which one song would you definitely like to have back in the next setlist?

In no priority order:

- Remember Tomorrow
- Phantom Of The Opera (they are doing it)
- Murders In A Rue Morgue
- Killers
- Flight Of Icarus
- Still Life
- Rime Of The Acient Mariner (they are probably doing it)
- If they do anything from SIT: Alexander The Great or Stranger In A Strange Land
- Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
- No Prayer For The Dying
- Be Quick Or Be Dead
- Wasting Love

If they play 6 of those, it'll be a good set.
Last time bruce sang that song with a brazilian band called tribuzy sounded like 92

Wish there was an official release for it from this show too. Bruce's vocals are indeed like 1992. Roy's take on Janick's solo is not good, imo. Who played Dave's solo?
Probably the weirdest set list omission post-1999.
If they play 6 of those, it'll be a good set.
^There's a good chance of that, methinks.
If they play (and it seems like they will) Phantom and Rime on RFYL, I am happy.
If they play those 2 + also Seventh Son of a Seventh Son and Afraid to Shoot Strangers, I would be very satisfied.
If they play those 4 and also No Prayer for the Dying, I would be extremly happy. If they play these 5, I don't care if the remaining 10-11 songs are typical greatest hits for casuals, I would be very, very satisfied with the show.
I saw a clip from some 80s movie or tv show on youtube recently (sorry can't remember which it was)

Anyway, a character was wearing a tshirt that stated "give me head 'til I'm dead", so it makes the tour name slightly less shit for me knowing it's not a slogan that Maiden made up themselves. It's still the worst named tour though
Actually, you can hear Bruce back in 1984 saying it during the Milwaukee show (just in the link below at 3:34)
