War Of Epics: Results

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The Primordial track would have been amazing if the vocalist could actually sing, instead of warbling like a drunken sailor -- he'd be better off going with a Type O Negative kind of sound, which he toys with around the 4:00 mark, or going full Cookie Monster. As it is, ugh. Plus, the mix is bad -- the guitars are way in the background and the vocalist is too loud, and again, he's the problem here.

Wow. Just... I'm speechless.
Wow. Just... I'm speechless.
In fairness, I listened via YouTube on my shitty work computer speakers. So, in honor of Perun, I gave it another chance using my (pretty good) earbuds and HQ streaming on Beats Music on my iPhone. First, I take back what I said about the mix. It's fine, sounded much better on Beats. Helped me appreciate the greatness of the playing and arrangement even more -- as I noted in my original post, but for the vocals, this track is amazing. Second, I stand by my statement that the vocals are not good. The first few verses are just awful, though they improve temporarily at 4:06. Really, after that, they are not as big a distraction. But before that point, I actually cringed.
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I guess Nemtheanga's vocals are something you have to get used to. It helps if your first exposure to the band was in a live gig... they are the best live band I've ever seen next to Maiden, and a lot of it is thanks to his on-stage persona.
Definitely Heathen Tribes. I understand the gripes with Primordial's vocals. The guy is not a good singer, there's no way around that fact. But he is a good vocalist for the band and Heathen Tribes is absolutely perfect for his voice. Honestly, beyond this song and a few others, I can't get into their music because of his voice. But when it works, it works amazing. Sort of like The Pogues or any other loud Irish band.

Oh, and Rush. I've never heard the Helloween song before and I quite like it, but I like Xanadu more.
Primordial vocals aren't bad but I have a hard time taking them seriously. The part at 6:40ish has good singing but other times it's too overbearing. Musically pretty good but probably wouldn't come back to this song or band. Estranged is my favorite GNR song. I love how it never hangs on a certain part for two long and is constnatly progressing. Some really great melodies in there too and nothing needs to be said about the awesome Slash leads.

I actually agree with on NP regarding Xanadu. It doesn't really feel like the other epics. It takes awhile to get going but when it does the song goes by very quickly. Pretty basic structure too. Compare that to Natural Science (for example) which is shorter but doesn't feel that way with all the different things going on. Or La Villa Strangiato. It kinda reminds me of the "mid length" Dream Theater songs like On the Backs of Angels or A Rite of Passage. Nobody is going to call those songs epics, but they pass the 8 minute mark. Goes to show that it's not just about length. Xanadu does have an epic majestic quality though. This isn't a knock on the song btw, I happily voted for it. :D

Dark Ride didn't feel like an epic either actually. Just a standard power metal song with an extended instrumental. It was pretty cool though. The keyboard/guitar unison sounds like something out of Symphony X, awesome stuff. From what I've heard, I get the feeling I'd probably enjoy a lot of the Deris stuff. Kiske is good but the music here has more power to my ears and way better production values.
Dark Ride didn't feel like an epic either actually. Just a standard power metal song with an extended instrumental. It was pretty cool though. The keyboard/guitar unison sounds like something out of Symphony X, awesome stuff. From what I've heard, I get the feeling I'd probably enjoy a lot of the Deris stuff. Kiske is good but the music here has more power to my ears and way better production values.

You probably would enjoy a bunch of Deris stuff, although Helloween overall has enough stuff that you want to actively avoid. I'd go with Better than Raw, The Dark Ride and Gambling with the Devil for a pretty good representation of the Deris era.
Dark Ride didn't feel like an epic either actually. Just a standard power metal song with an extended instrumental. It was pretty cool though. The keyboard/guitar unison sounds like something out of Symphony X, awesome stuff. From what I've heard, I get the feeling I'd probably enjoy a lot of the Deris stuff. Kiske is good but the music here has more power to my ears and way better production values.
The Dark Ride album was produced by Roy Z (and Charlie Bauerfeind). Weiki didn't like it, but Grapow and Kusch were very happy about it.
You probably would enjoy a bunch of Deris stuff, although Helloween overall has enough stuff that you want to actively avoid. I'd go with Better than Raw, The Dark Ride and Gambling with the Devil for a pretty good representation of the Deris era.
I'd go for the first two w/Deris albums as well. Master of the Rings and especially The Time of the Oath. The latter has not good production but cool songwriting. Better Than Raw and The Dark Ride have great sound.
Phase 1, Round 2 Results:
Estranged and Xanadu are promoted, Heathen Tribes and The Dark Ride are eliminated.
User standings are updated here.

Phase 1, Round 3: