My first guitar was an "AXL" Stratocaster copy, pretty naff really.. the Neck pickup sounds good but the rest aren't and it really really picks up feedback and such if I go too near a computer monitor. Second guitar was a Dean ML75, single piece construction I think with 2 double coil humbuckers, sounded decent enough at the time and I used that for many years... till I eventually found myself with a fair spare bit of cash and bought 2 guitars within 6months:
Jackson Soloist 7string archtop - I don't really play anything with 7 strings but it was a damn nice guitar and I figured if I ever DO want to play anything 7 string.. I can't if I don't have on

. Floyd Rose on it so it stays in tune fantastically and so I usually play most my maiden stuff on it, as I regularly change the tuning on other guitars (and its also my only one with a whammy bar). I think having the 7th string so I can't just overstrum the E has helped my playing quite a bit. Only things I don't really like about this guitar is the EMG pickups need a 9v Battery >.< and the finish on it kinda makes the neck a bit.. sticky for my hand (doesnt feel smooth).
Gibson Les Paul BFG Gary Moore - Probably the best sounding guitar I've got, very crunchy rock sound compared to the Jackson which seems to be more clean (to me at least), fantastic tone even when playing acoustically.. it really rings out whereas my others tend to be very quiet/flat when not plugged in. Shame its only 22fret and no whammy bar as it's very very comfortable to play and I really love it. Never used the Kill Switch on it though

Wood quality is fantastic and feels very smooth for my fret hand.
I've never really found strat style guitars comfortable to play, my dean and my Les Paul both have a pretty high bridge and a LOT of weight to the guitar, so I find my hand rests in just the right place - the Les Paul more so as the (dont know technical term) bar the strings are fed through just behind the bridge is perfect to be able to rest my hand without muting anything. On my Strat copy I would be constantly knocking the pickups while strumming aswell due to them being attached to scratchplate instead of set into the wood like my other 3.
I use a Vox VT100 Valvetronix amp, have various pedals but rarely use them, fairly happy with the sound I get.. I just wish I could get something that sounded like an acoustic guitar via a pedal combination or amp setting or something.. I hear it all the time at gig's, damnit!