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Ancient Mariner
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Images And Words - Dream Theater
Format: CD/Digital
James LaBrie makes his debut on Dream Theater's second album Images And Words, opening up the album we have concert staple and show closer Pull Me Under. The track builds up slowly being introduced by a strong bass and drum introduction soon John joins in on lead guitar and the track begins to become a captivating piece of music. Incredible lyrisism is present here as with the previous albums I had heard from the band. Incredible vocals from LaBrie shifting between lower and some higher styles, "Each Breathe leaves me one less to my last" is sheer brilliance, an amazing way to kick off an album, full of shifts and turns with phenomenal instrumental work throughout. Amazing vocals and killer lyrics. Only downside is the song cuts off. Another Day comes in softly with some beautiful guitar work from Petrucci who wrote the track, incredibly sentimental with an absolutely soaring chorus, the orchestration from the keyboards really would suit an orchestral arrangement so different from the previous track but equally as masterful throughout, those high notes from LaBrie are absolutely amazing. A brilliant ballad. Take The Time comes up next continuing with the very orchestrated feeling the song opens with a memorizing instrumental section, a different style of vocals from LaBrie makes the track rather interesting from the start plus there are some rather interesting vocal additions, some strong backing vocals, some rather interesting shifts throughout the track. It is a great displace of the bands versatility and is incredibly complex I will have to give it another listen. Surrounded opens with some keyboards and James, the track goes full ballad mode once again, written by Keyboardist Kevin Moore the track picks up a little bit featuring some quite tasteful drumming from Mike Portnoy there is once again some more powerful vocals from James who has such an interesting vocal style the track continues to build up throughout until it fades away back into the piano based style for the closing. Metropolis Part 1 is up next, sleigh bells introduce the track which builds quickly into the massive track it is known for. A track so popular it spawned an entire album as a followup this, I'll put it this way, this track is brilliant, every member of the band does their part phenomenally. The mirroring that the band would do with this track and the follow up is amazing, the themes and lines which translate into the tracks such as Home are amazing. A perfect track. Memorizing keyboard work and the guitar accompaniment from Petrucci is amazing. Portnoy's drumming is phenomenal and the bass work from Myung rounds out the bands incredible instrumental section. Under A Glass Moon opens with an incredible symphonic approach it pulls me right into the track, the chorus appears to be more stripped back in comparison to the hard rocking approach of the track, an impeccable solo section ensues, another great track. Wait For Sleep is by far the shortest track of the album, a quick tempo piano intro makes way for LaBrie to come in singing references to the previous track and the album title are made very quickly into the track, a very nice and pleasant piece of music. Learning To Live closes off the album, the longest track on the album it once again opens with a Kevin Moore piano introduction, soft vocals comes in following the bands immense introduction, a fairly dramatic track vocally the music itself has a dark tone to it and there is references to The City which could loosely connect this to Metropolis, the track speaks about learning how to just be yourself which really is a message which more people need to hear, although it also pertains to the Aids Crisis of the 80s and 90s. James delivers a killer high note midway through the lengthened instrumental section of the track, there are some somewhat disjointed segments in the track but as a whole it really is a great track
Pull me Under - 10/10
Another Day - 10/10
Take The Time - 9/10
Surrounded - 9/10
Metropolis Part 1: The Miracle And The Sleeper - 10/10
Under A Glass Moon - 9.5/10
Wait For Sleep - 9/10
Learning To Live - 9.5/10
Overall 95%
The final album will either come tonight or tomorrow.

Images And Words - Dream Theater
Format: CD/Digital
James LaBrie makes his debut on Dream Theater's second album Images And Words, opening up the album we have concert staple and show closer Pull Me Under. The track builds up slowly being introduced by a strong bass and drum introduction soon John joins in on lead guitar and the track begins to become a captivating piece of music. Incredible lyrisism is present here as with the previous albums I had heard from the band. Incredible vocals from LaBrie shifting between lower and some higher styles, "Each Breathe leaves me one less to my last" is sheer brilliance, an amazing way to kick off an album, full of shifts and turns with phenomenal instrumental work throughout. Amazing vocals and killer lyrics. Only downside is the song cuts off. Another Day comes in softly with some beautiful guitar work from Petrucci who wrote the track, incredibly sentimental with an absolutely soaring chorus, the orchestration from the keyboards really would suit an orchestral arrangement so different from the previous track but equally as masterful throughout, those high notes from LaBrie are absolutely amazing. A brilliant ballad. Take The Time comes up next continuing with the very orchestrated feeling the song opens with a memorizing instrumental section, a different style of vocals from LaBrie makes the track rather interesting from the start plus there are some rather interesting vocal additions, some strong backing vocals, some rather interesting shifts throughout the track. It is a great displace of the bands versatility and is incredibly complex I will have to give it another listen. Surrounded opens with some keyboards and James, the track goes full ballad mode once again, written by Keyboardist Kevin Moore the track picks up a little bit featuring some quite tasteful drumming from Mike Portnoy there is once again some more powerful vocals from James who has such an interesting vocal style the track continues to build up throughout until it fades away back into the piano based style for the closing. Metropolis Part 1 is up next, sleigh bells introduce the track which builds quickly into the massive track it is known for. A track so popular it spawned an entire album as a followup this, I'll put it this way, this track is brilliant, every member of the band does their part phenomenally. The mirroring that the band would do with this track and the follow up is amazing, the themes and lines which translate into the tracks such as Home are amazing. A perfect track. Memorizing keyboard work and the guitar accompaniment from Petrucci is amazing. Portnoy's drumming is phenomenal and the bass work from Myung rounds out the bands incredible instrumental section. Under A Glass Moon opens with an incredible symphonic approach it pulls me right into the track, the chorus appears to be more stripped back in comparison to the hard rocking approach of the track, an impeccable solo section ensues, another great track. Wait For Sleep is by far the shortest track of the album, a quick tempo piano intro makes way for LaBrie to come in singing references to the previous track and the album title are made very quickly into the track, a very nice and pleasant piece of music. Learning To Live closes off the album, the longest track on the album it once again opens with a Kevin Moore piano introduction, soft vocals comes in following the bands immense introduction, a fairly dramatic track vocally the music itself has a dark tone to it and there is references to The City which could loosely connect this to Metropolis, the track speaks about learning how to just be yourself which really is a message which more people need to hear, although it also pertains to the Aids Crisis of the 80s and 90s. James delivers a killer high note midway through the lengthened instrumental section of the track, there are some somewhat disjointed segments in the track but as a whole it really is a great track
Pull me Under - 10/10
Another Day - 10/10
Take The Time - 9/10
Surrounded - 9/10
Metropolis Part 1: The Miracle And The Sleeper - 10/10
Under A Glass Moon - 9.5/10
Wait For Sleep - 9/10
Learning To Live - 9.5/10
Overall 95%
The final album will either come tonight or tomorrow.
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