Can somebody please explain why we’re wrong and worry too much?
So before I answer this, I want to preface by saying that none of this is a defense of Trump or the republicans actions. Anyone who is refusing to acknowledge Biden’s victory/casting doubt on the results/alleging fraud without evidence should be ashamed of themselves. This is how democracies lose legitimacy.
With that being said, I think a political calculation is being made by the Republicans. The GOP is assuming that the electoral institutions can withstand Trump’s behavior and are going along with it in an act of preservation. They are well positioned to win back the house in 2022 and can probably at least hold the line in the senate. But it might be contingent on keeping favor with Trump. He proved to be a driver of turnout this year and ironically probably helped Republicans keep the senate and make gains in the House despite losing the election. They’re going to need his base and they’re going to want him or his family to campaign for them in 2022. If Trump or a member of his family is looking to run in 2024, this might be achievable. There’s also the short term for thinking with the Georgia runoffs, although I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to hitch your wagon to Trump after he just became the first Republican to lose there since the 90s.
So republicans are going to go along with this and when the results are certified in December, the goalposts will move and a new narrative will be formed. Same on Jan 20. Ultimately Biden will become president, but I can imagine a significant number of republicans will continue to consider him an illegitimate president, which will lead to obstruction for as long as they control at least one branch of government.
With all that being said, time will tell if Republicans are making the right calculation. It’s not guaranteed that Trump stays in politics, and even if he does he probably isn’t going to be that involved unless he’s on the ballot. Furthermore, Republicans don’t seem to do as well when Trump isn’t on the ballot. So getting behind Trump might be a waste. Not to mention that Trump is now a one term president, that kind of label is a huge blow to his brand. The base will stick with him, but he’s not going to get 70 million people to stick with him.
I am also not sure if Trump tries to stay in the White House. I could easily see him leaving to Florida during Christmas vacation and never coming back.