USA Politics

Yes, then we'll see what vile creatures Democrats really are, not engaging in a Day of Love. Wouldn't you agree, @____no5?

I never say Republicans are much better, they are just the lesser evil for the next 12 years. After that Democrats (if they are still a party) may wake up and be a people’s party again.

On a different note, Trump assigning Pompeo as Defense Secretary? That would be an utter BS and disappointment.
Some good takes on this and on why 2024 is not 2016 but way better, in the clip below.

The ones "cramming it down" everyone's throat 24/7 are the conservatives and right wing media. The members of the LGBTQ community want to live their lives in peace, like every other person as well, but right wingers need to push the culture war, so they keep attacking them and making stuff up about them. The bikinis with "tuck pouches" were only for adults, so +1 for another objectively incorrect statement that you were fed by the media you consume to keep you angry, that you never checked to see if it was true.

Also, it goes back to basic respect. If someone tells you they're called John, you won't go "nah, I'll keep calling you Kevin, you look like a Kevin to me". You'll respect what they told you; well, unless you want to deliberately be an asshole about it. Same thing with someone's pronouns. First of all, you don't need pronouns when you address an individual themselves. Secondly, do you even know any trans individuals? When do you ever need to use their pronouns? This is why the previously raised "liberals are so mean to us" point is ridiculous, when some can't even do the bare minimum to respect a trans person.
I am not anti-trans, but what I am is pro-common sense. Bikinis are for women, and women don’t have penises. Outside of some extremely rare situations, there are two sexes – male and female. People are free to “transition” phenotypically, but genotypically they will always be what their sex chromosomes dictate. Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder, by the way:

After investigating numerous sources, I admit that I was incorrect about the tuck-friendly bikinis being for kids, so for that I apologize.

Posting pictures of trans men who obviously “pass” is extreme, as we all know that most trans individuals do not. Again, I do not care what people choose to do with their lives, as long as it does not negatively affect others. So when I am being screamed at because I call a trans person “he” (not intentionally, mind you) when I had no idea what they were, that is negatively affecting others. People don’t have signs around their necks that say “I’m they/them.” If someone tells me they prefer “they/them” or whatever, I will abide by their wishes to be respectful. But in my experience many don’t, and just assume that you should know.

By the same logic I can tell people that I identify as a squid, and that my preferred pronoun is “Lieutenant Kraken.” I would have just as much right to get upset and cause a scene as a trans person would, no? Sound crazy? Well, that’s what the majority of Americans think of preferred pronouns, and it’s not just conservatives. And it’s not going to change.

It is a shame that trans people can be victims of assault because of their choices, and obviously I don’t advocate for violence of any kind. That is uncalled for.

Moving on to sports, time for more facts and statistics! Trans athletes have been able to compete in the Olympics for 20 years. Other competitions have been allowing trans athletes as well. Every now and then a trans athlete does well, but overall there is no evidence or data to support the claim that they are "completely destroying women". This domination is a myth, no, a lie.

Let's look at one of the more popular examples used by those advocating against trans women competing with cis women, despite this particular example disproving their entire point. I'm sure the media you consume has reported on Lia Thomas, a trans woman who already set records and was an exceptional swimmer prior to her transition, whose performance worsened when she started transitioning but kept competing with men, and who once again became a great swimmer once her transition was far enough along and she met the requirements to participate with cis women.
In the span of one competition Lia won a single time. She also placed fifth in another race and eighth in a third race. That's it. She didn't place in the rest and didn't set a single record. In this competetion a total of 27 all-time NCAA records were broken. 18 out of those 27, in other words two thirds of the broken records were set by single indivual: Kate Douglass, a cis woman. So not only did Lia, the trans swimmer not dominate or break any records, the person who actually dominated the competition and "destroyed" the other contestants was a cis swimmer!
Okay, so Lia Thomas won only once. Kudos to the biological women like Kate Douglass who beat her. But that doesn’t change the fact that in general, biological men are stronger than biological women:

Along the same lines, why do we have a pride month? It makes no damn sense. We don’t even have a veteran’s month, you know, to celebrate the people who have given their lives, bodies, and minds to defend our nation. But we have an entire month dedicated to people because of who they’re attracted to? That’s insanity, and again, anti-common sense.

