USA Politics

I was obsessed anti Trump in 2016. I was reading all the usual suspects, NYT, New Yorker, Wall Street Journal. Too much brainwashing I guess.
*I still read them, but they don’t have the same effect on me, as I’m reading /watching outlets from all political spectrum.

By 2020 I was still anti Trump but not remotely as obsessed. See, Trump had been president already for 4 years and the world didn’t end.

Now I wouldn’t mind if he wins. It would most probably be even better.
Hey, how about you respond to the comment I made earlier where I corrected all the objectively wrong information and propaganda you were sharing?
I plan on it this weekend, but I have a very busy week and have no time to launch a 20-paragraph initiative right now.

Why Trump became possible in U.S. in the first place, that's the question. Why Trump alike politicians gaining popularity in Europe? Imo, it's the voters reaction to the political left going too far/going to some sort of extremes in some aspects of their politics. As a politician one can not dismiss those voters as "stupid people" because it's counterproductive and in that case some other party will take their vote (in democratic country). In order to prevent radical right or radical left rise to power, democratic world needs to make some serious reevaluation of governing principles. Try to stay in the center of political spectrum and balance on the ledge, so to speak.
You’re correct about the left going too far. The average US citizen is sick of it, and Trump is a no-nonsense way out of it. Even I was skeptical of Trump in 2016, but four years of a great economy, secure borders, and no wars sealed the deal for me. The last four years have been the complete opposite.

I’m not certain if you were implying that Trump is far right, but he’s actually far more moderate than many US conservatives. An example of far right would be Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida.
There’s a sort of viciousness or bloodlust I see in a lot of people that think about Trump a lot. And I will say, everyone in here that I’ve seen talk about Trump thinks about the guy and talks about the guy much more than me and my friends and family do. The point I’m trying to make is: you’re thinking about the guy too much. You’re thinking about to the point where it’s consumed your entire life. Out of curiosity sometimes I go through peoples post history on here when they talk about Trump and it’ll just be pages and pages and pages of them talking about the guy. I think in general, whether he wins or loses, everything will be alright.
This is true on both sides of the camp, so stop sitting back and pretending that somehow liberals are the only ones opposed to the other side with feral rage. For the record, these sorts of attitudes became acceptable during Trump's first campaign and presidency. He is responsible for normalizing the vicious treatment of the opposing viewpoint.

Oh, this is far too precious. What a disingenuous world view. The right wing has been demonizing everyone left of center. Remember when they called liberals groomers and pedophiles based on conspiracies, while every week sees another prominent conservative being exposed as one? They denigrate and attack the LGBTQ community daily. Not only verbally, but physically as well. Violence against LGBTQ individuals has risen sharply in the last years and it is directly influenced by right wing rhetoric. Furthermore, you can change who you vote for, you aren't forced to be MAGA. That's a conscious decision of an adult individual. Making fun of MAGAs is not the same as attacking someone for their heritage, their gender, their skin colour or their sexual orientation, which is something that happenes routinely. Hell, look at the recent MSG rally where one of the "comedians" joked about Puerto Ricans, natural born American citizens, being made fun of, attacked and the island called garbage. They attack your fellow Americans, so I'm sorry, but I'm not buying this pearl clutching. This sounds more like a post hoc rationalization of your already established views. I thought liberals were supposed to be the snowflakes?

The biased liberal media has done everything they can to corrupt and manipulate voters, and the average American citizen has had enough.
You have yet to respond to the question about Elon Musk literally offering money to people who vote for Trump. Curious how you view the worlds wealthy elite offering money to elect another of the worlds wealthy elite as a) not corruption or manipulation or b) in any way representative of having the "average American citizen's" best interests at heart?

You’re correct about the left going too far.
But the right absolutely never "goes too far". There is some serious blind-eye rhetoric happening here.
Why Trump became possible in U.S. in the first place, that's the question. Why Trump alike politicians gaining popularity in Europe? Imo, it's the voters reaction to the political left going too far/going to some sort of extremes in some aspects of their politics. As a politician one can not dismiss those voters as "stupid people" because it's counterproductive and in that case some other party will take their vote (in democratic country). In order to prevent radical right or radical left rise to power, democratic world needs to make some serious reevaluation of governing principles. Try to stay in the center of political spectrum and balance on the ledge, so to speak.
Populism sold across the US political spectrum in 2016.
"The left goes too far" is demonstrably untrue and utter nonsense. If we're talking about the US, the Dems are not even close to being a left wing party. They are center right politically. There are no leftists in meaningful positions of power and the Dems are actively moving towards the right on many issues to court centrists and moderate conservatives.

