USA Politics

And let's not forget the apparent manipulation of algorithm by "left" leaning media do this indirectly, such as Google rendering Donald Duck when input "President Donald" or recently when the Joe Rogan's podcast with Donald Trump wasn't even trending. Not exactly censorship but equally doing evil for good cause.
Let's not forget Mr. "free speech" himself, Elon Musk who's the the complete opposite when it comes to twitter, artificially boosting his tweets, amplifying those he agrees with and block/burying those he doesn't. They're all playing dirty, it's just who has the money and power to get away with it, hint, right now, it's not the "liberal left."
How is moderating content on social media platforms censorship? Posting something racist or sexist and getting your Twitter account banned has nothing to do with free speech. And I doubt there's any actual evidence that Google is suppressing Donald Trump and Joe Rogan. If you want to see real censorship check out Rupublicans banning or even burning books.
How is moderating content on social media platforms censorship? Posting something racist or sexist and getting your Twitter account banned has nothing to do with free speech. And I doubt there's any actual evidence that Google is suppressing Donald Trump and Joe Rogan. If you want to see real censorship check out Rupublicans banning or even burning books.
It's not that they "suppress" them as much as no matter what you search for nowadays, the first 10 results or so are sponsored content. People/companies that paid to be at the top of the results. It's well known and Google doesn't even hide/deny it.
It's not that they "suppress" them as much as no matter what you search for nowadays, the first 10 results or so are sponsored content. People/companies that paid to be at the top of the results. It's well known and Google doesn't even hide/deny it.
That is true. There's definitely an argument to be made that Google and social media sites have far too much power and practically own the internet at this point. But I feel the algorithms push right wing content more than anything else because that's what drives engagement. Right wingers are very dedicated to their podcasts and cable news and will watch/listen for hours on end. These companies agendas are to make money, not push political ideas.
Let's not forget Mr. "free speech" himself, Elon Musk who's the the complete opposite when it comes to twitter, artificially boosting his tweets, amplifying those he agrees with and block/burying those he doesn't. They're all playing dirty, it's just who has the money and power to get away with it, hint, right now, it's not the "liberal left."

Sure there are no saints, it just hurts more when bad things come from the left, I grew up believing that left are the good guys.
Anyway, I don’t want any labels for me anymore.

Speaking of Musk I remember when he bought Twitter he reinstated all accounts except Alex Jones’ with whom he had personal beef.
Clearly a douchebag move. Everything he supposed to be standing for was discarded instantly.
Let's not forget Mr. "free speech" himself, Elon Musk who's the the complete opposite when it comes to twitter, artificially boosting his tweets, amplifying those he agrees with and block/burying those he doesn't. They're all playing dirty, it's just who has the money and power to get away with it, hint, right now, it's not the "liberal left."
If your tweet includes the word "cis" it is labeled as offensive content and becomes less visible. Notably this doesn't happen with actual slurs. There are people posting the most unhinged stuff or slurs like the n word and nothing happens with those tweets, but cis? Immediate action, because Elon is such a pathetic and weak moron.

He also explicitly had neonazi accounts reinstated. I can't understate how much I despise him and people like him.
True, but Trump didn’t call for that. Claiming such is like claiming that Biden asked for Trump to be assassinated when he asked to put a target on Trump.
I don’t support any of those claims.

First, Trump and a big following of his thought the elections were rigged. Some of the actions should be seen under this light.
In any case I said very clearly he did a very ugly thing, but which falls short of being a coup.

Second, the weaponization of justice which half the US and much of the global south think that took place against Trump is as fascist as this alleged coup.
Though I don’t think that either qualifies as such. Both are quite ugly and that’s where it ends. Even the fact that the “progressives” call for censorship, scrap first amendment or trying to alter the elections by fast tracking immigrants or not requiring id. Or the way they scrapped their primaries overnight.
And I remember back in 2016 some mainstream paper probably NYT threw out the idea of electorate college to disobey and vote Hilary.

Anyway I don’t claim that anyone is fascist, it’s too much of a heavy word, but take a step back and you may see that Democrats do exactly what they accuse Trump of doing. They just respect the etiquette and optics which makes them worse.

Everything you said here has been countered so many times that you should really understand by now that we do not accept these claims and know they are debunked, and yet you use them like it's the first time and all previous discussions didn't happen.

Anyway, it doesn't matter. Trump got elected, and in just over two month's time, we will see what happens. Everything else is moot. All we can do here now is create a setup for an eventual "told you so".
Well debunked or not the people didn't buy it. GOP won the popular vote for first time in 20 years, above 50% of the vote too and had major wins in California and other blue states. With nearly all mainstream media & social platforms against them.

I don't held my hopes too high. Rubio Secretary of State? It doesn't start well. The lesser of two evils isn't something to cheer too much about.
But I feel the algorithms push right wing content more than anything else because that's what drives engagement.

