What rocks? Being in control of the music for a while. You Shook Me All Night Long, Paranoid, 2 Minutes to Midnight, Highway Star, Paradise City.

What does not rock? When somebody else change the music in the middle of Screaming For Vengeance ... only to play Whitney fucking Houston and Mariah bleedin' Carey. Fuck off.

What rocks? Somebody else pick up where I left it, with Balls To The Wall.

What does not rock? Somebody interrupt Balls To The Wall to play bloody dance music.

No wonder I am drinking.
shit i managed torreply but a bottl of whiskey down aqnd i can stioll type
kareokes goijnfg well and i canme hit somre crazu high notes :D
18 tomorrow so celberation time and cba witnh spellchecking this time and ope everyone ha s a good night
and if anyne can beat me singing.. some some song by the veronuicas about beuing unmtouched without being kicked in the bollocks then good luck top them ;) xxx
I donæt think you tyoping was very good, but mine is probably not excellent either after seven pints and some scotch.

I did not sing for the whole night, exceåt a little while standing in the line for the loo. I managed to hold back my urge to sing while waiting for the tube bacl home. I guess that means I didn't drink enough.

23:46 and I'm hammered. Good times, trust me.

Now, I know what you are all thinking. You are thkning, there is nothing hotter than a girl dancing to this:


and trust me, there isn't. except, a girl dancing to thnis:


that's the stuff dream are made off. However, ther e is still ONE thing hotter than that, and that's a girl dancing to this;

And I'll tell you this much: if there has ever been a thing in this world I've known for sure, it's what I have stated above.
So sreously guys. I may tri devil cry. Devil may criy. And dance with the devil beat of theband now it's time to get on foreve foreve na na na, nay na y na y nay nay nay dadid daid diadi dadi my fine friend teake me with you forever
I don't think I've ever been that disappointed by witnessing Germany lose a football match. A few years back I wouldn't have guessed I would ever be disappointed by witnessing Germany lose a football match.

Fuck off, Mario Balotelli. I don't like you.
A few points come to mind and I shall display them in the order I think of them!

1) Playing killer without touching a pool cue for 6 months is bad 'mmkay.
2) Need more cider to sleep
3) It's funny how alone you can be in a crowded room.
4) In relation to my tastes in music: Prog is teh suck
5) No chance for contact, there's no raison d'etre. My only hope is one day I'll forget. The Pain of knowing, what can never be.
6) Bless me, come the dawn.
7) Angry, unhappy, drunken Idol is a mean Idol
8) I don't wanna be the Crimson Idol of a million.
9) Don't you think that you need somebody, don't you think that you need someone? Everybody needs somebody, you're not the only one.
10) Alcohol cannot diminish my typing skills, in some ways it makes me more aware of the mistakes I make :/
11) Tell me lies, sweet lies. As long as it's not about love.
12) This post is more revealing than it should be.
13) Other stuff.
14) Before the dawn, I hear you whisper.
Hey guys I'm really drunk. itsnot even fair because i had to drink like a lot to get this drunk. it was my friends bacherlor party and there werent even any strippers. ok? but whatever my friend is really like uh he's ok but he's getting married and i dindt think thatd happen sow hoa. she's a nice girl but they are made for wahch toher if you know what i mean right?
Overly Analytical Mind + Alcohol = Bad Mmmkay.
Discussion Has Also Lead Me To Believe That The Youth Of Today Is Disappointing.

Capitalising Words Is Cool, Right?