TBOS Predictions

Note: I'm talking about how these repetitive choruses effects the songs, not whether or not these songs are good/bad. Though they often go hand in hand.
Interesting discussion. I suppose it's a bit chicken & egg. Does one start to dislike some tracks because of a slightly annoying too-often-repeated chorus, when the track is otherwise pleasing? Or does one not like the track to begin with, & the chorus then starts to become another focus for your poor view of it? Seems to be a mixture of both for folks, judging by comments.
Repeating a good chorus is pleasing, repeating any random chorus is stupid. What is so hard to understand Steve?!
Presumably Steve doesn't understand what Gk1 means by "good" and "random". Frankly, neither do I.
Presumably Steve doesn't understand what Gk1 means by "good" and "random". Frankly, neither do I.

So I guess you can't write a good chorus either!

I believe that in reality there are no shitty choruses in Maiden songs, as long as they are repeated in a way that they are not slowing the song........or if they do,they are repeated to a minimum.
Remember the words that used to get one kicked out of the chat? Can we have the same here? Just make a list of words, such as 'repetitive' and 'chorus', which will ban people automatically.

So we can all hear your stories about H being a God. Please DO BAN ME or DO KICK ME OUT.
Really! this is a place we all get to have a good time. We don't need any of that s!#t!

EDIT : At least I know I don't.

EDIT #2 Or should I say

At least I know I don't,At least I know I don't,
At least I know I don't,At least I know I don't,
At least I know I don't,At least I know I don't,
At least I know I don't,At least I know I don't,
At least I know I don't,At least I know I don't,
At least I know I don't,At least I know I don't
Keep it civil, please.

Ariana is referring to the trend on the forum of certain topics or buzzwords being repeated across numerous threads until they eventually achieve parody status.
I've always thought songs like out of the shadows for example, indeed could have benefited from another verse. That portion of the song is beautiful and way too sparse. No more lies and final frontier just flat need less chorus.
The chorus is fine there, just overused. Longest day would be a top 5 all timer for me, but the chorus isn't right: too 'cheery'. I have no problem with any other reunion chorus fits, it's just not that big of a problem.
Well... based on the only track-by-track review I've read so far at some french site, it would seem like:

There are two songs that 99% of fans should love, being The Red And The Black and Empire Of The Clouds.

The Great Unknown, Shadows Of The Valley, Book Of Souls and If Eternity Should Fail will probably sit well with a majority too,

Man Of Sorrows will probably have a strongly divided opinion, being a ballad, they usually don't go down well among many Maiden fans, even when they are good songs (i.e. Wasting Love, which I happen to love)

Death Or Glory and Tears Of A Clown will probably earn the filler stamp, maybe also, but to a lesser extent When The River Runs Deep (although I hope to be wrong about this one, the description is really hard to get a clear picture from)

Speed Of Light we've already heard by now, which seems to have gone down pretty well with most fans, and hated by some (which is usually the case with just about any Maiden single, historically), I mean, there was even people who hated Wasted Years, Run To The Hills, Can I Play With Madness, Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter....all of which are by now undisputed classics ...

So, again, based of the track descriptions and my impression of the single so far, this is how I expect to rank The Book Of Souls when I hear it...

1. The Red And The Black
2. Empire Of The Clouds
3. Shadows Of The Valley
4. Book Of Souls
5. If Eternity Should Fail
6. The Great Unknown
7. The Man Of Sorrows
8. When The River Runs Deep
8. Speed Of Light
9. Tears Of A Clown
10. Death Or Glory
Why are you even going to listen to the album? It's not going to be a double album full of The Trooper, you know.

Speaking of which, where were you during the history tours? No reason to troll forums about Play Classics! then, right?
Why should I not listen to it? It's not like I hate everything Maiden have done post 2000? Here and there is still a song I really like, and there are good parts in other songs. I am still interested in Maiden, and even songs that are weak by Maiden standards are still more enjoyable to me than most music. I can still think they were a lot better back in the day, can't I?
Why should I not listen to it? It's not like I hate everything Maiden have done post 2000? Here and there is still a song I really like, and there are good parts in other songs. I am still interested in Maiden, and even songs that are weak by Maiden standards are still more enjoyable to me than most music. I can still think they were a lot better back in the day, can't I?

It doesn't sound like the past 20 years of your fandom has brought you much joy.
Maybe it's time to admit this relationship is no longer working.
It doesn't sound like the past 20 years of your fandom has brought you much joy.
Maybe it's time to admit this relationship is no longer working.

Well....even if I might perhaps be disappointed by an album as a whole, doesn't mean I would want to miss a good song. I wouldn't want to be without The Talisman from the last album, for example. To use your relationship analogy, you can still get hot sex from an ex :p