Kamala Harris did support defunding the police, but during her campaign was unsurprisingly tight-lipped on the issue:

Even Comrade Bernie Sanders stated that she would say anything in order to win the election:

This woman is not to be trusted, and thankfully the American people saw right through her. I’m hoping that after January we’ll never hear from her again.

So much for the left being mean using violent rhetoric. :rolleyes:
Rolling Stone is an extremely left-biased site, and this article and its title are laughable. Even an “icon” of the left, Bill Maher (who I admit I do have a slight bit of respect for since he won’t hesitate to call out his party’s bullshit) defended Trump here:

Also, we had four years of Trump before, and none of the liberals’ fears materialized. He didn’t execute anyone. He didn’t nuke anyone. This is just classic leftist media bias at work, and articles like this are a massive part of why Trump won. The majority of American people know that the mainstream media has a huge left bias, and they’re sick of it.

I’m not shocked at how none of you have mentioned Biden calling Trump’s supporters (read: half of the country) “garbage,” and how Kamala’s campaign scrambled in its final moments to distance itself from his comments. I’m sure most of you agree with him, though. I’m shocked that Biden never said “CornPop made me say it” or “My uncle and I talked about it yesterday, just before he was eaten by cannibals.” What a fool.

Trump’s response, though – showing up for a rally in Green Bay in a garbage truck – was hysterical. It was also practical, since he won Wisconsin.

At first I thought this was a joke, but this is actually what fans of his call themselves. Hilarious.

The thing with Trump, is I can understand why people back his policies, I don't agree with them of course, but I can understand a person making a decision on strict policy grounds.
Policy is exactly why Americans reelected him; they can see beyond what many consider to be a "rough" personality in favor of what the man and his future admininstration can accomplish.

Harris saying she could not think of a thing she would change from the Biden Administration and national campaign not really focusing on these issues really hurt them ... badly.
Absolutely. Her entire campaign was all flash and no substance, with her main message being "Trump bad."
I am not anti-trans, but what I am is pro-common sense.
Uh, no, sorry. That's bullshit and has nothing to do with "common sense" as you claim. The vast majority of medical experts world wide is pro-trans. They are pro-transitioning because it is the logical and humane thing to do. It's has a plethora of benefits while the negatives are miniscule. There's a reason that trans folks getting surgery have among the highest satisfaction rates. I'll go into more detail in the following parts of my post to explain why your view is anti-trans, even if you don't consciously realize that.

Bikinis are for women,
Bikinis are clothing and can be worn by anyone. High heels were originally worn by men. Multiple cultures, including my own (Greeks) have men wearing types of skirts. The Greek war uniform for their war of independence, which ist still worn to this day for ceremonial purposes, is a fluffy white skirt with white tights.

and women don’t have penises.
Biology disagrees with you. Again, let's flip it around to prove how complicated actual biology is: Swyer's syndrome. We are talking about women, who look like women, who have vaginas, who are born this way and yet they have XY chromosomes. According to your understanding those people should be men, but caiming something like that is ludicrous.

Outside of some extremely rare situations, there are two sexes – male and female.
Which is the reason why more and more people call sex bimodal instead of binary. Binary means there are only two choices, which gets increasingly silly when you have to exclude a variety of intersex conditions to make the definition work. In fact, there is not a single definition for sex that doesn't end up either excluding some cis people or that doesn't adequately cover everyone.

People are free to “transition” phenotypically, but genotypically they will always be what their sex chromosomes dictate.
There might be a couple of terminally online folks on Twitter who might claim otherwise, but the vast majority of trans individuals know very well that they aren't changing their sex. They transition because their sex and gender don't align, that's the entire point.

I am pretty well versed in the topic, no worries lol

Do you know what the medical consensus is to deal with gender dysphoria? Transitioning. Maybe we should trust the experts instead of fearmongering politicians? Maybe we should trust the studies that show the benefits of transitioning?
Posting pictures of trans men who obviously “pass” is extreme, as we all know that most trans individuals do not.
Bullshit. We do not all know that. That's just a random assertion that you hoped no one would call out. I gave specific examples to illustrate the point. Sure, I could've chosen individuals who aren't in shape, but the point was that demanding trans men to use women's restrooms is insane and has already led to a trans man being assaulted for doing what he was advised to do.

Again, I do not care what people choose to do with their lives, as long as it does not negatively affect others.
Perfect, then stop obsessing over the trans community or the LGBTQ community in general and let them live their damn lives in peace.

