Can this still be real or just some crazy dream?

Peculiar dream. My brother informed me that every guitar amplifier in the world includes components that could be used to make a hydrogen bomb powerful enough to destroy the whole world. The imagination of this flashed before my eyes. Anyone with a guitar amp and a little bit of tinkering skills could just end the world if they wanted to. I became paranoid that millions of people over the world have the fate of the world in their hands, and it’s only a matter of time before somebody creates the guitar amp hydrogen bomb.
Interesting I was watering watching Oppenheimer for first time and had strange thoughts about the blast on Tuesday and Wednesday somewhere between the time zones.
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It's a completely bonkers film that may cheer you up if it's your sort of thing ...
The baddie accidentally makes an atomic bomb out of a beer keg and Albert plays his guitar off it so as to drain off the power and stop it exploding.

Hence Albert saves the world with rock 'n'roll :shred:
I was hanging around god-knows-where when I stumbled upon a parking lot next to a highway and decided to set up a table and my computer there. I was browsing the web and @Night Prowler claimed to have bought a 10,000 dollar guitar (a Music Man John Petrucci signature with the body shape of a Gibson Les Paul, imagine that). I was a bit envious but expressed desire to play NP’s guitar one day. Then I hopped into the store (there was a little store at the far end of the parking lot). Looking around the aisles, I dreadfully realised that I had a plane to catch, and before that I had to take a bus to the airport. I didn’t know when or where I would get to said bus, though. I rushed outside, saw all my belongings still around the table. I considered myself lucky that nothing had been stolen. I quickly packed my laptop and monitor into my backpack, and grabbed all my stuff (except the table) when I saw a bus approaching down the highway. The screen in front of the bus read: “44 - Pöide”. Pöide is an Estonian village with 22 inhabitants, no idea why my brain chose that place but I knew this was the bus I had to take. It pulled aside at a bus stop 50-100 metres ahead of me. I tried to catch it but running was so damn difficult, especially due to the baggage I was carrying. The bus closed its doors and drove off again. In one last attempt I started waving at the bus, hoping that the driver would see me in the rear view mirror and acknowledge my despair. Miraculously, the bus opened its doors again, and I saw the familiar face of an old classmate calling me. I hurried as fast as I could and finally hopped onto the bus, but the weight of my stuff was pulling back on me, so I felt like I was falling out of the bus as soon as I had stepped inside. The dream ended at that point, so I don’t know whether I stayed in the bus or fell out again.
I had a horrible dream Friday night. It wasn't a nightmare, in fact I wish it had been. instead I had to deal with something much worse. I've been really stressed out lately (health related) and also mildly depressed (socially related), so I've been having issues sleeping. To make things worse that night I dreamt all the horrible things I ever did to my GF. All the times I blew up for no reason, yelled, was petty, etc. I guess it was a preview of getting judged when I die. I've spent the rest of the weekend feeling like complete shit, randomly crying and just overall sulking. I have no idea how the rest of my week is going to go as I haven't been able to shake this feeling.

Thing is, my GF and I came to have great communication and we talked it all out, sincerely apologized and took responsibility for what we both did that hurt each other, so I have no idea where this came from. I've decided that when we get a chance to talk again I will apologize again, because I hate the version of me that did that and it destroys me that I was so mean to someone I care about.
Update: just spoke with her and she called me a sweet idiot for worrying over things she had long forgiven me for, still felt good to hear it. As I too had suspected she said it's just probably the stress over my upcoming medical appointments. If that's the case I can expect two more weeks of this hell. Fun times.
I think I've finally twigged what my recurring dream about missing Christmas Day means. It's never exactly the same, but the situation is, either I wake up very late in the evening and I've missed most of Christmas Day, or wake up Boxing Day and I've missed it completely, or I reach Christmas Eve and realise I've failed to finish my shopping. It's been going on for a little while, I've always found it a bit strange but never stopped to think about what it means, until a stray thought hit me the other day.

I still enjoy Christmas, but it's definitely not the same as when I was little. The present-buying certainly makes it slightly more stressful, and it's become more of a bittersweet and very nostalgic time. Watching the old films, listening to the old songs (avoiding Wham!, of course), putting up the old decorations, thinking about the year that's coming to an end and, in particular, thinking about past Christmases, and I think my dreams are a manifestation of a subconscious fear of getting older.

