365 Albums In One Year


Album 99/365

1. Hello Hooray - Oh, I've heard this one, haven't I? Yeah, I think it was featured in a film I saw. It's really awesome. Alice's vocals on here are incredible and the music is really good. Great way to begin the album. 10/10
2. Raped And Freezin' - Well this wasn't anything like I was expecting, but it's pretty great nonetheless. Catchy sort of rock 'n' roll song with a quite controversial sort of subject matter. 9/10
3. Elected - A classic Alice Cooper song. It's catchy, it's fun, and it shows the band at one of their best moments as songwriters. Alice sounds awesome with the vocals here. Great song. 10/10
4. Billion Dollar Babies - From the opening guitar piece to the very end, this song is nothing short of awesome. Donovan's polished vocals sound wonderful when laid against Alice's rougher ones, and it's just a great song through and through. 10/10
5. Unfinished Sweet - So I guess this is about too much candy rotting out your teeth and having to go to the dentist? Something like that? I love the instrumental section in this one and the song as a whole is strong stuff. 9/10
6. No More Mr. Nice Guy - As if the album couldn't get any better, we've got this track on it as well. Another absolute classic and a deserving radio staple. Great, great song. 10/10
7. Generation Landslide - Great lyrics and Alice really owns them as he strings it all together. Some great moments throughout and it's another surprisingly great song. Love it. 10/10
8. Sick Things - Really interesting song, this. Not quite a typical concoction but it's surprisingly good. There's a lot of slithering menace flowing throughout. 9/10
9. Mary Ann - It's a good thing this one is short because it's not very spectacular. A merely solid song on a pretty great album. 7/10
10. I Love The Dead - A very solid closer, although the repetition at the end does get a bit too much. But it's a fairly good song just the same. 8/10

Wow, it really came together with this one, didn't it? Most of this album is awesome, with only the last two taking a step down from the standard set right from track one. Great songs, great vibe, great performances all around. Pretty great album all-told, and certainly the best thing yet from Alice. Let's see if anything'll top it.

Rating: 92%

Album 100/365

1. Big Apple Dreamin' (Hippo) - I don't think it's as gripping as most of the previous album and the ending is a bit lengthy, but it's a very solid number. 8/10
2. Never Been Sold Before - Another solid enough song, but it's not the most engaging and they've gotta stop with the repetitive endings. It just goes on and on and on. 7/10
3. Hard Hearted Alice - I like this one, although I've heard other bands pull off this style better and it's not mindblowing or anything. But it's a nice little listen. 8/10
4. Crazy Little Child - A solid song, feels like a showtune. 7/10
5. Working Up A Sweat - Another solid one, but again, nothing outstanding per se. 7/10
6. Muscle Of Love - Solid title track, pretty decent song. One of the better ones on here. 8/10
7. Man With The Golden Gun - It's the Bond theme that almost was. Pretty cool song, would've fit in right away with the films. 8/10
8. Teenage Lament '74 - I can't describe this song. It reminds me of something but I can't put my finger on it. Another good, solid song. 8/10
9. Woman Machine - Didn't really go anywhere. Meh-ish closer. 6/10

In an attempt to make a more raw record than the big production that was Billion Dollar Babies, Alice Cooper popped out one last album as a band and it's... well... there's nothing really gripping about it. It's decent and all, but it's not something that warrants a return anytime soon. I've finished the seven band albums now, and I have the twenty from the solo career left to listen to. Let's see how that works out. Also... I've finally reached my hundredth album! I'm so far behind Jesus Christ...

Rating: 74%

Coda - Led Zeppelin
Format: Vinyl

We're Gonna Groove - A strong aggressive track recorded almost 14 years prior to its release. A really strong short track - 9/10

Poor Tom - Dating back to LZ III the second track begins with a strong drum section and Robert comes in to sing very soon, not a bad track but not one that is amazing either - 7/10

I Can't Quit You Babe - The bluesy number from Led Zeppelin I preformed live without the audience audio, a rather solid track the band is strong and Robert delivers the blues number greatly - 8/10

Walters Walk - The final track on side 1 originates from Houses of The Holy, a heavier rocker style track, this doesn't feel like it would have fit onto Houses' but wouldn't sound out of place on Physical Graffiti. Overall a decent track - 8/10