So when I am being screamed at because I call a trans person “he” (not intentionally, mind you) when I had no idea what they were, that is negatively affecting others. People don’t have signs around their necks that say “I’m they/them.” If someone tells me they prefer “they/them” or whatever, I will abide by their wishes to be respectful. But in my experience many don’t, and just assume that you should know.
Genuine question: How many times has that happened to you personally? Has it ever actually happened? How many trans individuals do you know?

Almost universally, every trans person I know personally, or of whom I've heard, no one screams at a person getting their pronouns wrong on accident. Usually it's a "hey, it's actually [insert pronouns]". The people who are screamed at are the ones who deliberately misgender someone to bully them.

By the same logic I can tell people that I identify as a squid, and that my preferred pronoun is “Lieutenant Kraken.”
And back with the strawmen. Do you actually believe this is a valid comparison? Trans people are regular human beings like you and me, they aren't squids or other animals. They just happen to have a gender identity that doesn't align with their bodies. There are myriads of differences between humans. Some are born with missing organs or limbs. Some twins are conjoined in various ways. Others suffer from teratoma, having teeth and hair growing in places they shouldn't, like your ears or the back of your throat. And some are born in the "wrong" body.

I would have just as much right to get upset and cause a scene as a trans person would, no? Sound crazy?
No, once you actually break it down you see quickly that your previous argument falls apart. It's okay to be ignorant on these matters, but don't extrapolate from that. Gender identity is something that is usually formed between the ages of 2 to 5 in humans and is something we are very passionate about, both cis and trans people. Go to a small boy and call him a girl, see how he'll react. You can say that it's in someone's mind, but that doesn't make it any less real to them.

Well, that’s what the majority of Americans think of preferred pronouns, and it’s not just conservatives. And it’s not going to change.
Bold assertion. Do you have a source? Because this poll from 2019 shows that a little more than half are fine with gender neutral pronouns. This one from 2022 has them tied at 50:50. If you're talking about neopronouns in particular, they are a minority in the trans community and most people are using he, she and/or they. Fun fact: Singular they is older than singular you (which used to be thou instead). It was good enough for Shakespeare, so I think it's good enough for us.
As for things not going to change, that's a weirdly definitive statement. I'm sure there were people who were against the Civil Rights movement and were adamant that things wouldn't change. Or people who thought that women would never get voting rights.

Okay, so Lia Thomas won only once. Kudos to the biological women like Kate Douglass who beat her. But that doesn’t change the fact that in general, biological men are stronger than biological women:
No one said cis men aren't on average stronger that cis women. When talking about sports we are talking about trans women who have to have been on HRT for specified time frames and have to fulfill the necessary criteria. There's research that indicates that trans women have "no clear biological advantages over cis women in elite sport". There's been a recent study that indicates trans athletes actually being at a disadvantage in some key metrics compared to cis women. As I've said before, HRT is incredibly strong and introduces massive changes.
And as I already said, despite the fearmongering: There's no indication of trans women dominating in sports. In fact, often they are average or even on the lower end of competitions.
Along the same lines, why do we have a pride month? It makes no damn sense.
Why not? LGBTQ-related hate crimes have increased in the last few years. LGBTQ individuals are routinely harassed, bullied, attacked or even killed. For the crime of being themselves and wanting to live their lives. There are 11 other months in the year, is it really going to kill you to let marginalized communities have some semblence of acceptance?

We don’t even have a veteran’s month, you know, to celebrate the people who have given their lives, bodies, and minds to defend our nation. But we have an entire month dedicated to people because of who they’re attracted to? That’s insanity, and again, anti-common sense.
No, it's not "anti-common sense". It's you being severely misinformed. Instead of being angy at the Pride movement I'd suggest you start diversifying your media diet, because they lie to you to keep you angry. November is veteran's month, May is National Military Appreciation Month. I think you should've known that if you feel that strongly about these matters. Furthermore, as I mentioned before, pride month is about the challenges the LGBTQ community is facing, not simply because of who they're attracted to. Instead of labeling everthing insanity you really ought to educate yourself and practice a bit of critical thinking. You'll quickly find that your positions are not grounded in common sense at all.

