Why not Paul Dianno instead of Blaze?

record sales and concert attendance would disagree with you....just saying. :) Why do you think the Blaze era was such a dud?
The Blaze era was a commercial (and, to some extent, critical) failure simply because it wasn't Bruce. Any albums Maiden would release with any other singer would probably end up the same way, if not worse. They made no mistake by hiring Blaze, they did what they had to do to move forward—and they did it brilliantly. The X Factor is a stellar album by itself, and is much more intricate, inspired and mature than either one of the albums they recorded with Paul.

By the way, it's not the reception back then you should be analyzing—it's the current one. Today, most fans largely recognize The X Factor as the great piece of work it actually is, and a smaller, but still fairly considerable amount raise it up even higher, sometimes even arguing it is Maiden's finest record yet. So yeah, your arguments are a little outdated, as is your immature bashing of Blaze.
Blaze was pretty heavily built during his tenure in Maiden though. Not to a crazy degree, but definitely a contrast compared to the lean and sporty looking Bruce.
Paul Di’Anno was a fat, drugged out waste of space by the time Bruce left. His voice might have been ok in the studio with a few tweaks and enhancements as the Murder one killers album was released in the early 90’s and he does sound decent in that, a bit rob halford like.

However from what I can gather from interviews and reading his book the guy is a grade A prick. Very selfish and thinks the world revolves around him. Thinks he’s some hard man gangster yet bashes up women. Overweight, drugged up and a ton of health problems. Why on earth would Maiden want a washed up has been who can’t get past the first two maiden albums back in the band. Blaze was a far better choice both in voice and personality.
I just can't understand how the hell a fat junkie who had long ago lost his voice and who did all he could to ruin Maiden's growing success should have been prefered to a decent and professional guy. Just compare the two during the last decades and you will see who was the good choice. Irrespective of what one think of his voice, Blaze has shown passion and dedication. Steve recently talked about doing something again with him (just talked, but that says something) and I think he would not even consider taking a coffee with Paul.
I don't give a shit about record sales and concert attendance.

I don’t give a shit either but that’s only from my own personal enjoyment. I saw blaze with maiden on both album tours he did and it would t have mattered if it was a 20,000 arena full up or a garden shed with 5 people, I would still have enjoyed what I saw.

Having said that record sales and concert attendance is important as dwindling numbers at gigs and record sales dropping can mean all sorts for a band. They might make drastic changes to claw back support which could result in lacklustre albums/songs that are trying to please rather than be creatively what the band wants to do. God forbid if things dwindle too bad we might have seen the band pack up altogether which would have been a disaster!
Apart from anything else, does Di'Anno's criminal record not prevent him from entering several countries, or was that just something he made up?
It's probably something those countries made up, just to keep him out.

He was a bit of a mess. Even back in the day he was supposedly a bit of a mess. Regardless of his singing style, he wouldn't have been a good choice.
Are you an Iron Maiden fan or a Blaze Bayley hater? :nuts2:
Most Maiden fans know how much of an error Blaze was. Why else would the band want him out?

However, I take back my original comment for bringing Paul out of retirement...see the following video of fat bald Blaze Bayley doing a duet with fat bald Dianno who cannot stand up as he sings (screams like a angry housewife)...what a mess! They both sucketh! And they suck together!
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