Let's re-examine what I wrote seven years ago.
Another Life - Sounds like something they just wanted to get down on record as quickly as possible. Lacks all real inspiration and Steve could have done better than the same verse repeated three times.
Interestingly, this has become one of my favourite songs on
Invaders - I can't see why an excellent song like Total Eclipse had to be cut from the original album with this around.
Yeah, this one kinda sucks.
Public Enema Number One - Same as Another Life. Bruce can write better lyrics than this and the music sounds strained.
Unremarkable song, but probably not bad enough to be on this list.
The Assassin - Like Public Enema Number One, this one just isn't up to the mark. Shame those two were included because the album is quite good otherwise IMO.
Can't argue with this. That chorus is way too goofy.
From Here to Eternity - Tired, unspired and boring.
Fear is the Key - See above.
Weekend Warrior - Once more, see above.
And then there's "Wasting Love", "Chains of Misery" and "The Apparition"...
Fear of the Dark wasn't Maiden's finest hour, that's for sure.
The Angel and the Gambler - Terrible song in all aspects, especially the chorus.
I actually enjoy this one quite a bit, even if it's not a particularly good song.
The Educated Fool - See From Here to Eternity.
Really? Apart from the overdone "time will flow" bit, this is probably the best song on
Virtual XI.
Gates of Tomorrow - Here we go, the worst Maiden song ever. I used to bash it at every possible opportunity back in 2003 and I still do. Terrible everything.
On this point, my past and current selves are in perfect agreement.
New Frontier - I can't get past the lyrics and the song itself sounds very much like a first attempt at songwriting.
On this one too.
Age of Innocence - Another reason why I don't consider Steve to be particularly great as a lyricist.
This is in the same category as "Public Enema Number One": weak, but tolerable.