Kamala Harris did support defunding the police, but during her campaign was unsurprisingly tight-lipped on the issue:
I already provided a fact check link in my previous comment. Did you read it? Also, because further down you are talking about untrustworthy websites: America First Policy Institution is literally a pro-Trump thinktank to promote his agenda and policies, so forgive me but I can't take that seriously. Again, time to diversify your sources and media consumption.
Even Comrade Bernie Sanders stated that she would say anything in order to win the election:

This woman is not to be trusted, and thankfully the American people saw right through her. I’m hoping that after January we’ll never hear from her again.
I mean, yeah, her career's done. But if you think she's the only politician who says whatever the voters would like to hear, then I'm afraid you're being deliberately obtuse. Trump routinely lies to his supporters, promises them things he won't be able to deliver on or even things that are the opposite of what he'll do. He promised to bring prices down, yet he also will implement tariffs which will in fact make everything more expensive. Either we condemn both of them, or neither of them. So, which is it?

Rolling Stone is an extremely left-biased site, and this article and its title are laughable.
Sorry, but that's pure cowardice. That was simply the first Google result. You can take any other article, the facts don't change. The content of the article doesn't change

Even an “icon” of the left, Bill Maher (who I admit I do have a slight bit of respect for since he won’t hesitate to call out his party’s bullshit) defended Trump here:
Maher is no "icon" of the left. He's a centrist at best, but even then: This isn't the first time Trump has used violent imagery and rhetoric, but we are only supposed to blame the left? That's bullshit and you know it.
Also, we had four years of Trump before, and none of the liberals’ fears materialized.
None of them? Are you forgetting about something little called Roe v Wade? Pregnant women are dying because doctors refuse to abort dead fetuses that have gone septic, lest they lose their licenses. There are multiple horror stories that come out of places like Texas where this is the actual reality. Just because it doesn't affect you doesn't mean Trump's actions aren't felt. He explicitly chose to withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement and his actions in the coming administration will push back climate efforts for literal decades. The October 7th attacks were directly influenced by actions of Trump, like withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, or moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Also, he literally launched more drone strikes than Obama, let's not forget that inconvenient truth. He ordered the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, which was explicitly only given as an option because the generals thought no one would be so insane to do something like that and they thought he'd reconsider for something more reasonable. We can all be thankful that Iran chose to not escalate and retaliate.

This is just classic leftist media bias at work, and articles like this are a massive part of why Trump won. The majority of American people know that the mainstream media has a huge left bias, and they’re sick of it.
Leftist has a specific meaning and none of the mainstream media are leftist. Many are left-leaning, but again: Two entirely different concepts. Also, Fox News is by far the largest media network and they are staunchly right wing (if not far right), so let's quit with the talking points and the strawmen and let's finally talk like adults.

I’m not shocked at how none of you have mentioned Biden calling Trump’s supporters (read: half of the country) “garbage,” and how Kamala’s campaign scrambled in its final moments to distance itself from his comments. I’m sure most of you agree with him, though. I’m shocked that Biden never said “CornPop made me say it” or “My uncle and I talked about it yesterday, just before he was eaten by cannibals.” What a fool.
Again, have you forgotten conservatives calling liberals groomers and pedophiles? I thought liberals were supposed to be snowflakes, not conservatives.

Policy is exactly why Americans reelected him; they can see beyond what many consider to be a "rough" personality in favor of what the man and his future admininstration can accomplish.
It literally isn't, considering that he has barely proposed any actual policy. He has given a lot of populist lies, but not actual policy. The few things he has proposed are going to lead to the exact opposite scenario, like the tariffs (please look up what tariffs are and what an effect they have). We've literally already seen stories today of some businesses starting to buy materials and hoarding them prior to January because shit is going to become much more expensive. I know you think I'm just lying, but I'm not. You can look at any economic expert and they'll all tell you the same thing. Reality and facts don't care about populist lies.
I am not anti-trans, but what I am is pro-common sense. Bikinis are for women, and women don’t have penises. Outside of some extremely rare situations, there are two sexes – male and female. People are free to “transition” phenotypically, but genotypically they will always be what their sex chromosomes dictate. Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder, by the way:

After investigating numerous sources, I admit that I was incorrect about the tuck-friendly bikinis being for kids, so for that I apologize.

