
I have very fond memories of the time I spent in Southampton (lived in Portswood and Shirley).

Shirley? You can't be serious

Eh, it's a Chinese problem as far as I'm concerned. in a country of 1.3 BILLION people, 71K cases and less than 2K deaths is a drop in the bucket. They'll be fine, we'll be fine, it's all fine.

The U.S flu is a bigger threat to North America at the moment... that's MY concern. Dengue was a bigger concern here in Mexico. Soooo.... I have enough diseases to worry about to add a practically non-existant threat.
Blast from (thread) past.

Well, that escalated quickly. In Poland we have now around 400 new cases daily.
Blast from (thread) past.

Well, that escalated quickly. In Poland we have now around 400 new cases daily.
For sure! From Chinese problem, to global pandemic... all them people traveling, not just to China, but Italy. Read on that there's supposed to be more hurricanes than normal this season... In other words 2020 is a fucking infomercial, "But wait, There's MORE!"
Yeah, it's pretty interesting going back and reading the first couple pages in this thread and comparing them to where things stand now. (Almost) no one was able to forsee how serious this would become and how quickly things would escalate in just a matter of weeks.
Walmart limits the number of customers in stores to help fight the spread of coronavirus

Walmart on Saturday began limiting the number of customers who can be in its stores at once because of the coronavirus pandemic.

"We have been concerned to still see some behaviors in our stores that put undue risk on our people," Walmart's executive vice president and chief operating officer Dacona Smith wrote in a Friday blog post. "We want to encourage customers to bring the fewest number of people per family necessary to shop."

No more than five customers are allowed per 1,000 square feet in the store at any given time, the retail giant announced in the blog post. Once a store reaches that capacity, a customer can't enter until another exits.
Walmart is using floor markers, asking people to move in one direction in each aisle and avoid close contact with others. Customers will be directed to use a different door to exit than the one they entered.

So Trump is trying to stop the American 3M firm from shipping surgical masks to Canada, America’s closest ally.
The material 3M uses to make those masks is produced in Canada, at a plant not too far away from me.
He's spot on.

I get anxious down the shops with morons blocking the aisles and behaving exactly as normal. What's the point in queuing to get into the shops, and limiting the amount of people in them and then observing social distancing at the tills if the rest of the time in the shops people are behaving like absolute cunts.
He's spot on.

I get anxious down the shops with morons blocking the aisles and behaving exactly as normal. What's the point in queuing to get into the shops, and limiting the amount of people in them and then observing social distancing at the tills if the rest of the time in the shops people are behaving like absolute cunts.
I had to queue to get into a supermarket this morning, but fortunately we have some warm weather now so it wasn't too unpleasant. When I got in the shopping experience was much more serene than usual. The main frustration being waiting for the person in front to move along so I can get the specific item I want! There are also a small number of people who pretty much ignore the 2m rule and just walk straight past each other. This is particularly problematic in smaller shops.

Stocks seem to be coming back to normal now though. I even saw copious amounts of hand sanitizer in Boots this morning! :eek:
Flour returned to the stores around here yesterday morning. Still no sign of TP, but paper towels made a return.

Most people seem to be honoring the 6 foot boundary, but as usual some aren’t, including some store employees. Oh well. I think I have enough supplies to not have to shop for a couple of weeks now.
Another 10 deaths in Poland and 400 new cases. However something fishy is with the death numbers - I know people in one hospital, they lost three patients but in official numbers they put only one death and city hall said that there was no deaths.

Also there is suspicion that corvid-19 was in our country since january. There are official data about deaths for several types of diseases, since 2018 number of deaths related to lung diseases was around 200 on average, in this year number was above 700. This would also explain number of strange cases around my city. I also was sick for over a week with cough, fever, I was to tired to even go to bathroom and had occasionally problems with breathing. Rest of my family was also sick with same symptoms and many people that I know but that also could be strange case of flu - who knows.
The boyfriend also found copious amounts of bog roll in Lidl - the supply chain is starting to catch up. Trouble is, every time this looks like happening the Government says something stupid and it all kicks off again :rolleyes:
Well the PM was correct in saying that we have "very resilient" supply chains. The supermarkets and other major retailers have done well for the past couple of weeks since social distancing became a requirement, but they were so slow to react to the panic buying. Once the advice on hand washing was disseminated by the NHS, Public Health England etc. the retail sector should have figured out that people would stock up on soap and anti-bacterial gel. The toilet paper one is strange though. I can't make any sense of it. There may have been no forewarning to the retail sector from the NHS about the hand-washing advice but the reaction to the panic buying was sloth like. Hopefully for the next pandemic in 20 years time or whenever retailers will have figured out how to deal with the surge in demand. There was generally a lack of common sense shown by store managers I reckon. As soon as stockpiling started it should have been nipped in the bud right away, but they let it go on for at least a week before putting limits on the number of items per purchase.
Well the PM was correct in saying that we have "very resilient" supply chains. The supermarkets and other major retailers have done well for the past couple of weeks since social distancing became a requirement, but they were so slow to react to the panic buying. Once the advice on hand washing was disseminated by the NHS, Public Health England etc. the retail sector should have figured out that people would stock up on soap and anti-bacterial gel. The toilet paper one is strange though. I can't make any sense of it. There may have been no forewarning to the retail sector from the NHS about the hand-washing advice but the reaction to the panic buying was sloth like. Hopefully for the next pandemic in 20 years time or whenever retailers will have figured out how to deal with the surge in demand. There was generally a lack of common sense shown by store managers I reckon. As soon as stockpiling started it should have been nipped in the bud right away, but they let it go on for at least a week before putting limits on the number of items per purchase.

The toilet paper demand might be explained by too many thick people thinking this was a norovirus instead of a coronavirus...