If we're talking about Europe it's just as nonsensical a statement. Despite what Azas likes to claim, there are zero countries with leftist governments at this time. The far right is rising world wide, they are pushing culture war issues and promise populist ideas that are impossible to implement. Notice how they always have easy answers to incredibly complex problems. Yet, without fail, not a single right wing government ever delivers on their promises, they never solve the issues they were campaigning on.

Trump promised to make America great again. He had four years and he didn't do squat. He actually laid the groundwork for a lot of the issues the Biden administration had to deal with. And how about we talk about his disastrous handling of the Covid pandemic in 2020? Because Trump was president when all that started and he royally fucked it up. He had one crisis to deal with and he completely botched it.

He has proven time and time again that he is beyond incompetent. He's promised to violate the constitution and he constantly praises foreign dictators. I'm repeating myself, but it's important to hammer in that it is impossible to be a patriot while voting for Trump. I'm sorry, but anyone who believes that Trump would be better than Harris in any metric is not someone I can take seriously. That's just blinded partisanship instead of a minute of reflection.
Also, can we be honest for one minute please? How exactly did the left "go too far"? What exactly does that mean?

Is asking for people to be treated the same way regardless of the colour of their skin too much? Is giving lesbian and gay couples the same rights as heterosexual couples too far? Is it too much to treat the trans community with the same respect and dignity as everyone else and to respect their gender identity? Is it such a dealbreaker to take down statues of confederate generals, per definition traitors who rebelled against the United States, and to rather see them in museums than celebrated openly? Is it such a radical idea to want billionaires to pay their fair share in taxes, just like all other citizens already have to do? Is the desire for the police to not have unfettered power and the ability to essentially execute civilians without due process or any kind of meaningful consequences so unreasonable? Or is women having full bodily autonomy and keeping the government out of your bedroom a sign of the left going too far - despite this being popular across the political spectrum and many conservative women supporting that too.

How exactly has the left gone too far? Because it often feels like the people who are saying stuff like that bemoan than they can't be openly bigoted or racist without repercussions, as they could in the "good old days". Note, I'm not accusing anyone here of bigotry, but I'm genuinely asking how the left went too far, especially within the context that the US barely has a leftist movement to begin with and that not a single currently influential politician is a leftist.
How exactly did the left "go too far"?
Easy — by embracing dogma that requires people to ignore objective truth to be considered an acceptable human being, and by trying to shovel cultural change down everyone’s throat at a rate faster than society is able to accept it. Even the center left can see this clearly.

I’d go into more detail, but past experience suggests my comments would be deleted if I did that, so unfortunately that vague answer will have to do.
You have yet to respond to the question about Elon Musk literally offering money to people who vote for Trump. Curious how you view the worlds wealthy elite offering money to elect another of the worlds wealthy elite as a) not corruption or manipulation or b) in any way representative of having the "average American citizen's" best interests at heart?
I like Elon, but I am not a fan of him doing this. However, you seem to ignore Kamala bribing black men with forgivable business loans in order to "buy" their vote. The latter is far worse, since it's the candidate doing it herself, and it's also undeniably racist.

Also, can we be honest for one minute please? How exactly did the left "go too far"? What exactly does that mean?

Is asking for people to be treated the same way regardless of the colour of their skin too much? Is giving lesbian and gay couples the same rights as heterosexual couples too far? Is it too much to treat the trans community with the same respect and dignity as everyone else and to respect their gender identity? Is it such a dealbreaker to take down statues of confederate generals, per definition traitors who rebelled against the United States, and to rather see them in museums than celebrated openly? Is it such a radical idea to want billionaires to pay their fair share in taxes, just like all other citizens already have to do? Is the desire for the police to not have unfettered power and the ability to essentially execute civilians without due process or any kind of meaningful consequences so unreasonable? Or is women having full bodily autonomy and keeping the government out of your bedroom a sign of the left going too far - despite this being popular across the political spectrum and many conservative women supporting that too.

How exactly has the left gone too far? Because it often feels like the people who are saying stuff like that bemoan than they can't be openly bigoted or racist without repercussions, as they could in the "good old days". Note, I'm not accusing anyone here of bigotry, but I'm genuinely asking how the left went too far, especially within the context that the US barely has a leftist movement to begin with and that not a single currently influential politician is a leftist.
Most conservatives could care less what someone's skin color or sexual preference is, but they're sick of having it crammed down their throats 24/7. I shouldn't walk into a store and see bikinis with "tuck pouches" for penises, in the freaking kids section of all places. It's disgusting, and it's madness. If a dude wants to chop it off and pretend to live as a woman, that's his right, but to scream bloody murder when someone doesn't address him as his preferred pronoun is absolute insanity.

