which one song would you definitely like to have back in the next setlist?

So embarrassed to admit I read the subject as "in the sex netlist".
Seeing an oculist at the first opportunity, hope no other specialists needed.
They made it clear in the tour announcement that only one song from the 90's would get played so that rumour definitely isn't true.

They may have considered it for the 2012 leg but I really doubt it.

I've seen this No Prayer for the Dying was rehearsed for the Maiden England tour "rumour" circling around here multiple times yet I haven't seen a single source actually supporting this.

So yeah, I very much doubt it too.
You, sir, have yourself a deal!
I have NOT seen it live as of yet. Are there any spare balls I can eat?

More songs I want to see live again:

Infinite Dreams
El Dorito
Book of Souls
Speed of Light
Be Quick or Be Dead


Any Blaze songs that aren’t Sign or Clan:
Man on the Edge
Lord of the Flies
What others would you bet on to have a realistic chance?
TBH? None really. There was such a clamor for years for ATG. I can't think of any other song that they haven't played to match that yet. If anything it's more likely we would hear Infinite Dreams again before a never-played song, IMHO. Personally I wouldn't mind hearing Judas.