Eddies Wingman said:
As you go down in flames you collide with LC's time machine which sends you back to 1120 AD. You befriend a brown bear by sharing the fish you caught in the river earlier that morning. You both stroll through the forest, share stories, wrestle and laugh. A week later your playful banter is interrupted by the sound of charging horses. You are surrounded by the king's men! They beat you up for living in the king's forest without paying tax or rent and eating the king's fish, you are declared an OUTLAAAAW! Your new friend, Berenstain, named after your favorite series of children's books, The Berenstain Bears, jumps to your help, but is quickly subdued and chained.
You are both taken to Winchester where the annual fleece fair and market are taking place. You are put in the stocks where people through rotten tomatoes at you while your friend Berenstain is prepared for that awesome tradition that is bearbaiting. You watch from your uncomfortable position as Berenstain is forced to fight five greyhounds while being chained. He dispatches them one by one, but not without taken damage himself.
As one greyhound remains Berenstain musters all his strength, breaks the chain, eats the dog and turns his rage on the crowd. Quickly the kings men begin to shoot it with arrows as he charges the crowd in your direction trampling men, women and children without discrimination. He finally reaches you, slowly and weakly from all the blood loss. You think he has come to you as you are his only friend and you shared a wonderful week in the forest and you hope that he might actually save you by shattering the stocks. Instead once he is face to face with you he says, "This would have never happened to me if I hadn't met you... Fuck you," and he decapitates you with one brutal swipe of his paw as his last act before he collapses to his death...
I wish I had a better printer.