Or let's have trans "women" use the women's restroom and molest little girls, that's ok, too, right? How about biological men competing in women's sports and (obviously) completely destroying them? This is the crap that Kamala and her ilk support. I don't know a single woman who is okay with this, yet many will proudly vote for Kamala because "at least she's not that disgusting pig TRUMP!!1" It's madness. TDS is real.

Statues of Confederate generals are part of our country's history, and going out of the way to remove them because they're "offensive" to certain parties is completely unnecessary. Guess what? Black Americans owned slaves, too.

There are a small percentage of police officers who should absolutely be removed from duty, and in some cases have criminal charges filed against them. However, the majority are hard-working people who simply want to keep the country safe and make sure those responsible for crimes are apprehended. The "defunding the police" movement is supported by Kamala, which equates to less officers on the street, essentially giving criminals the green light to commit more crimes. And then what? Hire unarmed social workers to go on dangerous domestic violence calls? Yeah, that's gonna work out well. Also, unless I missed it, I see no one responded to my comments about the far-left prosecutors who constantly let criminals walk but will prosecute victims for defending themselves. These individuals do this for no reason other than to sow chaos and division amongst the people, which is exactly what the man who appointed them (George Soros) wants.

These are all examples of how the left has gone far too far. As for leftist (read: progressive) politicians, surely you're aware of The Squad? Starring Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar (among others), this dangerous group of socialists/communists has been pushing their progressive ideals on the US for far too long. How they were even elected is beyond me.

Regarding abortion, my views are far less conservative than others, as I believe women should have access to it throughout the first trimester. But after that? Hard no. Live birth abortions? That's outright murder, and I don't know how it can be spun any other way.
Most conservatives could care less what someone's skin color or sexual preference is, but they're sick of having it crammed down their throats 24/7. I shouldn't walk into a store and see bikinis with "tuck pouches" for penises, in the freaking kids section of all places. It's disgusting, and it's madness. If a dude wants to chop it off and pretend to live as a woman, that's his right, but to scream bloody murder when someone doesn't address him as his preferred pronoun is absolute insanity.
The ones "cramming it down" everyone's throat 24/7 are the conservatives and right wing media. The members of the LGBTQ community want to live their lives in peace, like every other person as well, but right wingers need to push the culture war, so they keep attacking them and making stuff up about them. The bikinis with "tuck pouches" were only for adults, so +1 for another objectively incorrect statement that you were fed by the media you consume to keep you angry, that you never checked to see if it was true.

"A dude chopping it off" is such an ignorant take. Let's flip it to trans men, since this proves how ridiculous insisting on going by pre-transition pronouns really is. Do you genuinely think it is appropriate to use female pronouns for any of these individuals:




If I hadn't told you that all three of them were assigned female at birth you'd never doubt for a second that they are men. Hormone Replacement Therapy is incredibly effective and there's a reason the medical community world wide understands that biology is far more complicated than what you learned in school. If you called any one of them a "she", people would rightfully think you're insane, ridiculous and confused.

Also, it goes back to basic respect. If someone tells you they're called John, you won't go "nah, I'll keep calling you Kevin, you look like a Kevin to me". You'll respect what they told you; well, unless you want to deliberately be an asshole about it. Same thing with someone's pronouns. First of all, you don't need pronouns when you address an individual themselves. Secondly, do you even know any trans individuals? When do you ever need to use their pronouns? This is why the previously raised "liberals are so mean to us" point is ridiculous, when some can't even do the bare minimum to respect a trans person.

Or let's have trans "women" use the women's restroom and molest little girls, that's ok, too, right? How about biological men competing in women's sports and (obviously) completely destroying them? This is the crap that Kamala and her ilk support. I don't know a single woman who is okay with this, yet many will proudly vote for Kamala because "at least she's not that disgusting pig TRUMP!!1" It's madness. TDS is real.
Add these to the list of objectively incorrect statements not only not supported by any data but actually completely contradicted.
Let's look at some facts, instead of feelings and lies, shall we? Trans individuals are far more likely to be victims of assault compared to cis women. Not only that, the majority of rapes are done by cis men, not by trans women. Furthermore, sexual violence is very often committed by acquintances or even family members, not by strangers and certainly not in public restrooms. By the way, do you have two separate bathrooms, one for men and one for women at your house? Didn't think so. Do you always think about the genitalia of strangers when you enter a public restroom? I certainly don't. So, in summary, your claim about trans women (quit with the questionmarks, transphobia is not tolerated on the forum) is wrong, unfounded and a flat out lie.

