible, I don't get the hate. Plus, that tone.I’m mostly here to vote for Gojira and against Yngwie.
One thing I just don't really enjoy anymore is how incredibly processed (& technique disguised) most Metal music is. I get there's other aspects to enjoy, besides guitars. But, well, drums are drums; and vocals pull bands/songs down for me, not elevate them. I sound like a tone-nerd here, but Malmsteen's ability to play so cleanly with that open, unforgiving tone (in terms of picking & fingering errors/missteps) puts him head & shoulders above most of the playing in this cup/survivor. And, as a guitar player, I find that more intersting to listen to than quite a lot of what's featured so far. Basically, I don't really seem to share the same tastes as the majority here, and regularly find little merit in bands peeps seem super stoked about. BG just doesn't interest me. FNM are inventive, funny, and entertaining. The rest no real opinion on.There’s some Yngwie I like and I agree he has great tone. The smoothness of his playing on a single coil guitar is remarkable. I think he lacks in songwriting, even from an instrumental shred POV. The songs with vocals, while catchy, seem to serve primarily as a guitar showcase, which makes the presence of Soto (who is severely underused) questionable. I’m going to listen to both songs before voting, but that’s my reasoning going into this. I’ll take Malmsteen in Alcatrazz though.
Against weaker competition, Malmsteen might still have a chance. But the Blind Guardian album is a juggernaut. It’s an appropriate matchup, because I think BG is a similar brand of Metal, but it feels like more of a complete package rather than guitar + everything else.
You have at least 1 vote from me.The Def Leppard album is up against Led Zeppelin’s Physical Graffiti.
The Powerwolf album is up against the Rainbow debut.
Well I haven't paid too much attention, but this is 100% less diverse than From Mars to Sirius and The Way of All Flesh.
IMO third best. Still appreciate a bit more the rawness of the band's debut and Follow The Blind is purely unparalleled.Tales from the Twilight World is the best Blind Guardian album to me.
From Mars To Sirius is where the band starts to explore and is also a really diverse album. But TWOAF? No way.Well I haven't paid too much attention, but this is 100% less diverse than From Mars to Sirius and The Way of All Flesh.