Can this still be real or just some crazy dream?

I had a very unusual dream. It felt like watching the pilot episode of a strange and surreal TV series. For a while I thought it was Breaking Bad, because it had at least one actor from there, the black drug lord. But now I think it was a whole new series because the events resembled nothing that I’ve seen. Basically, in a music-video style montage, characters would be introduced on the screen one at a time. It was a bright sunny day and the camera look had a stylistic overexposed quality. So a character would be given a 30-second sequence, approximately, then another character would be introduced at another place and so on. And the sequences were totally bizarre. The Breaking Bad black guy’s is one of the few that I remember. He walked up to the entrance of a typical American suburban house, with a front lawn, and peeked in through the see-through door to see if anyone’s home. I saw it from inside-the-house perspective so I could see his face. He was wearing a suit and hat. Momentarily, there was a gun pointed to the back of his head or at least something similar, and he noticed this, as he said: “The man who will kill me is…me.” He didn’t exactly say this, it sounded more like voice-over mixed in with sound effects and faint eerie music in the background. The image was edited using some jump cuts, some shots were dragged out longer, so the flow of time felt dreamy. The man walked away from the house in a wide shot taken from above the roof. Another sequence had John Cusack driving a convertible on a city street. The fleeting buildings had this stylized high-speed tunneling look, which put the center of the screen with Cusack into focus. A shot showed his perspective from the driver’s seat for a moment: a long empty road ahead, except is there someone standing on the road far away? Cut back to shot of the car. Cut back to driver’s POV: Cusack drives into a person standing on the road. This is basically a jump scare, and it actually scares me. You know those horror movie shots where someone’s driving and something appears in front of the vehicle out of the dark? It’s similar to that, except it’s broad daylight and what Cusack has hit is a person, not a monster. He throws his head back and looks at the sky in disbelief of what has happened. Again this wooshy not-quite-there music video style montage. That’s the end of his sequence. There are many more but I can’t recall them clearly.

A very oddly inspiring dream, sort of horrific but very believable in that it could actually be a bizarre TV series. I will see if I can create a story from that in my head.
This weekend I came down with a nasty cold. I decided to ride it out relatively med free (took night time cold medicine to get good sleep) and well, it was an adventure. I went from fever to cold sweats to being really hot, back to cold. What was really interesting is I had a recurring dream. Like many of my recent dreams I don't recall the details, just how I felt and it wasn't good. I can easily categorize this one as a nightmare. I entered an alternate dimension and felt an overwhelming sense of foreboding and fear. As though something really bad was just waiting for me not that far away. Then... out of nowhere... Mariska Hargitay appears as her Law and Order SVU character and says, "We'll get this thing!" and I'm all like, "um... ok." I would wake up to blow my nose, go to the bathroom and back to bed and there I'd be again, same liminal space, same sense of dread and Mariska would come back to "save" me. Very odd.... Again, on no meds, so I guess it had to be the fever.
This weekend I came down with a nasty cold. I decided to ride it out relatively med free (took night time cold medicine to get good sleep) and well, it was an adventure. I went from fever to cold sweats to being really hot, back to cold. What was really interesting is I had a recurring dream. Like many of my recent dreams I don't recall the details, just how I felt and it wasn't good. I can easily categorize this one as a nightmare. I entered an alternate dimension and felt an overwhelming sense of foreboding and fear. As though something really bad was just waiting for me not that far away. Then... out of nowhere... Mariska Hargitay appears as her Law and Order SVU character and says, "We'll get this thing!" and I'm all like, "um... ok." I would wake up to blow my nose, go to the bathroom and back to bed and there I'd be again, same liminal space, same sense of dread and Mariska would come back to "save" me. Very odd.... Again, on no meds, so I guess it had to be the fever.
Mariska rules. Get well very soon!
Was talking to a friend about a weird dream she had the other night, so I thought I'd go through my dream journal that I started in 2017 and stopped using last summer to see if there was anything worth sharing. There are an embarrassing number of erotic ones in there, early-twenties Edington had a bit of a problem :facepalm:
Was talking to a friend about a weird dream she had the other night, so I thought I'd go through my dream journal that I started in 2017 and stopped using last summer to see if there was anything worth sharing. There are an embarrassing number of erotic ones in there, early-twenties Edington had a bit of a problem :facepalm:

Was it a problem or just human being human? Before my ex and I were official I was talking to another woman who invaded my subconscious more than I'd like to admit. Then it went away.
Was it a problem or just human being human? Before my ex and I were official I was talking to another woman who invaded my subconscious more than I'd like to admit. Then it went away.

Well, I was in my early twenties, so partly just "being human". But, I did also have a bit of an issue with pornography that started in 2016, shortly after I turned 21, and probably carried on for the best part of eighteen months, a lot of the dreams involved particular stars I liked at the time. I suppose seeing their names in my journal on a near-daily basis kept them in my mind even after I started to kick the problem.
View from a drone in the sky. My father is standing in a forest clearing, bridge to the north, announcing he's marrying my mother and quitting his job in the car insurance company Elbit. His coworkers cheer and my parents walk away. A big text appears: "Elbit, the only company that lets you leave in Israel". I feel happy. It then appears on two adjacent screen, but instead of "Israel" it's "Ohio" and "Mexico".

The movie begins playing. The drone begins flying upwards, and it passes a car in its rising, with a barely blurred license plate that clearly ends with "3-230". As the drone reaches its position, there are 3 girls standing near the car. The short one says the plate for sure ends with either 230 or 238. The tall one says it can't be 238, because of the rule that if you see a license plate it doesn't end with 238. They lift the plastic covering the license plate and it actually ends with 171. An advertisement by the bank plays out. They sell fake license plates to put over the car's real one.