Posting pictures of trans men who obviously “pass” is extreme, as we all know that most trans individuals do not. Again, I do not care what people choose to do with their lives, as long as it does not negatively affect others. So when I am being screamed at because I call a trans person “he” (not intentionally, mind you) when I had no idea what they were, that is negatively affecting others. People don’t have signs around their necks that say “I’m they/them.” If someone tells me they prefer “they/them” or whatever, I will abide by their wishes to be respectful. But in my experience many don’t, and just assume that you should know.

By the same logic I can tell people that I identify as a squid, and that my preferred pronoun is “Lieutenant Kraken.” I would have just as much right to get upset and cause a scene as a trans person would, no? Sound crazy? Well, that’s what the majority of Americans think of preferred pronouns, and it’s not just conservatives. And it’s not going to change.

It is a shame that trans people can be victims of assault because of their choices, and obviously I don’t advocate for violence of any kind. That is uncalled for.

Okay, so Lia Thomas won only once. Kudos to the biological women like Kate Douglass who beat her. But that doesn’t change the fact that in general, biological men are stronger than biological women:

Along the same lines, why do we have a pride month? It makes no damn sense. We don’t even have a veteran’s month, you know, to celebrate the people who have given their lives, bodies, and minds to defend our nation. But we have an entire month dedicated to people because of who they’re attracted to? That’s insanity, and again, anti-common sense.

Kamala Harris did support defunding the police, but during her campaign was unsurprisingly tight-lipped on the issue:

Even Comrade Bernie Sanders stated that she would say anything in order to win the election:

This woman is not to be trusted, and thankfully the American people saw right through her. I’m hoping that after January we’ll never hear from her again.

Rolling Stone is an extremely left-biased site, and this article and its title are laughable. Even an “icon” of the left, Bill Maher (who I admit I do have a slight bit of respect for since he won’t hesitate to call out his party’s bullshit) defended Trump here:

Also, we had four years of Trump before, and none of the liberals’ fears materialized. He didn’t execute anyone. He didn’t nuke anyone. This is just classic leftist media bias at work, and articles like this are a massive part of why Trump won. The majority of American people know that the mainstream media has a huge left bias, and they’re sick of it.

I’m not shocked at how none of you have mentioned Biden calling Trump’s supporters (read: half of the country) “garbage,” and how Kamala’s campaign scrambled in its final moments to distance itself from his comments. I’m sure most of you agree with him, though. I’m shocked that Biden never said “CornPop made me say it” or “My uncle and I talked about it yesterday, just before he was eaten by cannibals.” What a fool.

Trump’s response, though – showing up for a rally in Green Bay in a garbage truck – was hysterical. It was also practical, since he won Wisconsin.

At first I thought this was a joke, but this is actually what fans of his call themselves. Hilarious.

Policy is exactly why Americans reelected him; they can see beyond what many consider to be a "rough" personality in favor of what the man and his future admininstration can accomplish.

Absolutely. Her entire campaign was all flash and no substance, with her main message being "Trump bad."
No one cares about the trans stuff but conservatives. It's time to grow up and learn to live and let live. Everyone else in this country gets along. Conservatives are the problem.
From the NYT

Representative Nancy Pelosi, the former House speaker, suggested this week that it would have been better for the Democratic Party if President Biden had abandoned his re-election campaign sooner and the party had then held a competitive primary process to replace him.

In an interview on Thursday with The New York Times, Ms. Pelosi said what was widely reported around the time Mr. Biden dropped out: that she believed it was implicitly understood that his exit would be followed by an internal party competition for a new nominee, instead of an anointment of Vice President Kamala Harris.

“Had the president gotten out sooner, there may have been other candidates in the race,” Ms. Pelosi said during an interview with Lulu Garcia-Navarro, a host of “The Interview,” a Times podcast. She added during the interview, which will be published in full on Saturday, “The anticipation was that, if the president were to step aside, that there would be an open primary.”
Ms. Pelosi went on: “And as I say, Kamala may have, I think she would have done well in that and been stronger going forward. But we don’t know that. That didn’t happen. We live with what happened. And because the president endorsed Kamala Harris immediately, that really made it almost impossible to have a primary at that time. If it had been much earlier, it would have been different.”

Mr. Biden endorsed Ms. Harris within an hour after he ended his campaign in July, a decision he made only after an intense pressure campaign from Democrats that Ms. Pelosi quietly led. His support for the vice president, along with backing from many other Democrats, choked off any avenue for a challenger to emerge. Over two weeks, Ms. Harris swiftly gathered support from delegates to the Democratic National Convention.
While some Democrats floated the idea of a quick primary, those proposals never gained traction and were not embraced by the Democratic National Committee or convention delegates.

In the interview, Ms. Pelosi went to great lengths to defend the Biden administration’s legislative accomplishments, most of which took place during his first two years, when she was the House speaker. After Republicans won control of the House in the 2022 midterm elections, she relinquished her leadership post but remained in the chamber as an éminence grise for the party.

The former speaker, who was elected on Tuesday to her 20th term representing San Francisco, argued in the interview that the Democratic Party still stood up for working-class voters on economic issues.
She took issue with comments this week from Senator Bernie Sanders, the independent progressive from Vermont, who suggested that Ms. Harris’s defeat had come in part because Democrats were too focused on identity politics at the expense of economic concerns.

“Bernie Sanders has not won,” Ms. Pelosi said. “With all due respect, and I have a great deal of respect for him, for what he stands for, but I don’t respect him saying that the Democratic Party has abandoned the working-class families.”
She suggested that cultural issues were more to blame for Democrats’ losses among the working class.
“Guns, God and gays — that’s the way they say it,” she said. “Guns, that’s an issue; gays, that’s an issue, and now they’re making the trans issue such an important issue in their priorities; and in certain communities, what they call God, what we call a woman’s right to choose.”

This is a major reason why Democrats lost. They think they are so smart changing constantly narratives with the help of their friendly legacy media (almost all big publications) as if the rest of the world are too stupid to notice. There was no open discussion by the Democrats to remove Biden, who was "sharp as a tack" one week before the debate. So when Biden should stepped down then? Would be June good enough for her? I don't think so.
Then why nobody suggested to remove Biden before the primaries? Before Thanksgiving? Because nobody believed Trump would survive all those law cases they threw against him. Simply it wouldn't matter if Biden was fit or not, in some regards better to be unfit for easier manipulation.
That is why. Democrats in 2024 are anything except democracy. I hope they will learn, but certainly not Pelosi judging by what she says. One term is not enough for them to learn their lesson.
More on Democrats' lost grip of reality and relying on changing narratives by mainstream media to win, by conservative no-nonsense academic & farmer Victor Davis Hanson.

I mean, the Dems suck for sure, for a variety of reasons, but not having a primary is not a threat to democracy or similar clearly disingenuous criticisms. The DNC chooses how they appoint the candidate. Having primaries is not in the constitution and they weren't a thing until the early 1900s. This is just one of the many right-wing talking points that are swallowed and pushed here non critically.

Trump on the other hand has promised openly fascistic policies, his Agenda 47 and Project 2025 are openly fascistic too. He openly praises dictators, but no wonder that people who are in support of far right tyrants would try to paint Trump as being better than the Dems. It's just so incredibly transparent, that it would be almost funny if it weren't so obvious.

We also need to talk about hypocrisy. About the fact that Trump is supposed to be "draining the swamp", yet literal billionaires like Musk are buying their way into the administration. But that doesn't matter because it's their team doing it, huh? Same with mental declines. If it's disqualifying that Biden declined, why doesn't the same apply to Trump who very obviously is declining as well, arguably just as bad? Again, hypocrisy. As is the insinuation about "friendly legacy media", when Fox News is by far the largest network and is nigh far right, and when all networks disproportionately attacked Biden's mental acuity but barely do the same with Trump.

Criticizing the Dems is needed and valid, but projecting and pretending they are a danger to democracy when the GOP is quite literally descending into fascism? Completely disingenuous.
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It's not about if primaries are in constitution or not, this is a democratic process nevertheless. Democrats reliance on propaganda is what caused them to bet on legal cases against Trump instead of finding the next leader via really open primaries and earn a victory against Trump vs trying to rig it.
Instead of finding a positive message to run with both now and in 2016, they threw everything they had in Trump which eventually helped him. He had a clear positive message whereas Dems proposition was not let Trump govern.
And frankly after 4 years of Trump followed by 4 years of Biden I fail to see how Trump is fascist. Trump didn't weaponise justice against his opponents and I doubt he would do it now.

