USA Politics

I think the problem is that Stewart really is exceptional.  He is clearly intelligent and well spoken, can hold his own in a serious debate, yet still keep it comedic.  So, naturally, most of the supporting staff doesn't look near as good.  Colbert is a different type of comedian, yet still entertaining.  He is often more difficult to watch in an interview, because he reminds me of Michael Scott, just making horrible choices.  Obviously, it is all for show.
The US pulled out all their combat troops at the end of August. Now it's just the Iraqis…and 50,000 "advisors".
Wow, guess I've been living under a rock, I didn't see anything about that on the few news sources I browse.  I'll go read about that one.
Well first of all, Obama (as he is known to do) was calm and cool about it. When he does something, he doesn't make a big deal out of it. Unlike Bush who lands a jet on an aircraft carrier with a huge "Mission Accomplished" banner, when he really accomplished nothing.

The other reason is because although the war is technically over, we'll still have a ton of troops in there. In fact, my brother's friend will be going to Iraq soon.
Not to mention it is a case of 'one down (at least) one more to go," since Afghanistan was the original conflict, later forgotten by the sidestep that was Iraq.
The Afghan war also accomplished nothing.  Good thing that the Iraq situation has improved; hopefully Americans won't try to force their views upon Iraqis.  Though Sunnis and Shiites will now likely hate each other again.  The more things change...
At this point the Afghan war is about hoping that the Kabul gov't will be stable enough when ISAF forces withdraw to not collapse overnight. Unlikely to happen.
There is too much to fight in Afghanistan... a stable government is the least of the U.S's worries. Afghanistan produces around 90% of the world's heroin, Al-Qaeda is not only used by Osama to fight the West, it is also used by Pakistan to fight India. Pakistan, the U.S's supposed ally, actually turns a blind eye to terrorists hiding in the Tribal Lands along the Afghan border. They have no idea where Bin Laden is, The Kabul government has lost all local support and the Haqqani Network has allied itself with Osama. If there is one thing the U.S has done is create a common enemy for all Afghans to unite against... if not most of the Middle East.
I love how Glenn Beck has tried to co-opt the Civil Rights Movement by saying things like "King was a conservative". Such things simply aren't true - Dr. King would be considered a radical liberal even by today's American standards.
My favorite thing to do with vitriolic conservatives who used to rally at my university is get them to start talking about environmental issues and how they're a waste of time blah blah, and ask them who created the Environmental Protection Agency.

Only Nixon can go to China. Do you think he was any more corrupt than some of the politicians that preceded him? 
Wasted CLV said:
Only Nixon can go to China. Do you think he was any more corrupt than some of the politicians that preceded him? 

He got caught, and in doing so, redefined US politics for a generation.

Genghis Khan said:
I don't see him many good things, only a few.

Maybe we shouldn't talk about this.
And we can stop.  I was thinking (all from memory and vague at that) that Nixon lost the election to Kennedy, and that there has always been hints at 'Old Man Kennedy' messing with stuffed ballots and the like.  I have no idea if there is any basis in fact for this, or if this was just sour grapes that I had heard.  I can see how he would 'fight dirt with dirt', so to speak.