Can this still be real or just some crazy dream?

I was about to play against chess grandmaster Jan-Krzysztof Duda in a world champion title match. I was nervous to play against someone so vastly better than me but I was keen on revising the few openings that I know, like Queen’s Gambit, Sicilian, Ruy Lopez, so that maybe, just maybe luck would be on my side and I could win.
I didn't realize what thread I was on...
So I was on a camping holiday in Croatia, though it was more of a just-pitch-up-in-the-middle-of-some-woods situation. On my first day I headed to a nearby town for some sightseeing, it was nice (though probably didn't resemble Croatia in reality), then at the end of the day I headed to a bus station to catch a bus back to my campsite. Problem was I didn't know where my campsite was, nor could I speak the local language to ask for help. I tried to find my campsite on Google Maps, but only found two, neither of which were mine. I did somehow get aboard a bus, but spent the journey worrying over whether I was heading in the right direction.

I think at some point I did wonder if there were any MaidenFans in Croatia who could help me out. Anyone? I'll give you a shout next time I'm dreaming of being lost in your country. :lol:
Feverish night, couldn’t sleep for hours and hours, and then I had a fever dream.

I was back in military camp and we were exercising outside, running. A fat guy was running right behind me, and he had the dastardly idea to start grabbing my balls. I told him to stop groping my balls, because it made running uncomfortable and I didn’t like having a guy do that to me. He wouldn’t stop, so I stopped the exercise and headed towards the barracks. Right away, I heard officers yelling me to get back there. I turned around, faced the officers, and realised they were speaking English, and I had to come up with military formalities in English on the spot. Furthermore, their uniform looked early 20th century British. The middle of the three officers introduced himself as captain.
“Captain (name), Sergeant Saap at your service.”
He asked me if I had quit training to “enjoy a nice late breakfast” or something. I was going to tell him the truth about the guy who had been molesting my testicles, and the dream ended while I was coming up with a way to word it to the officer.
I had a dream my sister was trying to get me to buy her some cocaine, apparently I knew someone who could provide it (Side note: 99% sure she has not done cocaine IRL, and I wouldn't know the first place to get some). I went along with it, asking how much she wanted and making a note of who to ask for it, but had no intention of actually buying it for her. Then she bought it herself anyway. ::)
I dreamt I was a soldier (wish that part was a dream :P) and I was shot and killed in war, but the I became a ghost and tormented the person that shot me. Then there were a lot of pixelated ghosts that did the same thing. And there was also a Ferris Wheel somewhere in there...
I had a repulsive dream.
I was in a stranger’s house and he showed me around. He led me through the yard - it was dark outside - to an empty room with a lid on the floor. He raised the lid and revealed a tank full of milk below. He climbed a ladder down into the milk tank and disappeared completely under surface level for a moment, until he came out again. The milk seemed to have bits of hacked vegetables floating around. We went back to the main house and there was a whole family of somewhat eerie-looking men and one elderly woman. They were cooking meat and I began to realise what it was all about. It was just like the freaking family from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre! A family of cannibals who pretend to be working in the meat industry. I ate a steak cooked by the old woman. It was delicious but I was afraid of its origin. I didn’t ask because I really didn’t want to know if I was eating a human. Then came the worst part. One of the guys saw somebody moving in the yard, ordered everyone to stay quiet and turned off the lights. We all crouched behind the dinner table. “A client,” he whispered. A client who comes to buy meat from the friendly neighborhood distributor in the middle of the night? The outsider stopped behind a window, one of the cannibal guys was hiding below it with a bucket, and as the client started climbing in through the window, his face was met with a bucket full of boiling water. He screamed, the freak grabbed hold of him and pushed him on two two-foot-long spikes that rose from the table. The lights went on, the family cheered while the client was screaming in agony, impaled through his abdomen and throat. After ten seconds or so, he died and the dream ended. The family had caught another victim.
I dreamt I was a soldier (wish that part was a dream :p) and I was shot and killed in war, but the I became a ghost and tormented the person that shot me. Then there were a lot of pixelated ghosts that did the same thing.
Sounds like this could become the lyrics to a Steve Harris song.

And there was also a Ferris Wheel somewhere in there...
OK then -- a Gers/Harris song.
I dreamed that I went to the record store and bought an album by a punk band named The Filth. It was their debut album, entitled Meet The Filth. The album was so clear in my mind, it stuck around when the rest of the dream floated into the memory hole. I was sure it had to be real. I've searched through the tubes and can't find it. I think I dreamed up the greatest album that never existed.
I dreamed that I went to the record store and bought an album by a punk band named The Filth. It was their debut album, entitled Meet The Filth. The album was so clear in my mind, it stuck around when the rest of the dream floated into the memory hole. I was sure it had to be real. I've searched through the tubes and can't find it. I think I dreamed up the greatest album that never existed.
Maybe it was a vision of the future and the album isn´t released yet. :D
Had a really irritating dream last night where I was trying to get to York by train, but accidentally ended up in Tarporley (it's in Cheshire, I looked that up this morning).

So I got on a train at the same platform I disembarked, hoping to get a train going to York. After several stops I found this train was going to some small town called North something or other, so I got off the train at a small station hoping to get another local service back to Tarporley.

I managed to get on another train, but it was going to yet another different place, so I got off at the next station, only to find it was a tiny station in the middle of nowhere that very few trains called at, and was used mostly by workers on the weekly shift change at a nearby chemical plant.

I spent the rest of this dream trying to find any way of getting back to Tarporley so I could get a train to Leeds and then another train to York.

I'm half inclined to mention this dream in my next counselling session, and hope they don't ask something useless like was the train going into a tunnel.
Can't remember the last time I had a nightmare. But this morning, I dreamt that I blew my nose. And then it jest kept flowing, and flowing, and flowing, and flowing, and flowing.

It was sort of the snot version of Carrie or that elevator scene from The Shining, and it was enough to wake me up in a dazed and scared state. I don't think I've had nightmares that pushed me off a sleep state more than once or twice this year until then. Here's hoping that it was just something random and not an underlying thing.
Not exactly a dream, but I woke up super early with the Famous Blue Raincoat in my mind exactly in the verse "she said that you gave it to her"
Next, I grab my phone to see the time and I see new Viber message and the friend that I have associated this song with, just had sent me her photo.
I texted her immediately :)
Great one last night. I could control a horse using a Playstation controller, and was getting it to successfully irritate a lion and then escape by jumping fences. The lion couldn't get over the fences for some reason.