yeah, some people forget noise gates, and some people even forget a tuner
Clear sign of newbies

Indeed. lol Especially when you gig, you might have a great padded hard case, and you might have got that Floyd-rose locked in perfect pitch, but the second that thing goes on a road, lol, yeah you better have an easy access and directly connected tuner in your gear. And your truss rod wrench just in case.
btw I have my reference tone set down from 440 hz lowered to 432 hz for all my guitars, and that's a great difference. ever checked that out?
I have not! I'm a drummer now of about 8 years, but I still play my guitar, and I usually just keep it around 440. I will definitely give this a try next time I want to shred! I'm a bit lazy and like to thunder power chords and pinch harmonics a lot, so I mainly play in drop C. As a result I worry about going too far down. Though, like most punky metal players I typically only use the bridge pickup and occasionally center pickup in tandem, and tend to have less attenuation on the higher channels for a English gritty gravel-like punch. Maybe that will balance it, or should I am for a different frequency? I appreciate the advice, mate! You seem quite experienced.
cool, thank you for that advice, I have never checked out those ones yet but will do. and I'm gonna give you my feedback about as soon as I did. those four drive/distortion pedals I use mainly to kinda spit on my amp since almost all my didtortion comes from my amp itself, and with the one or other drive pedal infront of the amp it all comes a lots fatter. pedal created drive and distortion to a clean channel sounds horrible to me.
I have a feeling you won't be disappointed

Their pedals have very dynamic ranges in attenuation and modulation control, so you can really get more out of them by even minor adjustments compared to some of their peers. Something I know most guitarists like besides the pedals themselves. Their distortion models can range from adding mild Cream like crunch to turning your gear into a sonic flamethrower.
What amps do you use? Im definitely curious now!
I've gotta post my rig now. My guitar is an ESP (cool, but nothing super special) but the amp is something I think you will really be able to appreciate. It was a gift from my first guitarist when he moved abroad, which was given to him by his dad (awesome guy). I feel so stupid I cant remember the exact model number at the moment and I had a quick search, but I can't find it online. Anyways, It's an old school Marshall tube half-stack with original amp head (one of the 4100 variants I think) and has an amazing tone. Its the dual-channel one with the higher analog gain and natural distortion, and incredulous reverb. (Its not a JCB or Artist series) Its one of the ones that vary do to production at the time in tonal quality differences. So I know its quite unique and I was told to never sell it. lol (which I never will) Tell you what, I'm going to message one of my relatives and see if they cant snap a pic or two with a closeup of the head. Otherwise it will be a few weeks till I'm home for another visit.
A note with the guitar. Because I'm stupid and eclectic, I removed the locking nuts recently on my floyd rose so I could block the bridge for better dive bombing

Its just too much fun when I play as of late, and I don't have the budget for another model (drums are pricey at best, especially upkeep) Even though I'm good at stringing, it still needs retuning quicker than I would hope. lol Though my lower tuning as well creates less neck tension so thats also a factor. If you have any advice or want to scold me for this, feel free, I dont mind learning. lol
btw that Neunaber Shimmer thingy top row third from the left on my board is a great thingy. suitable for clean sounds only, but one of my favourite pedals ever had in my hands.
I have never used their stuff before! Nice to have a first hand account.