USA Politics

Just 2 years ago Rogan was saying Trump was an existential threat to democracy, but apparently Elon Musk just convinced him to back Trump in this election.

Hopefully it’s too late to motivate any numbskull Roganheads to get off the couch and vote for Trump now, but you never know.
Just 2 years ago Rogan was saying Trump was an existential threat to democracy, but apparently Elon Musk just convinced him to back Trump in this election.

Hopefully it’s too late to motivate any numbskull Roganheads to get off the couch and vote for Trump now, but you never know.
Rogan is a pos and a complete moron who doesn't even know what time of day it is. So are his followers, many of whom are angry 14 year olds who don't know any better. That's a potential upside since they can't vote.
Just 2 years ago Rogan was saying Trump was an existential threat to democracy,

If you listen to the podcast you’ll maybe understand that he considers Democrats more a thread to democracy than Trump. Also you’ll hear that 3 years ago Musk was leaning left and so did Rogan.

I was routing for Democrats 3 years ago. Not anymore. Many things can change in such a period.
I can't anyone seriously who still respects Musk and Rogan. They've proven time and time again that they are massive morons who have no idea what they're talking about most of the time, yet they still have an enormous reach and the potential to influence their audience.
I think Rogan is salty that Harris didn’t do the podcast, personally.

Edit: Also many of these swing states do not have same day registration, so if Roganites want to get off the couch they need to be registered already.

All things point to abortion being the deciding factor. I've been hearing all day how voter turnout is off the charts and how women (including some who have voted red before) are voting against Trump. Turns out people don't like losing access to life-saving procedures or being lied to by supreme court justices.

It'll be amazing if Iowa turns blue again.
Forgive me if I'm wrong but didn't he turn her down?
He wanted to do it on his terms (in his studio, 3 hour interview) and they wanted him to come to her for an hour long interview. The way he framed it made it seem like he felt like the ball was in their court to accept his offer.
You do Rogan as everybody else or you not at all. Proposing Rogan to your place for an hour is plain pathetic, better be decent and just decline.

I heard during Elon Musk podcast that his podcast with Trump wasn’t even trending. It would be funny if it weren’t sad.
Another accidental mess up with Google’s algorithm I guess.
Politico: He prevailed through a 34-count felony conviction, 2 assassination attempts and bipartisan backlash to return to power.

*Here Politico fails to mention he faced a total of 88 charges in total and survived, 34 convicted, 40 dismissed, and 14 pending.

Also goodbye to The 13 keys to White House, destroyed by their own creator. Allan Lichtman was obviously too partisan to see clearly and his predictions failed miserably.

According to Lichtman's model "The 13 keys to White House", if for following statements we have 6 or more FALSE replies, then challenger party wins. If TRUE are 8 or more incumbent party wins.
Allan Lichtman (replies in bold black) has Kamala for the win, I (replies in bold black or when different, red) have Trump for win.
  • Major policy change: The incumbent administration effects major changes in national policy. TRUE FALSE
  • No social unrest: There is no sustained social unrest during the term. TRUE FALSE
  • No foreign/military failure: The incumbent administration suffers no major failure in foreign or military affairs. - FALSE
  • Major foreign/military success: The incumbent administration achieves a major success in foreign or military affairs. - FALSE
  • Uncharismatic challenger: The challenging party candidate is not charismatic or a national hero. TRUE FALSE
  • What were those major changes in national policy?
  • There was sustained social unrest and quite significant too, last spring.
  • Afghanistan was a major failure.
  • Ukraine was definitely not a success. Nor Israel. Nor Saudi Arabia rapprochement with Iran. Nor the enlargement of BRICS and beginning of de-dollarisation. I fail to see any success in foreign policy /military affaires, let alone major.
  • Spectacularly false. Since July 13th one cannot claim that Trump is not charismatic. During this campaign there were so many iconic moments produced -for good or bad- that one should be blind not to acknowledge them. This is a once in a century personality -again, for good or bad- to claim that he is not charismatic after what he'd been through and won is literally unbelievable.
Trial.jpg Mugshot.jpg Fight.jpg
RFK.jpg McDonalds.jpeg
My state was blue in the end, so I did what I could. Apologies in advance for all the bullshit the Mad King will inevitably wreak on the west.
Just checked this thread for the first time in a while and I have a few things to say about it and the results.