There are 6 big rectangular buildings of that bank, 3 in each row facing each other, wild west town style. They're mostly white and outlined with orange, and their tops are the shape of a quarter of a cylinder. Those periodically open outwards asynchronously. Sometimes you see the people inside working. Sometimes there's a huge pair of eyes. Sometimes nothing.
I came home from work and took a 40-minute nap (it felt like two hours), during which I saw a highly emotional dream.
There was a library or art gallery looking white hall where a film was screened to a group of people. The film was about a young man who went from Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, to Pärnu which is a town about 1.5 hour’s drive away. He met up with some punk-style high-school-aged guys and they made plans for the evening. There were intermittent scenes where the guy from Tallinn was walking in fields of deep snow, they seemed to symbolise loneliness somehow. Whether these fresh snow scenes happened in Tallinn, Pärnu or were outside of the film altogether, I don’t know. Anyway, the guys had some beers and planned to go back to Tallinn together. A girl their age came along and also a slightly older (in his 30s) drunk guy whom the Pärnu boys happened to know. Driving back towards Tallinn together in one of the high schoolers’ car, the Tallinn guy realised he had left his own car somewhere on the outskirts of Pärnu. The others assured him he would be coming back for his car another time. During the ride, he became increasingly anxious about the events unraveling. The high school punks seemed alright, but the 30-something creep had a violent aura around him. Once in Tallinn, the drunk insisted they pick up a friend of his at Järve, a place in the capital city. His friend was equally drunk, creepy and physically imposing so the youngsters were afraid to refuse picking him up. So the 5-6 of them in total went to a house and started drinking. Time passed and at one point, the Tallinn guy got up and went to the next room, to discover a shocking site. The girl that had come along with them was face down on a bed, a pool of blood just starting to spread around her body, and the two drunks were obviously responsible for that. “They had tried to rape her, she had struggled back, so they killed her,” ran through the protagonist’s mind, and it made him unbelievably sad. It was like him, plus a person watching the film in the audience, plus I in real life started crying our eyes out together. I think the film ended at that point but I was acutely sad for a long time afterwards. So sad for that girl who had done nothing bad and was pointlessly killed. It felt like the “I” character in the audience was the only one having that reaction, it was a feeling of guilt maybe. I tried to get others to notice my miserable state but nobody did.

I started thinking, perhaps I could write a short film screenplay out of this, where one of the audience members is related to the contents of the film they’re being shown, it triggers guilt that’s been hidden inside him, and he goes back to retrieve the car he had left in Pärnu in one of those intermittent quiet night snow scenes, perhaps only to drive that car into a tree on purpose. When you start digging around, there’s so many stories of horrible things happening to ordinary, innocent people, and on numerous occasions, these stories have made me cry. Like reading about somebody who dissapeared ten years ago and hasn’t been found, or has been found murdered for unknown reasons, I think about the pain it must have caused their relatives, and it makes me very sad indeed. This dream was just like one of those real life stories.
I've been sleeping a lot since I caught Covid last week. It's been 5-6 hours, two times per day. Like a fucking cat.

I had a good one today where I dreamt that Larry David was in a new episode in Black Mirror and had the whole world applauding him for a gripping and dramatic performance
It was the 2040s and a civil war had broken out in America. The bad side were co-operating with aliens to blow up the Earth. I was with the good guys, who had to stop them from transporting the bomb to the right place but it seemed hopelessly late already. Parallel to this, I was in a large grey hall where some sort of exhibition/presentation was taking place. An old artist man made me look at his painting (which was remarkably detailed in the dream) and explain what I saw. I didn’t think the painting was very good but I was curious why the old guy chose me of all people. The bad guys eventually reached their destination and some 4-5 purple aliens helped them set up the bomb. Then the dream ended.
It was the 2040s and a civil war had broken out in America. The bad side were co-operating with aliens to blow up the Earth. I was with the good guys, who had to stop them from transporting the bomb to the right place but it seemed hopelessly late already. Parallel to this, I was in a large grey hall where some sort of exhibition/presentation was taking place. An old artist man made me look at his painting (which was remarkably detailed in the dream) and explain what I saw. I didn’t think the painting was very good but I was curious why the old guy chose me of all people. The bad guys eventually reached their destination and some 4-5 purple aliens helped them set up the bomb. Then the dream ended.
There are some similarities with my dream of May 9 2022!
It always seems to be that whenever I dream about driving I can never focus on the road. Last night I was driving along a country lane in the snow and kept zoning out, having to rouse myself at the last second to avoid an oncoming car or driving into the ditch.
It always seems to be that whenever I dream about driving I can never focus on the road. Last night I was driving along a country lane in the snow and kept zoning out, having to rouse myself at the last second to avoid an oncoming car or driving into the ditch.
I haven’t dreamt about driving since I got my driver’s license in summer. Prior to that, I used to dream quite frequently about having to drive and messing it up (almost crashing and driving into people) or being in the backseat and somebody else driving recklessly.
I rarely have dreams about driving (I don´t drive IRL) but when I do it usually ends in a collision.
I had one like that about riding a motorcycle. I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 20, but when I was like 10 I had a dream I was riding a motorcycle. I was very confused at first, because I had no idea how I was doing it since I didn't even ride a bike. Finally I gave into the dream and was really enjoying riding the motorcycle until my excitement got the best of me and I rode off a cliff. Instead of falling and dying, however, I began to fly! I flew up into the sky, everything became white and I woke up.