Moving on to sports, time for more facts and statistics! Trans athletes have been able to compete in the Olympics for 20 years. Other competitions have been allowing trans athletes as well. Every now and then a trans athlete does well, but overall there is no evidence or data to support the claim that they are "completely destroying women". This domination is a myth, no, a lie.

Let's look at one of the more popular examples used by those advocating against trans women competing with cis women, despite this particular example disproving their entire point. I'm sure the media you consume has reported on Lia Thomas, a trans woman who already set records and was an exceptional swimmer prior to her transition, whose performance worsened when she started transitioning but kept competing with men, and who once again became a great swimmer once her transition was far enough along and she met the requirements to participate with cis women.
In the span of one competition Lia won a single time. She also placed fifth in another race and eighth in a third race. That's it. She didn't place in the rest and didn't set a single record. In this competetion a total of 27 all-time NCAA records were broken. 18 out of those 27, in other words two thirds of the broken records were set by single indivual: Kate Douglass, a cis woman. So not only did Lia, the trans swimmer not dominate or break any records, the person who actually dominated the competition and "destroyed" the other contestants was a cis swimmer!

The anecdote that you don't know any women who support any of that is meaningless, as would be my anecdote that I know a ton of women who support trans rights, trans indiviuals and trans women competing with cis women.

That's what's so incredibly frustrating about debating with conservatives. You list a bunch of demonstrably false and objectively untrue statements without any evidence or citation, and I have to spend so much more time on debunking all the lies. It's exhausting, but apparently also necessary, lest you manage to mislead people with these lies.

Statues of Confederate generals are part of our country's history, and going out of the way to remove them because they're "offensive" to certain parties is completely unnecessary. Guess what? Black Americans owned slaves, too.
Don't shift the goalposts. The Confederacy literally waged war against the United States. They were traitors per definition. Should traitors have statues out in the open? Or rather in museums and history books, where they actually belong?

There are a small percentage of police officers who should absolutely be removed from duty, and in some cases have criminal charges filed against them. However, the majority are hard-working people who simply want to keep the country safe and make sure those responsible for crimes are apprehended.
We are in agreement here. That's what the left wants, accountability. They want the corrupt officers to face punishment and consequences, instead of being shielded by their unions.

The "defunding the police" movement is supported by Kamala, which equates to less officers on the street, essentially giving criminals the green light to commit more crimes.
Harris does not "support defund the police". Furthermore, the second part of your claim here is entirely unsupported by evidence and just a fantasy. Newsflash: Police does not meaningfully stop crime. They mostly just react to calls. Even then the majority of their work doesn't even deal with "criminals" in the sense you are implying, the vast majority of cases are not violent ones. As for the defunding, it doesn't mean what you think it does. The movement calls for allocating the money differently, for better training. The majority of police operations does not require armed officers and in fact the presence of guns has often led to unnecessary fatalities by untrained officers.

And then what? Hire unarmed social workers to go on dangerous domestic violence calls? Yeah, that's gonna work out well.
Quit the strawmen. Let's talk about things that are happening, like the fact that armed officers have repeatedly killed innocent civillians who were going through some kind of mental health crisis, which would've been prevented by trained professional social workers. This is supported by data from different countries that actually employ such strategies.

Also, unless I missed it, I see no one responded to my comments about the far-left prosecutors who constantly let criminals walk but will prosecute victims for defending themselves. These individuals do this for no reason other than to sow chaos and division amongst the people, which is exactly what the man who appointed them (George Soros) wants.
And now we're back to nonsensical conspiracies. Start sourcing your claims and provide evidence, otherwise there's no point in engaging with your claims. As we're seeing in this and your previous comment, you tend to post a lot of misinformation and objectively wrong statements.

These are all examples of how the left has gone far too far. As for leftist (read: progressive) politicians, surely you're aware of The Squad? Starring Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar (among others), this dangerous group of socialists/communists has been pushing their progressive ideals on the US for far too long. How they were even elected is beyond me.
Progressive and leftist are two different things. The Squad is progressive but not leftist, but I'm seeing that you don't even know the basic definitions of words and are throwing around "socialist" and "communist" without care, so what's the point? AOC is a Democratic Socialist, which is different from a Socialist, but it's not like you care, right? Also, pointing at a tiny minority of at most 9 individuals as a sign of US politics being dominated by the left is simply embarrassing.