Ozone Baby - A nice beat in conjunction with a pleasant guitar line. Overall another decent track - 7.5/10

Darlene - A longer track from the In the Out Door Session along with the previous track. A track which is okay, I feel like it wants to be a ballad but the band doesn't quite go full ballad. It is a decent confused track - 7.5/10

Bonzo's Monreux - A drum solo track... rather thunderous but completely unnecessary although Bonzo does do a good job - 7/10

Wearing And Tearing - The band comes back in for the final track another In Through The Out Door leftover. A stronger track from the rest of this side of the album - 8.5/10

Overall 78%

Album 101/365

1. Welcome To My Nightmare - And so we begin this concept album with the very theatrical title track, a classic Alice Cooper creation. There's a lot of swing in this one that I like, but it doesn't quite blow me over the hill. Very good song though. 9/10
2. Devil's Food - Okay, I love the guitar and the verses on here. The chorus isn't the best, but Vincent Price's speech thing is pretty great. Definitely fits into the album quite well. Subtracting a point because it doesn't really complete itself as a song. 8/10
3. The Black Widow - I love how Alice acts as a sort of narrator here to this "black widow" thing. A guide, I suppose. The chorus piece is really strong. Once again not knocking things out of the park, but it's great. 9/10
4. Some Folks - Oh, that opening is definitively Broadway. It's a fun, entertaining, jovial sort of song. I dig it. 9/10
5. Only Women Bleed - Yeah, the first time I heard this title, way back when I heard the Lita Ford cover on Hair Nation, I thought it was about the menstrual cycle. But no, it's a very touching ballad about abusive relationships, and it's the best song on here yet. Great stuff. 10/10
6. Department Of Youth - Whew, this is a very catchy sort of song. Another great one. So far, this has been a most enjoyable listen and I hope that keeps up. 9/10
7. Cold Ethyl - Who knew that a song about making love to a dead woman would be so much fun? 'Cuz that's definitely what this song is. I was bopping to every moment. Great song. 10/10
8. Years Ago - A walk through an old, abandoned amusement park. Spooky and much excitement. 9/10
9. Steven - A very eerie sort of song. Lots of good bits but it doesn't quite blow me away and it isn't as good as most of the songs on here. 8/10
10. The Awakening - Kinda like with the previous one, it's solid but not quite the best thing ever. 8/10
11. Escape - Cool little rock 'n' roll song with a lot of the theatrical flair that has marked this album. Very good closer. 9/10

What makes this album so good is how insanely "fun" it really is. Theatrical, would come to life on the stage, that sort of stuff. The songs themselves aren't always as good as some of the ones we've seen before, yet the whole thing flows throughout quite well. I like it. Not as good as Billion Dollar Babies, but as a whole a slight step above Love It To Death.

Rating: 89%
Write down Billion Dollar Babies as well cuz it's lit.
Don't own Babies otherwise I would, Might toss Killers in. Although with the planned discography runs I have going plus the addition of Live albums I'm getting tight on my list of albums to run through.

Nevermind - Nirvana
Format: Vinyl

Smells Like Team Spirit - The classic rocker kicks off the album with a fury, Kurt delivers some killer screams. An amazing tracker - 10/10

In Bloom - Another well known Nirvana song follows up the killer opener. Not quite as strong as the opener but still a really strong track - 9/10

Come As You Are - The recognizable bass intro leads into track 3, another super strong track. - 10/10

Breed - Strong instrumentally but the vocal delivery doesn't quite work on this track for me, still relatively solid - 8/10

Lithium - Another familiar song comes in, dynamic but overall a song that doesn't do too much for me. - 8.5/10

Polly - Side 1 closes off with =a song about sexual assault, overall a decent track- 7.5/10

Terrestrial Pissings - Beginning with a odd intro before erupting into a shorter punk style track, short and direct - 8.5/10

Drain You - A solid track, with some decent vocals and an interesting interlude - 8/10

Lounge Act - Another shorter track and still solid. Some nice guitar work - 8/10

Stay Away - Daves drumming on the intro is great, overall solid - 8/10

On A Plain - A rather strong and direct track. - 9/10

Something In The Way - The final track of the album begins with a lone acoustic guitar with Kurt singing solemnly over it, overall a decent track - 8/10

Overall 85%

Apocalyptic Love - Slash Ft Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators
Format: CD/Digital

