They weren't properly policing things back then. There were about 20 fines total in this area in March to June, and parties kicking off all over the place.
They weren't properly policing things back then. There were about 20 fines total in this area in March to June, and parties kicking off all over the place.
If you mean Cummings, it would have ended up being a legal battle about police misconduct and political/social class bias wrongfully influencing law enforcement, seeing as he wasn't caught at the time and the anti Cummings campaign was being championed about by a tabloid mob.
Remember Plebgate. At least that politician did the honorable thing and resigned from his role, but the police took a hammering too.
Coronavirus ice cream.
Ice cream tests positive for coronavirus in China
Contamination ‘probably a one-off’ and no cause for panic, virologist
Anyone else wonder what it tastes like? Or would you just not be able to taste anything?