I'm turning 30 in March, while some people act like they might as well lay down and die, I've never understood. My life took a big upswing in my mid-twenties and got a lot better over just the past year, plus I have older friends who are either still living a great life or had similar upswings in their late-twenties/thirties so I have no reason to think all that's gonna come to an end. But I do think a lot about my future, and maybe worry about things. My sister moved out the year she turned 30 (side note, she also didn't feel her life was over at that age) but, though I've saved hard since I started working at 18, I still don't feel I'm in a position to do it financially. I also think about starting a family, getting married, but I'm still single and I've had some bad luck trying to change that recently. I also just don't feel like I'm nearly thirty, I still get nervous about silly things and don't really feel I like I know what I'm doing and have everything figured out.
I think I've finally twigged what my recurring dream about missing Christmas Day means. It's never exactly the same, but the situation is, either I wake up very late in the evening and I've missed most of Christmas Day, or wake up Boxing Day and I've missed it completely, or I reach Christmas Eve and realise I've failed to finish my shopping. It's been going on for a little while, I've always found it a bit strange but never stopped to think about what it means, until a stray thought hit me the other day.

I still enjoy Christmas, but it's definitely not the same as when I was little. The present-buying certainly makes it slightly more stressful, and it's become more of a bittersweet and very nostalgic time. Watching the old films, listening to the old songs (avoiding Wham!, of course), putting up the old decorations, thinking about the year that's coming to an end and, in particular, thinking about past Christmases, and I think my dreams are a manifestation of a subconscious fear of getting older.

I'm turning 30 in March, while some people act like they might as well lay down and die, I've never understood. My life took a big upswing in my mid-twenties and got a lot better over just the past year, plus I have older friends who are either still living a great life or had similar upswings in their late-twenties/thirties so I have no reason to think all that's gonna come to an end. But I do think a lot about my future, and maybe worry about things. My sister moved out the year she turned 30 (side note, she also didn't feel her life was over at that age) but, though I've saved hard since I started working at 18, I still don't feel I'm in a position to do it financially. I also think about starting a family, getting married, but I'm still single and I've had some bad luck trying to change that recently. I also just don't feel like I'm nearly thirty, I still get nervous about silly things and don't really feel I like I know what I'm doing and have everything figured out.
Maybe you have a subconcious fear that the recent "upswing" in your life will lead to changes that will cut you off from the good things you remember from your childhood?

I say this because I think I am experiencing something similar myself. I don't get the dreams though: it has a different way of manifesting with me.
Maybe you have a subconcious fear that the recent "upswing" in your life will lead to changes that will cut you off from the good things you remember from your childhood?

I say this because I think I am experiencing something similar myself. I don't get the dreams though: it has a different way of manifesting with me.

I'm not sure about that, I lost much of what was good about my childhood a long time ago, but I really do think I'm in a much better place now. I actually went through a phase a few years after I left school where I'd dream about schoolmates I didn't see anymore so might've already been through that stage.

What's your experience been?
What's your experience been?
Well, this might be better-placed in the mental health thread but I will attempt to explain:

I also experienced an "upswing" in my mid-20's - I was about 25 when I finally became sufficiently self-confident to cease worrying about my parents' "disappointment" in me (though by that stage they had more or less got over their "disappointment" and subsided into just thinking I was "a bit strange") and 28 when I ripped it all up and came to Southampton, where I would meet The Boyfriend whom I've been with ever since (23 years and counting). But I've developed a love-hate relationship with Christmas - I still get excited in the lead-up just like I did back-in-the-day, but when IT finally arrives it just passes and feels like a thoroughly damp squib every time.

The thing is though, all my good memories of “back-in-the-day” are also of the lead-up, and completely random to boot: one of my clearest memories of a Christmas Past is of kicking around in a litter-strewn car park on Christmas Eve, waiting for my parents to get thrown out of Woolworths when it wanted to close: because then we would go home and "Have Christmas".

My memories of the actual event are fewer, sketchier and all are decidedly non-emotive: things like the tree never going up until Christmas Eve (or sometimes even the day after that) and having to recycle the same antique wrapping paper year after year. Would Mum get the turkey cooked on Christmas Day or would it have to wait until Boxing Day?

Now, every year I experience a “disappointing” Christmas I think “maybe I’m just too old for this now” - I feel that I’m in danger of losing a link to a mythical past in which I imagine that all the Christmases were wonderful. But could it be that all my Christmases have actually been disappointing and I just don’t remember? I have no idea.