Apocalyptic Love - The title track kicks off the album, a solid rocker. Myles vocals don't do it for me on this track but it has an interesting lead from Slash - 7.5/10

One Last Thrill - A high pitched scream over Slash's speedy guitar launches track 2 into action, Myles still isn't singing in his normal voice on this track throughout. The chorus he sings better than the initial verses. Overall better than the opener - 8/10

Standing In The Sun - An awesome high energy track beginning in a mid tempo but Myles comes in at a lower register before letting loose some killer vocals and the band delivers some great backing. - 10/10

You're A Lie - Another rather strong track, each song on the album thus far has been unique from the others, this one features some higher vocals from Myles at times, a solid track - 10/10

No More Heroes - A nice clean riff from Slash leads into a slower track, the only song on the album with someone other than Slash and Myles writing the track, not quite the masterpiece of the previous tracks but still rather strong - 8.5/10

Halo - Another strong rocker, this one fluctuates for me, sometimes Myles vocals seem just too high in the chorus but other times I find it absolutely perfect. So yea a great rocker - 9.5/10

We Will Roam - Another strong track, mid paced with some nice higher notes from Myles. Slash is playing great as always, strong solo - 9/10

Anastasia - An outright epic track, when recommending people on what Slash songs to listen to this is the sole song I suggest first. - 10/10

Not For Me - A nice transition from the previous track, slowing right down following the previous guitar assault. A strong mid tempo ballad of sorts. - 8.5/10

Bad Rain - Another mid tempo track, not quite as strong as the previous tracks. - 7.5/10

Hard & Fast - A drawn out intro leads into Slash delivering some quick guitar work, Myles comes in singing at a quick speed, better than the previous track - 8/10

Far And Away - Slash's guitar on this track's intro sounds so calm, Myles sings softly. A solid ballad - 8/10

Shots Fired - The final track off the album begins solely with Slash's guitar, the band soon comes in and the pace is picked up once more. Nice riffing, overall another solid track

Overall 87%

Album 102/365

1. Go To Hell - There's some cool tribal vibes here, and the lyrics are pretty good. The rest of the song doesn't really blow me away though, although it's certainly strong enough. 8/10
2. You Gotta Dance - I like this one. It isn't as good as some of the monsters on previous albums, but it's got a nice vibe flowing. Certainly an oddity though. The king of shock rock doing a disco track? Heh. 8/10
3. I'm The Coolest - Yeah, this one's decent enough? But it really doesn't go anywhere. 6/10
4. Didn't We Meet - Probably the best one so far. Alice's iconic vocals are back and it's a pretty cool track (although again, nothing truly outstanding). 8/10
5. I Never Cry - I love this song. The first time I heard it, it was a completely different Alice Cooper than I was used to and part of the reason I decided to head into his wider discography. A touching ballad based on his troubles with alcohol, it's one of the best songs he's done yet. Love it. 10/10
6. Give The Kid A Break - Fun little ditty, but nothing more than that. 7/10
7. Guilty - A fun song celebrating the rock'n'roll lifestyle. Pretty solid stuff. 8/10
8. Wake Me Gently - Another ballad, and Alice really strides through majestically. Not quite as good as "I Never Cry", but it's a pretty great song all the same. 9/10
9. Wish You Were Here - A rather laid-back song, with a nice tropical feel and some fun hooks. Cool song. 8/10
10. I'm Always Chasing Rainbows - It begins as a piano ballad before getting "bigger", but it never really... grips me. Not the best cover. 6/10
11. Going Home - A pretty decent closer, but it's not as awe-inspiring as they seem to have been aiming for. 7/10

This is a very solid album with not much in the way of really great songs, but enough good ones to make it worthwhile. The two ballads on here are pretty great though. Definitely a step down from the previous one, I will say.

Rating: 77%
So since I'm bored from studying I took a break and made a rough guide for how I'm separating the albums at the end of the year. This is a work in progress and some things may change depending on if some ranges get too many albums added into it.

