American and European Metal

I thought passages of their studio work were interesting, but live, they bored the hell out of me.
Onhell said:
As for Symphony X. I like them a lot. Initially I found them too much of a Dream Theater Clone, but they've grown on me.

I find Symphony X's songs to be much more interesting and appealing than Dream Theater's, albeit with a similar sound.  Whatever technical theatrics either band is capable of, you can't beat a good melody, and I think SX does a better job of writing them than DT. 
I'm wondering what most people think of some of other bands: Theory Of A Deadman, Nickelback, Buckcherry, Crossfade... bands such as those (don't recall anyone mentioning them here).  Anyone like them or have an opinion of them?  Personally, for some good fun music that doesn't revolve around much other than girls, chasing girls, getting rid of girls, and such, I like them.  They aren't deep, they aren't technically astute, and are 'pop-metal', but are good to listen to loudly. (IMO)
Nickleback haven't been mentioned because this is a metal fans forum, personally I don't consider them to be metal, but there again what constitutes a metal band.

My wife likes Nickelback, so that would put me off straight away, as she also likes things like Bon Jovi and Europe(the final countdown)

maybe if I was 10 years old again and not really musically aware, although with my current musical tastes, Nickleback fans would say the same about me.

Perhaps I'm being a  snob, but I feel that I've earned my musical wings, by over 30 years of constant travelling to support bands struggling to make a name for themseves (Iron Maiden are a prime example) and I feel proud that I have grown up with them from the beginning.Bands like Nickelback seem to spring up out of nowhere.There doesn't seem to be any soul associated with them. Am I being too harsh?
No, you're dead on. This kind of thing has been going on since the 90s. I don't know your age but I'm 35 and there isn't much that I can put up with nowadays and I don't consider most of what is out there metal.
I saw Nickelback live at the Rock Im Park festival in Nuremberg in 2004. Their music was awful, but they put on a really good show.
I'm not saying they're a 'bad band' just one of the hundreds of manufactured bands that to me don't have any place under the metal banner.Its because of bands like these, even more so the likes of  Dragonforce, that spawned Spinal Tap which was basically the medias way of taking the piss out of metal, and, subsequently, you and me.

(I know Dragonforce  evolved after Spinal Tap, but I'm using them as a later example of the cheesy posturing that I hate).Replace them with someone like Ratt/Poison if you like.
Actually, most of what is in the Spinal Tap film is based on the Black Sabbath tour with Ian Gillan, according to the man himself- including the Stonehenge scene! :D
Priest also mentioned a lot of stuff happened to them as well, e.g. getting lost on their way to the stage. :)
So, Onhell has listed some 'new american heavy metal'... what makes it that-- and what makes stuff like Nickelback not?  I'm not disagreeing, just curious.  I don't see Van Halen as metal, but I do see Metallica as such. 

And, I agree-- I'm not a huge fan of Nickleback, but some of their songs are fun to listen to.
As I mentioned earlier, what constitutes a metal band ?Maybe I have too much of a romantic view of my musical tastes, but I initially got into metal at school where everyone else was into Slade, T.Rex etc.I listened to volume 4 by Black Sabbath and was blown away.But the best thing was that it made me a bit different from everyone else.I felt I was the dogs bollocks.I just dont think the likes of Nickelback etc are cutting edge or different enough from the mainstream, I'm certainly not knocking anyone who likes them,each to their own

I also can't be accused of being narrow minded either.On my ipod I have songs from Eva Cassidy alongside frank Marino, alongside Burning Witch
OH, I wasn't going to imply that you were narrow minded at all.  See, I like Slade too, but if I were to play them side by side with Nickleback, I'd think that Nickleback were harder (not that that alone would constitute 'heavy metal').  I was just comparing them to Dragonforce, Theory, Buckcherry and the like, and thinking that both were similar-- tho Nickelback is much more 'pop metal' (thats just the term that comes to mind, cause they are played so much on the radio.)

Around here, this type of metal, or rock or whatever, has become fairly popular with the teens.  I'd include Disturbed, Rage Against the Machine, System Of A Down, Saving Able.... I dunno, those bands all seem 'hard', but with little substance.
I think its all down to personal taste.I don't like my music too polished.My Slade phase was only because I didn't know any better at the time(although have you heard some of the b sides of their singles-they kick ass).It just annoys me that bands like Nickelback, who are nothing particularly special, always manage to get on telly or in mainstream magazines under the metal banner.I see them on sky(Kerrang channel etc)because they're nice and safe.What about the countless other bands who are paying their dues, but are pretty much ignored because they continue to be dangerous.has anyone seen High on fire on the tv for example.No because its full of Nickelback ,Guns and Roses, and Good Charlotte.I know which metal I want on a supposedly Metal Channel!
Perhaps thats why a lot of kids where you live are getting into Buckcherry etc because thats all they are able to hear and they are oblivious to what else is out there.I was lucky enough to discover Black Sabbath and liked it enough to enable me to broaden my horizons

I suppose 'what makes a band metal' should be a separate discussion
You are probably right, both on your first paragraph, and your last line.  My son doesn't like such bands as I listed, because they are too 'pop'.  He would rather listen to stuff that isn't easy to find on the radio.  Loves Maiden and Rush (yeah, far apart in style). 

I'm like him in that taste, I don't like 'mainstream' as much.
Wasted155 said:
Around here, this type of metal, or rock or whatever, has become fairly popular with the teens.  I'd include Disturbed, Rage Against the Machine, System Of A Down, Saving Able.... I dunno, those bands all seem 'hard', but with little substance.

I'd exclude Rage Against The Machine, but it is personal taste. I think created their own unique genre, which even they could not replicate afterwards.
We were talking about that today at work.  I dont think  anyone could replicate his style; SOTD needs him for their songs.