USA Politics

I know, right? He's been so poised and professional the past 4 years, this comes out of nowhere and it is a complete and utter shock to everyone not just in the U.S, but around the world.
His attacks on the very core of democracy will continue. Trump will ultimately lose the presidency. Biden will be certified. But he's not going away from politics. I guess he'll start his "Trump TV" network this time around.

Edit: Apparently there has been talk in the Trump camp about a 2024 candidacy.
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And consigliere Rudy's ranting ... ridiculous.

I hope sensible Republicans will contribute to convincing people that most of the voter fraud allegations are coming from Trump's arse and not from the real world. The person cult around Trump has cemented some of those madhouse ideas.

Serious and well founded allegations? OK, investigate them and correct any wrongdoings. But as I've said before, when something comes from the Trump camp, the natural assumption is that it's utter bullshit.
CNN, NBC, and others are now projecting Joe Biden will win Pennsylvania.

Joe Biden will become the 46th President of the United States. Kamala Harris will become the 49th Vice President, and the first woman, first Black and Asian person to be VP.

It's over.

Great news!

Better a centre-right politician leading the - arguably - most powerful country in the world than a far right narcissistic nutter.

From a British point of view this is really good news too. A no deal Brexit becomes less likely and it is nice to see the brand of populism represented by Trump (here embraced and represented by Bullshit Johnson and Nigel Farage) losing momentum.
The race for the Senate seems close. If the Democrats can take Congress, at least Biden has two years to actually fix things.
It feels good to know that for all Trump’s attempts to stop the vote counting, create barriers to mail voting, attempts to sabotage the post office, and refusal to concede, things are moving along and Biden is on track to be inaugurated in Jan. Maybe America’s institutions are pretty strong after all.