Remember the algorithm pushes what triggers you, so for right wingers it pushes left wing content and vice versa. I've trained my algorithm a little to well, because my youtube and Facebook are basically echo chambers. I have to purposefully seek right wingers to get a more balanced view of what's going on.
No, The algorithm shows left wing content to right wingers and right wing content to left wingers. It's been proven time and time again that what drives the algorithm and "engagement" is HATE.
I am not happy Trump won, but I am happy Harris lost (if there results were different, just switch the names). But I guess $1B in such a short period of time does not seem to buy so much any more. In any case, polls showed over and over people were unhappy with inflation and thought the country was on the wrong path. Whether they were right or wrong about those views did not matter, it was the issue that would decide the election.

Harris lost the second she went on the View (shudder thinking about that shit show) and said she would not do anything differently and was a major part in those decisions when asked if she would do anything different than Biden. All the Beyonce rallies on earth were not going to save her from that.

You can point to other things

1) Biden should never have run (or dropped out earlier)
2) Clips from her 2020 campaign (trans surgery for inmates, crime, etc)
3) Hiding from the press for some time
4) Some backlash from post George Floyd criminal justice (see California proposition, recall in Oakland, DA in LA, mayor in San Fran to show this was really across the board)
.. and probably a bunch of other stuff ... but the View did her in, which is shocking as it was about the most friendly show she could possibly go on
polls showed over a[nd over people were unhappy with inflation and thought the country was on the wrong path.

The economy was "better" under Trump 8 years ago, because that's what he inherited from 8 years of Obama, the economy "sucked" under Biden because that's what he inherited from Trump along with an apocalyptic pandemic. People continue to misunderstand how the economy and economic policies work. We're still feeling the ramifications of Reagan policies from the 80s, but don't get me wrong, said policies were continued and built upon by Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush jr. AND Obama. Few policies have immediate impacts. That's what pisses me off about Trump winning again, who gives two shits about 4 more years. But his policies could and have had generational consequences. Like stacking a conservative supreme court.

His solutions like mass deportations, tariffs on imports, etc will be DEVASTATING for the economy. They may not be felt right away, but they won't improve jack. All these people who think the economy will be better will be hit the worst. The only people benefiting so far are the richest men. Bezos, Musk, Buffett, etc have seen a rise of 10% to their already ridiculous fortunes. That is NOT going to trickle down.

Voting for a literal fascist monster "CuZ tHe EcoNoMy," was incredibly stupid and short-sighted.
The economy was "better" under Trump 8 years ago, because that's what he inherited from 8 years of Obama, the economy "sucked" under Biden because that's what he inherited from Trump along with an apocalyptic pandemic. People continue to misunderstand how the economy and economic policies work. We're still feeling the ramifications of Reagan policies from the 80s, but don't get me wrong, said policies were continued and built upon by Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush jr. AND Obama. Few policies have immediate impacts. That's what pisses me off about Trump winning again, who gives two shits about 4 more years. But his policies could and have had generational consequences. Like stacking a conservative supreme court.

His solutions like mass deportations, tariffs on imports, etc will be DEVASTATING for the economy. They may not be felt right away, but they won't improve jack. All these people who think the economy will be better will be hit the worst. The only people benefiting so far are the richest men. Bezos, Musk, Buffett, etc have seen a rise of 10% to their already ridiculous fortunes. That is NOT going to trickle down.

Voting for a literal fascist monster "CuZ tHe EcoNoMy," was incredibly stupid and short-sighted.
That is what people were saying in poll after poll ... whether they were right or wrong is a different matter .. but really does not matter when it comes to the electorate. She locked herself in hard with an unpopular administration instead of trying to make herself some kind of "change" when the majority of people were saying "we want change"
No, The algorithm shows left wing content to right wingers and right wing content to left wingers. It's been proven time and time again that what drives the algorithm and "engagement" is HATE.
While your overall point is correct, especially that ragebait has become the norm for social media and people are constantly fed content, whether true events or misleading bs, that will keep them angry, we have to note that most networks do push right wing content aggressively. Whether you create a new account on TikTok or YouTube (not even mentioning the hell hole that is Twitter), within the first hour you'll be faced with far right accounts. There have been quite a few experiments showing this, but I don't have the time right now to look for any articles. I'll try to get back to that tomorrow.
That's what pisses me off about Trump winning again, who gives two shits about 4 more years. But his policies could and have had generational consequences. Like stacking a conservative supreme court.

Very valid point, it happens often the left to do the dirty job and conservatives to benefit. But Biden term was a mess in so many ways. If Trump plays it well -huge if, early signs are disappointing- it would be much more than 4 more years.

Voting for a literal fascist monster "CuZ tHe EcoNoMy," was incredibly stupid and short-sighted.

Economy is a big deal man, when there’s no food on the table no one cares about ideals who’s fascist and what not. Or borders. Half the Latino voting for Trump should be a huge wake up call.