  • M - Masterpiece 91%-100
  • B - Brilliant 86-90%
  • S - Solid/Strong 83%-85%
  • A - Average 78-82%
  • E - Enjoyable 75-77%
  • JGTH - Just Get The Hits <75%
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Fireball - Deep Purple
Format: CD/Digital

Fireball - A rather fast paced title track kicks off the 2nd Mk II album, a solid rocker, not an amazing track but you can see how it has influenced bands in the future. - 8.5/10

No No No - The second track on the album slows things down a little bit, a nice groove to this track shows where the band would end up once Ian would leave the band in a few years. Nice work throughout the track another solid track - 8/10

Strange Kind Of Woman - A nice groove is once again present on this track, a strong shorter track from Purple. A solid track - 8.5/10

Anybody's Daughter - A stop and start intro opens the 4th track of the album when the track does start there is some nice guitar work in the intro. A decent track - 7/10

The Mule - A drum based intro leads into track 5 with Ian singing nicely over the building instruments, a furious guitar and drum solo section ensures with Lord's keys taking a backseat. This song is a clear vehicle for solos since it has essentially no presence fro Gillan. - 8/10

Fools - The longest track from the album follows up, overall another solid track, but it really feels the longer length. - 7.5/10

No One Came - The album closes off with another longer progressive track more upbeat than the previous track with a decent groove to it all, some nice solos but alas the song doesn't do too much for me - 7.5/10

Overall 79%

On Through The Night - Def Leppard
Format: CD/Digital

Rock Brigade - A raw guitar riff kicks off the debut album from Def Leppard, Joe's vocals sound so unpolished. But those Def Leppard harmonies remain from the get go. A nice solo from Pete Willis, a solid start to the debut - 8/10

Hello America - A song which clearly states what Def Leppard wanted to do when they began, make it big in the USA. The raw guitar work sounds quite nice and heavier than most Def Lep material. Joe's vocals sound so different without the polishing up he normally had. Another rather solid track - 8.5/10

Sorrow Is A Woman - A decent track with 3 separate solos - 7.5/10

It Could Be You - A short but punchier track, once again relatively decent. 7.5/10

Satellite - A strong riff kicks off this track, overall a strong track - 8.5/10

When The Walls Came Tumbling Down - A decent early rocker - 8/10

Wasted - Another solid early rocker - 8.5/10

Rocks Off - Opening up with some crowd noise, a solid track - 8/10

It Don't Matter - Thus far the album has been fast/mid paced rock tracks with a solid guitar solo this track continues this trend, but I'm taking off some because thus far the album has been 30 minutes of straightforward rocking without variation. - 7/10

Answer To The Master - Slightly more variation at this point - 8/10

Overture - The final track on the album, long and progressive, slower and featuring some acoustic work before going electric, ending off the album on a higher note - 8.5/10

Overall 79%

An enjoyable album but nothing amazing
Well today I graduated with my degree so as celebration I will listen to the first Maiden record I ever bought.


Powerslave - Iron Maiden
Format: Vinyl


2 Minutes To Midnight - Another great track follows up. On an album listen this song is perfect individually it doesn't always do it for me but from the album perspective it follows up perfectly and is really a good song. - 10/10

Loser Words (Big 'Orra) - A strong instrumental track which is plesent to listen to but not really worth it on an album featuring Bruce - 8.5/10

Flash Of The Blade - A nice riff opens the next track Nicko soon comes in and the remaining members follow in suit. Bruce comes in verses are sung in a lower voice. Chorus is solid. - 8.5/10

The Duelists - An intro riff which sounds completely in place on the previous album. Better than the previous tracks, although that solo section is good it is a little long at times - 8.5/10

Back In The Village - A solid track, nice instrumental work from the band - 9/10

Powerslave - A mystical/creepy intro leads into the masterpiece of a title track, godly solos and amazing vocally from Bruce. - 10/10

Rime Of The Ancient Mariner - From the intro riff the the fade out ending, the screams and whispers, this track has it all. Perfection - 10/10

Overall 93%

Keep The Faith - Bon Jovi
Format: Vinyl

I Believe - A fade in intro culminated in a nice heavier riff from the 80s Glam rockers transitioning towards a heavier and more mature sound as the 90s begin. Jon delivers a killer vocal, a powerful an uplifting track, this song should be much more known than some of the other ones on this side of the album... - 10/10

Keep The Faith - The title track follows up, another longer harder rocker for Bon Jovi, a concert staple, a nice bass intro from Alec and Tico's drums compliment it nicely. The chorus on this track is dynamic but simple. Another great track. The second of the 5 tracks which I think are worthy of a perfect score on the album going into the re-listen - 10/10

