I like them.Ditch the Dickinson raspy , quirky vocals
No prayer is a fantastic album. I love it. I also love Bruce's voice on that album the raspy verses Ang the golden soaring choruses are a great contrast. The album has great melodies. I love it. The drumming is a bit simple though. Fear of the dark is a bad album though. I do like fear be quick and afraid though.NPFTD and FOTD to me are both Chock full of songs that are very close to being great. I hear great ideas for songs that were rushed and again, lacking the Maiden Polish' that was present in the "golden era" and is on most of the reunion.
Ditch the Dickinson raspy , quirky vocals, and clean up the lazy bits, and these albums could have maintained the string of great albums. Still some fine songs in there though.
Is this even a blasphemy? Not that I agree with it (I don't), but isn't it sort of the general consensus here?
Will Malone had a better ear for a sound mix than Kevin Shirley does.
Will Malone had a better ear for a sound mix than Kevin Shirley does.
NPFTD is one of their weakest albums and half of FOTD are filler songs.
Any of the reunion albums beat them easily.