Can you fathom that Dems in California passed a law forbidding authorities to ask id for voters? What is the purpose of that law except fraud?
And really I don't see how GOP is descending into fascism in any way. But the endless propaganda that they do is frightening.
Anyway, what's more important for the rest of the world is that with the "unhinged" Trump he had no new wars whereas with "wise" Biden we had 2 including a genocide in front of our eyes, with 2 other wars looming. Recession in Europe and closer to WWIII than ever before.
So please, no more Democrats for a few terms, please.
Don't stick to what he says, it's the actions that count. Take a look how Israelis will start to slow it down and how things will improve now.
It's not about if primaries are in constitution or not, this is a democratic process nevertheless. Democrats reliance on propaganda is what caused them to bet on legal cases against Trump instead of finding the next leader via really open primaries and earn a victory against Trump vs trying to rig it.
Projection once again. Trump broke multiple laws and was prosecuted for a tiny amount of those transgressions. It's what the legal system is for. The constant crying about "lawfare" is transparent and you're not fooling anyone. Criminals should be punished, correct?

Also, LMAO at propaganda. Look at the poll I posted. Look at how many objectively incorrect statements Detective Beauregard made in this very thread, things that people can easily look up. The majority of Trump supporters are fooled by populist lies and have no idea what the actual facts are. Actually, your continued disingenuous attacks on the Dems while shielding the GOP are a prime example of propaganda.

Instead of finding a positive message to run with both now and in 2016, they threw everything they had in Trump which eventually helped him. He had a clear positive message whereas Dems proposition was not let Trump govern.
What was his "clear positive message" except for lying about how he'll fix problems with legislation that will make everything worse? He promised to fix the economy, yet will impose tariffs that will actually raise prices and ruin the economy.

And frankly after 4 years of Trump followed by 4 years of Biden I fail to see how Trump is fascist. Trump didn't weaponise justice against his opponents and I doubt he would do it now.
He openly campaigned on fascist promises. How do you think mass deportations of 20 illegal immigrants (which is a made up number much larger than the actual figure by the way) will work in practice? Why are you ignoring the fact that his Agenda 47 and Project 2025 include openly fascistic proposals? Or that he let billionaires buy their way into the administration? Again, what you are doing is incredibly transparent and you aren't fooling anyone.

Can you fathom that Dems in California passed a law forbidding authorities to ask id for voters?
Misrepresentation of the actual facts (as usual). Republicans do everything in their power to make acquiring voter id incredibly difficult for various communities and people. California has robust voter fraud measures and it's not as if you can simply show up and vote without any checks. Unless you're voting for the first time, you can provide a variety of documents like your passport, a driver's license, state id or student id.

What is the purpose of that law except fraud?
See above. There is no meaningful voter fraud. Funnily enough back in 2020, almost all cases of voter fraud that were discovered were by Republicans. But you'll just ignore that because you don't care about facts.

And really I don't see how GOP is descending into fascism in any way. But the endless propaganda that they do is frightening.
You choose to not see it, because you support the GOP. He incited a literal insurrection. Have you read Agenda 47 and Project 2025?

Anyway, what's more important for the rest of the world is that with the "unhinged" Trump he had no new wars
Trump increased the number of drone strikes. He ordered the assassination of Qasem Suleimani which could've started a war. The current Gaza conflict was directly influenced by Trump's actions. He fucked up Afghanistan and increased the amount of civilian deaths.

whereas with "wise" Biden we had 2 including a genocide in front of our eyes
Trump will be even worse for Gaza. He promised that. Don't pretend to care about that if you lie so brazenly.

Recession in Europe
Trump's tariffs will literally lead to a new recession, in the worst case. Economists rarely agree on anything, but right now the universal view is that Trump's tariffs will hurt the global economy. Facts are quite pesky when they ruin your list of lies, huh?

and closer to WWIII than ever before.
We'll see about that.

So please, no more Democrats for a few terms, please.
The fascist take over by the GOP and the Heritage Foundation will try their best to ensure that, no worries.

Don't stick to what he says, it's the actions that count. Take a look how Israelis will start to slow it down and how things will improve now.
Literally the opposite of what Trump has promised.

Anyway, normally I have you on ignore because you're refusing to ever engage in good faith; you simply repeat your talking points, despite being wrong on so many of them. Saw the recent comments though and couldn't let such brazen lies and misrepresentations of reality stay uncommented.
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6 January doesn’t qualify as a coup. He called his loyals to peacefully protest.
We can say he tried to use some provisions and/or gaps in the legislation and the power of the Vice President to his favor but he did it publicly and not violently so this is not a coup. Not even an insurrection. He tried to keep the power by using tools given by the constitution.
That’s why he did this publicly in front of everybody.
Coups involve secrecy and conspiracy. And often violence.
It was a very ugly thing to do but not a coup.
Coups involve secrecy and conspiracy. And often violence.