I'll Sleep When I'm Dead - The first step down in quality, a solid fun track but there are times where I dread hearing this song, I don't get why it got the recognition whilst I Believe has become obscure. Overall a good track just way overrated and overplayed. - 8/10

In These Arms - Side 2 begins with the key's heavy mid paced rock ballad. Jon delivers a great vocal performance on this track. The band harmonies during the verses are great before Jon erupts in the prechorus and chorus. Amazing - 10/10

Bed Of Roses - Opening with a beautiful crying solo from Richie the biggest ballad from Bon Jovi thus far and really is a great piece of music. - 10/10

If I Was Your Mother - A much heavier riff than earlier comes in to close off side 2, the content of the lyrics are a little odd. Overall a decent heavier track which could have been much better with different lyrics - 7.5/10

Dry Country - A piano intro leads into the sole Bon Jovi epic in their catalog. This is the masterpiece of the album and the entire band delivers amazing performances throughout. - 10/10

Woman In Love - Another heavier intro leads into a more direct rocker, better than the previous one. Lyrics fit the heaviness while still remaining commercial - 8.5/10

Fear - This track remains heavier but the lyrics and vocals just don't stick for me for too much of the song, but when they do it works. - 7.5/10

I Want You - Side 4 begins with another ballad, this one is far more sappy but it is still a song which I have always enjoyed from the album. Only played once in concert. Power ballad cliches are rich in this track. Strong chorus - 9/10

Blame It On The Love Of Rock and Roll - A solid rock track it maintains the general heavier feel from the album. It talks about the stereo types of people who like rock music. - 8/10

Little Bit Of Soul - The album closes off with a midpaced track, starting off in the vein of love for sale before evolving into a groove filled track. Overall a decent track - 8/10

Overall 89%

Hemispheres - Rush
Format: Red Vinyl

Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres - A nice and progressive prelude begins the 18 minute title track, I was tempted to break this tracks review into its individual parts but I feel that would be cutting it short since it should be viewed as a whole. I feel like the multi part format for this track benefits it with each being individual but essential to the whole while making the track feel shorter. Overall there is ups and down. But a really strong track encompassing all of side 1. - 9.5/10

Circumstances - Side 2 begins with a much shorter and more direct track. Geddy sings a little too high, his voice is stronger for me when he isn't singing at the top of his range so the lower vocals on this track are great. Overall a solid track - 8.5/10

The Trees - A little longer than the previous track, starting with a spoken intro before the band comes in with full force. A solid track - 8/10

La Villa Strangiato (An Exercise in Self-Indulgence) - An intricate and lengthy instrumental piece ranging a whopping 9 minutes in length, it doesn't really flow super smoothly for me but overall it is a solid collection of music - 8/10

Overall 85%
Adjusted - 88%
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Revolution Radio - Green Day
Format: Vinyl

Somewhere Now - Starting off calmer before erupting into a solid rock track, I have to say Billie Joe Armstrong's voice has remained quite strong over the years - 8.5/10

Bang Bang - A heavier and straightforwards rock track, fast paced and fairly unrelenting. The band speaks out against mass shootings. - 9/10

Revolution Radio - The title track follows up another direct rock track, a decent track it doesn't do much for me - 7.5/10

Say Goodbye - A down-tuned intro leads into a fairly repetitive track another solid track - 8/10

Outlaws - The longest track on side 1 of the album, a track with a distinct ebb and flow overall a decent track - 8/10

Bouncing Off The Walls - Side 1 closes off with a mid paced track about people going crazy. - 7/10

Still Breathing - Side 2 kicks off on another high note, a track which fluctuates between calm and explosive. I have really enjoyed this track whenever it comes on - 9/10

Youngblood - Short and to the point a fun track - 9/10

Too Dumb Too Die - Starting off similar to outlaws a decent track - 7.5/10

Troubled Times - A solid track nothing too much to talk about here - 8/10

Forever Now - A great suite of music, 3 distinct parts and each portion is incredibly enjoyable. - 10/10

Ordinary World - An acoustic track from Billie closes off the album, however the complete acoustic nature of this and only Billie being involved makes me feel like this should have just been a solo track overall quite solid - 8.5/10

Overall 84%