Bruce Dickinson

Happy 25th anniversary to Balls to Picasso, as it was originally released on 3rd June 1994!

True, but a bad ankle break that puts you on crutches for 6 months... I doubt it.

Shame the video isn't longer, so we could hear what happened.

Does Bruce say "ankle" at any point in the video? It could well have been a rupture of the Achilles tendon as he mentions the surgeon stitching it back together.
Does Bruce say "ankle" at any point in the video? It could well have been a rupture of the Achilles tendon as he mentions the surgeon stitching it back together.


But, I'm pretty sure that Bruce says "... snapped in half. Ouch." at the beginning of the video. I doubt he would say that if he ruptured a tendon or damaged a muscle.