When the Wild Wind Blows

How good is When the Wild Wind Blows on a scale of 1-10?

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The Man Who Would Be King

I see kind of a grim but accepting view on how the world's going to end in this song.  I think the tone captures perfectly the depressing thought that the world will end but these people just accept it with a smile.

I might not be wording it right, but to give an example, Stone Temple Pilots have a song called "I Got You" that sounds like a happy love song, lyrics and all, but at a deeper look you can see he's saying "I've got you" as in "I'm stuck with you" and he's referring to his heroin addiction.

Bottom line is that this is a rare kind of song that I hear it and immediately want EVERYONE else I know to hear it and listen to it the same way I did.
The Man Who Would Be King

I don't know how people can call this happy…it sounds more like mourning to me. The pitch is high, but the way it rolls is so…sad. It reminds me of…well. Wind blowing over a dead, open plain.
The Man Who Would Be King

Thanks a million Kahn.

It makes way more sense now "All the screens are denying"

That short intro screams SIT to me.

I was definitely caught off guard by the upbeat second half of the first verse, but I guess it kind of works because of their naivete.

The craziest thing about this song though, being an epic, is the parts that would actually be good singalongs, like:

"He sees the picture on the wall, it's falling down
Upside down
He sees a teardrop from his wife roll down her face,
Saying Grace
Remember times they had, they flash right through his mind
Left behind
Of a lifetime spent together long ago
Will be gone"


"Can't believe all the lying,
All the screens are denying
That the moments of truth have begun

Can't you see it on the T.V.?
Don't believe them in the least bit
Now the days of our ending have begun"

For me, this destroys Rime.

I don't want to speak too soon, but I seriously think this may be the best song ever written.
The Man Who Would Be King

LC I didn't mean it has a happy tone to it.. the tone it has seems desolate and hopeless the way I see it.  But this is emphasized by the fact that these people seem to be just shrugging it off, or making the most of it, or whatever.
The Man Who Would Be King

LooseCannon said:
Yes…nonchalant. Very British.

Exactly, and that's what makes the song seem so hopeless in it's tone.

Don't get me wrong, so far this is my favorite off the album and probably will continue to be, but I wish it was on a different album.  Most of the other nine songs are too good to make this one stand out as much as it should.
The Man Who Would Be King

At 4:52 for a brief moment during the solo it sounds like two guitars, am I crazy? Is it a second guitar harmonizing the solo, or is it some sort of effect on the one guitar?  It's only for a couple seconds. I'm not a musician so I'm just not sure.
The Man Who Would Be King

judas_rising said:
Most of the other nine songs are too good to make this one stand out as much as it should.

Best. Criticism. Ever.

mozzle said:
At 4:52 for a brief moment during the solo it sounds like two guitars, am I crazy? Is it a second guitar harmonizing the solo, or is it some sort of effect on the one guitar?  It's only for a couple seconds. I'm not a musician so I'm just not sure.

Sounds like two guitars but it could be a chorus or delay effect.
The Man Who Would Be King

It's true, though. For awhile after DOD settled down in my mind I wondered if that's why Paschendale is so incredible. Of course, the answer is "No. It's Paschenfuckingdale!". But WTWWB suffers from being surrounded by great tracks…suffers is the wrong word. Hmm. It's not the clear standout.
The Man Who Would Be King

Was anyone else shocked at how high bruce came in on the rocky verse after the first when the wild wind blows.
The Man Who Would Be King

You mean when the song picks up and he sings a little louder?  That's easily my favorite part of the song (if I had to narrow it down to just a few seconds).
The Man Who Would Be King

judas_rising said:
You mean when the song picks up and he sings a little louder?  That's easily my favorite part of the song (if I had to narrow it down to just a few seconds).

Yeah. The first time I listen to a Maiden album, I have a little routine of turning it up loud, turning off the lights and laying down on the floor. I find I get absorbed into the album better that way. When Bruce came in singing higher when the distortion kicked in, jeez, that was awesome. There is only one song that got a shiver down my spine in the same way this song did, and that was some of the soloing in Paschendale. Brilliant.
The Man Who Would Be King

mozzle said:
At 4:52 for a brief moment during the solo it sounds like two guitars, am I crazy? Is it a second guitar harmonizing the solo, or is it some sort of effect on the one guitar?  It's only for a couple seconds. I'm not a musician so I'm just not sure.

2 guitars or an overdub. Definitely not delay or chorus effects.

judas_rising said:
You mean when the song picks up and he sings a little louder?  That's easily my favorite part of the song (if I had to narrow it down to just a few seconds).

You mean this part? "Have you seen what they said on the news today..."
The Man Who Would Be King

Hands down one of the best Maiden songs ever!  God I hope they play it live next go around!
The Man Who Would Be King

My god. The twist at the end is heartwrenching. When I finally got all the lyrics…my god.
The Man Who Would Be King

What makes this song so special is that it last 11 minutes and it makes you feel it lasts only 5 min...It has a lot of changes in the rhythm(reminds me sign of the cross on this)...beautiful melodies...Great lyrics..i don't know what to say..
I figured out most of the parts on guitar it's not a difficult song to play..
and something last..i don't know why but i feel this song would fit perfectly as a soundtrack for a movie about the end of the world..i mean Steeve has really give on this track the feeling and the vibe of the lyrics...
Awesome. :yey:
The Man Who Would Be King

I hate that twist at the end. I feel so guilty by the end of the song.
But because of that, I love it.

This song sounds like Maiden's swan song. :/ I hope that's all in my head.
The Man Who Would Be King

Moonchild33 said:
I hate that twist at the end. I feel so guilty by the end of the song.
But because of that, I love it.

This song sounds like Maiden's swan song. :/ I hope that's all in my head.

I think you're misdirecting the feelings of the song closing the album with ending their career.

If anything, you should've gotten those vibes after the Journeyman.