You know what's sad? We as grown up boys and girls are too tired to come up with cool ideas and stuff, instead we just go home, because we cannot find something that would entertain us all. At least I'm gonna sleep as long as I want (I SINCERELY HOPE MY LITTLE SISTERS WON'T DO ANY NOISE AT MORNING) so I'll take advantage of that oportuniny. Once in a week, this time.
concept of 'fun' changes from when we were younger. Then, fun revolved around 'outsmarting authority, parents, teachers, etc'. Once you have reached an age you don't have to be a rebel, its a whole new game![/sober post]
Maidenfans for life!

Got me feeling myself and reeling around
Got me talking but feel like walking around

Got me feeling myself and reeling a...
Got me talking but nothing's with me...

it cant get much better than this!!
Again, drunk posting.  I would hate to do this five times in a row, so someone else please post here... :ninja:
No DT or RUsh hatsowever. Only starblind and our blind roof climbing Glad to have jukobesx here.

they outta get me they wont catch me IM fucking innocent break me!
How is it possible that I have six vodka energy, two vodka shots and a glass of wine and even my best mate who's known me for ten years says that I'm "a bit tipsy"?
HEy I found this thread, so that doesn't mean I'm drunk enough does it? Although the end of exams uni prob crawl was lots of fun!
Reporting in, depending on definition of drunk  ::)

Shall never understand people who want to share discussions/interests with others but object when opinions differ  ::) Shall also never understand how things came to -this-. Sigh.

What is sleep?
Christ, you must have drank them fast, because if you don't drink often, one glass of wine should get you going...
Wine sneaks up on you. I'd bet had you drank slowly, you'd have had a nice buzz part way through the second one.
Hi guys. First time drunk in awhile. Feet are tingly. It's kinda nice.

Look. Foro, sometimes you're a dick, you know? You talk (or type) before you think. But I don't think the forum would be the same without you.

Perun...why aren't you here? Seriously. You're like my brother in terms of likes and stuff. And Onhell too, that crazy fucking Mexican. Bearfan is all like Republican but he's still cool.

MCKINDOG you're new but cool. And POM is old but cool. Awesome. this community is incredible. So diverse and awesome. Shadow grew up here. Think about that. He became a man while talking here.

It's incredible to think that some of my good friends are "guys from a forum". I wouldn't trade the world for Maidenfans and the people here.

JON! He's our new owner but he's cool too!

My drunk threads tend to be shoutouts. Just pondering. FREEWHEEL BURNING!!!!


SMX is the man. Seriously. I think the world of the people here. Wasted? I'm wasted, but only Wasted can be Wasted. Fuck. Yeah. That guy is the MAN. You have no idea.

I want to invite everyone on Maidenfans to my place for Canada Day. Come do it. Anyone is welcome.

And yeah...love this site. Makes my world. You're the rock awesomes. So drunk. Yeah.

....I miss Mav. Come back, my old friend. But don't be quite so much of a dick.

And Freaky, but what the fuck ever, I still listen to Nomad Soul.


Anyway, ending this now. if I missed you (Mosh, cox, NP, Nat, whoever) I still think you rock. Hearts!