Weekend Warrior by a land-slide.
a) the acoustic intro/interlude parts sound like they ripped-off a folk group, and the drum beat behind it is something that I've heard on The Muppet Show. I think it was the episode with Don Knots.
b) the verses' major-key chord progressions (along with their awkward timing), along with Bruce's singing/rapping are cheesy, and therefore C-side material. This part makes Nodding Donkey Blues sound like Wasted Years in comparison.
c) "watcha gonna do, on Monday.....WATCHA GONNA DOoOoOoOoOo, wat-cha-gonn-a doooooooo, on mondayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy". Lee Aaron use to sing "Watcha Do To My Body".......which is infinitely cooler then the fairy voice that Bruce used during that last "monday" lyric. *Useless trivia moment - Lee's guitarist John Albani played Lado guitars too. Yep....I'm a Canadian, and only us real cool Canadians know that shit.*
d) They sound like drunken hillbillys during the chorus, and Eddie doesn't farm!!!!
I thought that Gangland was an excellent jazz-metal experiment, but this redneck metal song isn't for me. Activision use to have a video game called Barnstorming, it's where you have to fly a plane through barns. If you look really carefully, you can slightly see that the pilot's face resembles Bruce's....no wonder he agreed to sing this tune.
I gotta run....there is a pile of 666 banjos that I have to light on fire.