USA Politics

Nope. I'm a HUGE fan of Michael Savage. I'm also more conservative than liberal and I've seen you state that you're a huge liberal so it's probably best that we don't get into too many political arguments because that type of arguing will get us NOWHERE. Also, I never follow the news and actually haven't listened to Savage in a LONG time so I would majorly suck at arguing. :lol:
Here's my thing with politics: You hear liberals talk shit about conservatives and then you hear the opposite. So it makes you wonder, who the fuck is really right about all of it and who's really telling the truth? That's why I try to avoid it all for the most part. I guess I have more conservative views because that's how I was raised. Same with religion and anything else.

What I love about Savage is that he attacks everyone. You should have heard him when Bush was in office. He was always attacking him and the evil right wing republicans. He's truly not afraid to call it like it is, no matter who it is. When McCain was running agains Obama, he put both of them down like crazy. Listening to him made me not want to vote for either of them. That's why I say "for the truth about EVERYTHING".

Actually, this is the best thing EVER!:
The reason why he's my rubric for truth is because he tells the truth about BOTH the republicans and democrats. Other similar talk show hosts only seem to take one side so you don't know who to believe.
that site said:
"Trickle Up Poverty," my new book, is your best defense against the Obamanomics that are dragging the middle class, and everyone else, into a Marxist-Socialist death spiral.

Are. You. Serious?

Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
I'm also more conservative than liberal and I've seen you state that you're a huge liberal so it's probably best that we don't get into too many political arguments because that type of arguing will get us NOWHERE.

Just because you have a different opinion doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't argue about things. One function of argument is trying to make the other side see your point of view and also see the other side's point of view.  Politics isn't religion; people can and do change their opinions.  Even if you've been brought up as a conservative, some arguing might "convert" you closer to the liberal side.  Unless you're afraid of that? ;)
Savage isn't my least favourite radio commentator (it would take a lot to knock Rush Limbaugh off that perch), but he relies on appeals to emotion over cold, hard fact. While I have had discussions with people in the past (Hi GK!), we always rely on fact, and when we get it wrong, we challenge that. Which is probably why we can still talk to each other, but if we do this Montreal meetup thing, we aren't allowed to talk politics.

Suffice to say, I have nothing against conservatives, as long as they base their reality in fact. A lot of them don't. A lot of mega-left liberals don't, either. My experience with all radio talkshow hosts is that fact is used as a spice, to sprinkle in and add to the rhetoric when it would taste good, rather than as the basis of all discussion.

So...I don't think Savage knows what's what. I think he knows what he has to say to keep people listening to him.
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
What I love about Savage is that he attacks everyone. You should have heard him when Bush was in office. He was always attacking him and the evil right wing republicans. He's truly not afraid to call it like it is, no matter who it is. When McCain was running agains Obama, he put both of them down like crazy. Listening to him made me not want to vote for either of them. That's why I say "for the truth about EVERYTHING"

That's the thing, people who claim they're unbiased are generally the most biased. For example Fox News. They claim to be unbiased... need I say more?

I don't know who this guy is, but I wouldn't assume he doesn't have an agenda just because he presents himself as such.

LooseCannon said:
Savage isn't my least favourite radio commentator (it would take a lot to knock Rush Limbaugh off that perch)

I consider Glenn Beck way worse than Limbaugh, don't you?
Eh. Beck is pretty bad, but his crazy seems to ebb and flow. He's ebbing right now. Limbaugh is worse probably because more people actually listen to him!
Glenn Beck at least is entertaining. I love it when he pulls out his black boards and starts doing his timelines and webs... classic conspiracy nut lol.
Ceertainly a large percentage of these shows are a combination of entertainment and opinion .. this applies to the left and right.  I think they are fine if they are an intro to politics or to listen to them with what they are in mind, but it's best if people look at the issues a bit more seriously.

Certainly the right is far better at this in the US than the left.
It seems that, typically, the radio is more 'right' and the television is more 'left' (obviously not Fox news). 

But, most of these people, even though expressing their 'opinion', are doing so for a shock and entertainment value.  They will be sure to make the views as extreme as possible, and probably on the edges of reality.  So, even though they may have some real information mixed inside of the shows, most of that is just to incite you.
The real point is that you should be not be getting all of your information from one source, especially someone on the radio. None of them "tell it like it is". People who have been here for awhile know I hate pundits on both sides. I hate Maddow and Olbermann as much as I do Limbaugh and Hannity. You should get your news from the NEWS.
Correct.  I prefer to find sources like NPR, BBC, LA Times, etc.  Not always perfect, but if I can spread around the sources, it usually will present a more 'clear' picture. 
The NY Times, Washington Post, Toronto Globe & Mail, The Guardian, the BBC, CBC, and my local paper, the Halifax Chronicle-Herald, are the news sources I check (in reverse order).
This is where the internet reallly shines, politico,, and realclearpolitics, google news (as an aggregate source) are great resources to get information about nearly anything.  Certainly a vast improvement from the local paper and the nightly news.
bearfan said:
Ceertainly a large percentage of these shows are a combination of entertainment and opinion .. this applies to the left and right.   I think they are fine if they are an intro to politics or to listen to them with what they are in mind, but it's best if people look at the issues a bit more seriously.

Certainly the right is far better at this in the US than the left.

The right looks at the issues more seriously? Are you serious? Is there any left winger as wild as Glenn Beck? Maybe you could argue Bill Maher but he's not constantly using Nazi stock footage and crying on national TV...
Suicidehummer said:
The right looks at the issues more seriously? Are you serious? Is there any left winger as wild as Glenn Beck? Maybe you could argue Bill Maher but he's not constantly using Nazi stock footage and crying on national TV...

I think you are combining two separate thoughts together.  I think it is better for people to look at issues more seriously than political entertainment (left or right) offers (ie read the paper, non-slanted books, etc).  I might agree with certain "entertainers" on certain points, but it is preferable to research these points in a more serious manner than pop-TV/Radio provides.

The right is certainly better on radio/TV in terms of listeners/viewers they draw in.  Fox outdraws MSNBC/CNN and people like Rush dominate the radio versus a bankrupt Air America in the ratings game.
Part of the reason Fox outdraws MSNBC/CNN is because the independents and left-wing viewers are split over the two networks, whereas Fox draws everyone with right-wing leanings. Of course Air America gets trounced; liberals simply don't use AM radio anymore!