War Of Epics: Results

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So, was I supposed to laugh at the Weird Al track? :huh: Alter Bridge wins my vote.

Also, I think I'm officially too old for German death metal. That was exhausting. At various points "Pan" is much more interesting than "Epitaph" is, but it is pretty bloated and overlong, and a couple of times I had to stop a moment to remind myself that this isn't on a CD player and the disk isn't skipping. But I give it the edge over "Epitaph" as it has some moments of real beauty. "Epitaph" clearly strived for that but falls short, and bored me at times. It also sounds quite dated.
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I wasn't too keen on either song in the first matchup, went with Alter Bridge.
Epitaph is one of my favorite songs of all time. King Crimson.
This was only my second time hearing Blackbird, but it gets my vote. I'm still not a huge fan of the modern rock sound of Alter Bridge, but I can't deny the song's awesomeness. I love Weird Al, but I just can't take him seriously in this game.

Epitaph is bloated and a bit dull, but pretty and listenable. I'm sorry Perun, but I could not make it through the entirety of Nocte Obducta. I had a migraine halfway through.
It's black metal, actually. :p
Blackbird, such a quality song, I hadn't even realised it was 'epic' length, it completely justifies its length.
Pan. Don't think I've come across Nocte Obducta before, but I like Pan's flute playing a lot. It has an edge to it, and just the right amount of grim moodiness for black metal. Tis long, though, if this isn't your particular slice of walnut cake.
Experiment concluded!

I put Albuquerque at the bottom of my list as a goof, never thinking it would actually get in the game. I wondered if anyone would actually vote for Weird Al, especially on a metal forum. Congratulations to Whooten and Stardust, who proved there are some people crazy enough to do it. :nuts:
I've got to agree with most of what Cornfed said on Pan/Epitaph.
I think Pan has more going on and is more interesting — power and beauty.
But it wore me out.
Epitaph did sound dated, but it also had a nice feel that was pretty easy to swallow and it gets my vote.
Five more listens to each and I'd probably change my mind, but I haven't got that kind of time.

This has been a challenging game to stay on top of. Thanks for leaving the polls open for a while.
The guitar work on Blackbird was great. Easy winner there.
Phase 1, Round 4 Results:
Blackbird and Epitaph are promoted, Albuquerque and Und Pan Spielt Die Flöte (Desîhras Tagebuch, Kapitel II) are eliminated.
User standings are updated here.

Phase 1, Round 5:
That first matchup is a nightmare. Both of these are songs that I hold in very high regard. Went with Judas Priest.
The other one was much easier. Two bands that I like, two overrated songs from them. But Puppets is definitely superior. Metallica.
First pairing was super easy. Book of Thel all the way to the bank.

Second pair was very hard. I love both songs, even though both are quite overplayed. I have to go with Master of Puppets.