Regarding abortion, my views are far less conservative than others, as I believe women should have access to it throughout the first trimester. But after that? Hard no. Live birth abortions? That's outright murder, and I don't know how it can be spun any other way.
Live birth abortion is not a thing. That does not happen. Abortion, per definition, is the termination of a pregnancy. No one aborts in the last weeks, unless it would pose serious harm to the mother and kill her. Or if the infant is already dead and would cause a sepsis.

I know you will mostly ignore all this, roll your eyes at all the links that prove you were wrong on almost all claims you made and you'll just pretend this never happened, that I lied and that I'm just a delusional leftist. I'm sure you're familiar with Ben Shapiro's little catch phrase: Facts don't care about your feelings. You seem to have fallen down some kind of rabbit hole and have been blinded by the lies and populism shared by the media you choose to consume. You were deceived by misinformation and started believing in lies that not only have no evidence to support them, but are often the exact opposite of what's happening in reality. If you take the time in the next few days to respond to any of this I hope you'll provide some sources, otherwise you can just as well let it be; it's an enormous waste of time and far too exhausting to refute all of the unsourced bullshit, only to be met with more lies.
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I won't respond to the rest because @Vaenyr is crushing it here and going above and beyond what I would do, but...

I like Elon, but I am not a fan of him doing this. However, you seem to ignore Kamala bribing black men with forgivable business loans in order to "buy" their vote. The latter is far worse, since it's the candidate doing it herself, and it's also undeniably racist.

First of all, I'm glad you disagree with him on this. Though I am very curious beyond simply agreeing with him politically, why you "like" Elon Musk?

Secondly, I'm not in favor of blatantly race-based government hand-outs, but I do think something has to be done to elevate and education marginalized communities. Should we try to bolster entrepreneurs, education, and employment in poor communities? 100% yes. Are the majority of those communities in America black and brown? Yes.

I almost said those communities "happen to be black and brown", but that's incredibly disingenuous because the truth is that the (historically majority-White) American politicians have used their power to purposefully marginalize those populations. To deny this is simply ignorant and absurd. So, should something be done to rectify those wrongs that our country has perpetrated? Yes. I guess we could specifically say, "marginalized community based loan-forgiveness and mentorship programs" to be more inclusive and not throw Conservative sentiments into a major tizzy, but we all know who we're talking about here.

I don't agree with attempting to coerce or buy votes from anyone. It's illegal. It's scummy. Both sides should not be doing it. That said, I do think there's a difference between saying, "if I'm elected I would institute a program to help black entrepreneurs that people would have to sign up for, be qualified for, and be placed into a system based on their business plans" and "register Republican in swing states and you could win $1 million!"
I don't agree with attempting to coerce or buy votes from anyone. It's illegal. It's scummy. Both sides should not be doing it. That said, I do think there's a difference between saying, "if I'm elected I would institute a program to help black entrepreneurs that people would have to sign up for, be qualified for, and be placed into a system based on their business plans" and "register Republican in swing states and you could win $1 million!"
By that definition a politician saying they are going to implement any policy could be described as "buying" a vote from anyone who would benefit from that policy.
Precisely. What Musk is doing is literally illegal and violates election laws.

Promising the population X and Y in exchange for their vote is politics 101. It's the job description. You vote for the party and politicians who will enact the policies you agree with. That's the entire point of democracy.
As for the whole "Trump is better than Harris, a Trump term will be fine":

He all but promised RFK Jr., a known conspiracy theorist and grifter who spreads lies that have been debunked decades ago, the Department of Health, or a the very least an influential position. We are talking about a man who admitted to having had brain worms.
Seen a bit of questioning of Trump about whether he'll accept the result if he loses, and his answer pretty much saying that he won't.

Has anyone asked him if whether he wins, will he fuck off in 4 years time when his term is up?
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Seen a bit of questioning of Trump about whether he'll accept the result if he loses, and his answer pretty much saying that he won't.

Has anyone asked him if whether he wins, will he fuck off in 4 years time when his term is up?
He has hinted at not leaving office.
As for the whole "Trump is better than Harris, a Trump term will be fine":

He all but promised RFK Jr., a known conspiracy theorist and grifter who spreads lies that have been debunked decades ago, the Department of Health, or a the very least an influential position. We are talking about a man who admitted to having had brain worms.
His rhetoric after a visit to the islands of Samoa has been cited as a catalyst in anti-vaccine misinformation spreading there - leading to the death of 83 infants and children from a measles outbreak.