- It baffles me how can people who live at the United States can actually claim that Dems are going far too left. Their country is literally the embodiment of capitalism and imperialism. Like @Vaenyr said, the Democratic party is a center-right party with progressive views if you compare it to world's politicians. If anyone relevant can be considered at most center-left, it would probably be Bernie Sanders.

- Talking about him, he made a very good assessment on the results of this election. The Democratic Party has been mostly abandoning working class people and their worries and focusing on a progressive agenda. This has made lots of traditional blue collar working class counties shift to Republican because they think their lives were better under Trump's administration.

- While I am deeply saddened to say this, it seems that this all is indeed a bit too much:

Is asking for people to be treated the same way regardless of the colour of their skin too much? Is giving lesbian and gay couples the same rights as heterosexual couples too far? Is it too much to treat the trans community with the same respect and dignity as everyone else and to respect their gender identity? Is it such a dealbreaker to take down statues of confederate generals, per definition traitors who rebelled against the United States, and to rather see them in museums than celebrated openly?

Most americans, especially from rural areas, are deeply conservative and/or religious and still a structurally racist and homophobic because of that. I wish that would not be the case, but right now it is and campaigning on those issues while ignoring the average Joes' perception of how well they're off during government A or B is making them actively perform worse everywhere expect big cities. They need to reconnect to these people before trying to change their minds on issues like abortion or LGBT rights. Again, it is not the ideal scenario and it affects lots of people's lives daily, but I think these results point towards that.

- While I wouldn't consider Trump a nazi, I do think he is borderline fascist with his autoritarian and overly nationalistic positions. The key thing about the rise of fascist movements in Europe in the post-WW1 was connecting to the working class and saying they could make their lives better as it was before. Hitler wanted to bring back the glory of the German and the Holy Roman Empires, Mussolini used ancient Rome to justify his regime and dreamt about creating a new Roman Empire. How did they do that? Convincing average workers that their supposed downfall was because of a common enemy, in Hitler's case, the jews who "made them lose" WW1. This is exactly what MAGA and Trumpism has been about since 2016, blaming woke culture and immigrants for all of America's problems which literally have nothing to do with that.
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More than 10 million people who voted for Biden in 2020 decided to sit this one out, leading to an absolutely avoidable landslide for the GOP.

The US economy will suffer greatly thanks to Trump's proposed tariffs ( As will the global economy.
I'm sure all those people who voted because of everything being expensive will be delighted when things will inevitably become even more expensive, right?

Ukraine is pretty much done, as is Gaza. Bibi, Putin and Xi are probably excited to have a "peaceful dove" back in office who openly praises dictators, who promised to be a fascist and take away rights of US citizens and who ordered more drone strikes than the warmonger Obama (ironic, huh?).

Education and healthcare will suffer massively as well. Look forward to millions of people having problems with their teeth if RFK gets involved with the department of health.

Any efforts to combat climate change will be pushed back years, if not decades, which in turn will make life worse for every single one of us in the long run.

But I guess all that's worth it because it triggered the libs, right?

@Smither well said overall. The only thing I'd like to add is that the Harris campaign, with the exception of abortion, didn't really focus on social justice issues. She ran a very right wing campaign (in absolute terms) to try and court moderate Republicans, which backfired spectacularly. She mostly focused on attacking Trump and promising to have the "most lethal military" and to secure the border. The economy, while a few things were proposed, was mostly neglected by her. Or at least that's how many Americans apparently felt. So while I wouldn't disagree that many rural voters have bigoted views, I think not focusing more on the economy and not distancing herself more from the current administration (to be more than Biden 2.0) is what ultimately caused the low turnout for Dems. And the entire world will unfortunately suffer for that.


You make some fair points, while others I am more skeptical of. I will respond in more detail this weekend when I have more time.
Still waiting, by the way.
Does it even matter anymore? They won. All we can do now is sit back and watch how everything goes down in flames and whenever a Trumpist feigns surprise reply with "told you so".
It wouldn't have mattered before either. No amount of facts would ever convince someone who went so far down the rabbit hole that they'd unironically talk about "live birth abortions" to change their mind and vote differently.

I can be pretty petty and vindictive but I won't be able to throw it back in their faces and gloat once they start suffering from the consequences of their actions because I understand that Trump will impact the entire world negatively (economy, Ukraine, Gaza, and my highest priority: climate change).

Sure, it is futile and arguably a waste of time. On the other hand I have a bit of time and it's not like I can do anything else at the moment to change whatever happened.