There was violence. Four people died.

We can say he tried to use some provisions and/or gaps in the legislation and the power of the Vice President to his favor but he did it publicly and not violently so this is not a coup. Not even an insurrection. He tried to keep the power by using tools given by the constitution.

What you are describing is literally, exactly, in every interpretation of historical facts, the precise thing the Nazis did to obtain and keep power.

5, Trump can tell his followers tomorrow to put on swastika armbands and march through the streets holding torches and yell "Heil Trump" and you'll still deny he's a Fascist. And somehow you keep claiming we're the brainwashed ones.
There was violence. Four people died.

True, but Trump didn’t call for that. Claiming such is like claiming that Biden asked for Trump to be assassinated when he asked to put a target on Trump.
I don’t support any of those claims.

5, Trump can tell his followers tomorrow to put on swastika armbands and march through the streets holding torches and yell "Heil Trump" and you'll still deny he's a Fascist. And somehow you keep claiming we're the brainwashed ones.

First, Trump and a big following of his thought the elections were rigged. Some of the actions should be seen under this light.
In any case I said very clearly he did a very ugly thing, but which falls short of being a coup.

Second, the weaponization of justice which half the US and much of the global south think that took place against Trump is as fascist as this alleged coup.
Though I don’t think that either qualifies as such. Both are quite ugly and that’s where it ends. Even the fact that the “progressives” call for censorship, scrap first amendment or trying to alter the elections by fast tracking immigrants or not requiring id. Or the way they scrapped their primaries overnight.
And I remember back in 2016 some mainstream paper probably NYT threw out the idea of electorate college to disobey and vote Hilary.

Anyway I don’t claim that anyone is fascist, it’s too much of a heavy word, but take a step back and you may see that Democrats do exactly what they accuse Trump of doing. They just respect the etiquette and optics which makes them worse.
True, but Trump didn’t call for that. Claiming such is like claiming that Biden asked for Trump to be assassinated when he asked to put a target on Trump.
I don’t support any of those claims.

First, Trump and a big following of his thought the elections were rigged. Some of the actions should be seen under this light.
In any case I said very clearly he did a very ugly thing, but which falls short of being a coup.

Second, the weaponization of justice which half the US and much of the global south think that took place against Trump is as fascist as this alleged coup.
Though I don’t think that either qualifies as such. Both are quite ugly and that’s where it ends. Even the fact that the “progressives” call for censorship, scrap first amendment or trying to alter the elections by fast tracking immigrants or not requiring id. Or the way they scrapped their primaries overnight.
And I remember back in 2016 some mainstream paper probably NYT threw out the idea of electorate college to disobey and vote Hilary.

Anyway I don’t claim that anyone is fascist, it’s too much of a heavy word, but take a step back and you may see that Democrats do exactly what they accuse Trump of doing. They just respect the etiquette and optics which makes them worse.
When do progressives call for censorship?
Recent example when Hilary Clinton said that social media companies must moderate content on their platforms or else “we lose total control.”
Below an article from Alan Dershowitz which at most parts outlines my thinking.

"First, today’s censorship comes, for the most part, from so-called progressives, who are far more influential and credible than the reactionaries who promoted and implemented McCarthyism."

"..these new progressive censors base their opposition to untrammeled freedom of expression on policies supported by many Americans, especially centrist liberals: anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia, anti-hate speech, anti-Holocaust denial, anti-climate denial, and anti-falsehoods. Moreover, these arguments are being offered by people we admire and love."

"The social media are facing precisely this dilemma now. In addition to demands for equal treatment, any institution that edits selectively on the basis of the alleged falsity of the censored material faces the following conundrum: if Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube take down content which they deem to be untrue, then at least some viewers may come to believe that content that is not taken down must have passed the test of truthfulness. "

And let's not forget the apparent manipulation of algorithm by "left" leaning media do this indirectly, such as Google rendering Donald Duck when input "President Donald" or recently when the Joe Rogan's podcast with Donald Trump wasn't even trending. Not exactly censorship but equally doing evil for good cause.