Fuck, I hope that's a joke.
that site said:"Trickle Up Poverty," my new book, is your best defense against the Obamanomics that are dragging the middle class, and everyone else, into a Marxist-Socialist death spiral.
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:I'm also more conservative than liberal and I've seen you state that you're a huge liberal so it's probably best that we don't get into too many political arguments because that type of arguing will get us NOWHERE.
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:What I love about Savage is that he attacks everyone. You should have heard him when Bush was in office. He was always attacking him and the evil right wing republicans. He's truly not afraid to call it like it is, no matter who it is. When McCain was running agains Obama, he put both of them down like crazy. Listening to him made me not want to vote for either of them. That's why I say "for the truth about EVERYTHING"
LooseCannon said:Savage isn't my least favourite radio commentator (it would take a lot to knock Rush Limbaugh off that perch)
bearfan said:Ceertainly a large percentage of these shows are a combination of entertainment and opinion .. this applies to the left and right. I think they are fine if they are an intro to politics or to listen to them with what they are in mind, but it's best if people look at the issues a bit more seriously.
Certainly the right is far better at this in the US than the left.
Suicidehummer said:The right looks at the issues more seriously? Are you serious? Is there any left winger as wild as Glenn Beck? Maybe you could argue Bill Maher but he's not constantly using Nazi stock footage and crying on national TV...