LooseCannon said:
And fuck, nush, Foro, even though sometime sI get angry at you you crazy ductham ...dutchaamn.....dutchman. FUCK. yeah. Come over here and get the fuck drunk on Canadian beer. And then thers' Zare. I said Zare already, fuck yerah.

I'm honoured by that request. :)
If you ever come to Western Europe, on my side of the North Sea I'd be glad to have you here too!  :cheers:
Haha nice post and I'm glad I got a mention! That was very entertaining to read, it made me feel drunk just reading it :D
Bleh. I don't even know where to start. I have a hip-hop freak sleeping on ym couch right now. If you forgive, I won't pay attention to capitalisation and grammar from now n. Too... tied? Drunk? All of the above? What do I know.

Started the night at a place of the cousin of a friend of mine. Was fine, only that that friend... Oh, when I mention that she's fmeale, you can geuss. anyway, i took my mate,  who is into hip hop, t a party even in the same block. a metal party, obviously. i was told that his creed wasn't all that pipular there. well, shit. now hes sleeping on my coich and i need to get him out by tmrorrow. there are moments whn life just kind of sucks.
Not tht drunk,buit drunk enoiugh to think abouit you guys! ANd to stype shitty.

Love you guyd! Hopeto meet as many possible of you forumers, one day.
Ahhhh. why the hell does alcogol make me feel more relaxed. Siuddenly I don'ty  care a shit aboiut different (political) opinio0jns.

*drinks* to Nigel, berafan and all who diagree with me!

Fulfilled my duty, and now rtlellying everyone that I#m drunk.-  n      guys, yob know what that means, just let me sleep. i love you, you known that i told you a lot of times. heres a nice pic for you all from five yoears ago:

dude what, today i put my acoustikc outsided and take, i cant play it a t alll even though noone else can play i steill hear i play shitty and it could be done better ,i plaay bad
On the other side fucking cold today, where is the season calendar? Sorry mods, delete or admins, it s okay. I am glad i took my guitar home not harmed but ew liee sheck tomorrow and i rewrite almost every whord and still some mistakes. and today we managed to get our characters in Dungeons and dragons so we will probably play, i am hobit thief, we will make up some of our history but most of the thibngs are quite clear right now. we done a lemond and some vodka, sprite, peers, and i am from not good family i chose it. tomorrow or Sunday we can continue and PJ will make astory.
Hell yeah, nwe giutira sounds good, there were like 50x more bautiful but sounded shitty likem y arse, difference is huge and prinicpal. Massive, dude. I thought i would not hear the difference, but hell fucking yse. They played like a chair seats eaten by termites, so i am content.
At the mometnt, I'm at my borther's house and had a few drinks of wine and beer. Not feeling reallyt well, but I can stand on my feet/ Think I had yoo amnyy tohigh.t So I think I won't have anymore dirkns at the monetm...

More bad news, I'll walk home tonight, which is about 1,5 miles (3 KM( AWAY.
Eddies Wingman said:
Almost sober post: 1,5 miles is a walk in the park. Shouldn't take you much more than half an hour. :cheers:

Mauybe.. but consideting that I'm drunk, I wouldn-t call it a walk in the park...

Birhtday party isa b-day party..  :cheers:
I'm not drunk, but I'm still feeling REEEEEEEAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL GOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some people here say that thursday is a little friday. I don't care how to translate it so you understand the meaning, but I'm very sleepy