USA Politics

What we'll see is that after recounts confirm a result, THEN we'll see the litigation if the margin is still small.
Biden is pulling ahead in red parts of PA with the mail vote. If it weren’t for the premature AZ call, this race would be over.
AZ is a cause to concern. His lead has diminshed consistently. What's left to count in AZ? Any pro Biden areas?
Biden is pulling ahead in red parts of PA with the mail vote. If it weren’t for the premature AZ call, this race would be over.

Yeah, it seems over, but it won't be, I'm afraid. It's not just the recounts, but also with all the riots and everything - what if the people won't back down? Fucking "Stop stealing the vote", really?

Also, the situation being crazy as it is, I'd even be afraid of faithless electors and shit.

And Trump is a symptom, not a cause.

Nothing is over.
Yeah, it seems over, but it won't be, I'm afraid. It's not just the recounts, but also with all the riots and everything - what if the people won't back down? Fucking "Stop stealing the vote", really?

Also, the situation being crazy as it is, I'd even be afraid of faithless electors and shit.

And Trump is a symptom, not a cause.

Nothing is over.
As well as the military ballots in GA. There are a lot of them. GA could go to Trump in the end, and that's even assuming the vote count is accurate.
Remember that if Biden wins PA (seems very likely now), he does not need Arizona or Georgia. If you subtract the possibly premature AZ call and the 11 electors from that state, he's still at 253 and PA takes him to 273.

Other states now (AZ, NV, GA) are merely "nice to have".
Remember that if Biden wins PA (seems very likely now), he does not need Arizona or Georgia. If you subtract the possibly premature AZ call and the 11 electors from that state, he's still at 253 and PA takes him to 273.

Other states now (AZ, NV, GA) are merely "nice to have".
Depends on the margin. As of now, 0.2 isn't much. Anything below half a percent is really slim, even though it's a big state. Could turn into recount territory.
As well as the military ballots in GA. There are a lot of them. GA could go to Trump in the end, and that's even assuming the vote count is accurate.
According to polls before the election, Biden was winning the military vote something like 56-34, but who knows in the end.
Biden is 0.5 ahead in PA isn't he? I wonder how long it takes to call him the overall winner. No recount needed overthere.
There has apparently been a software glitch in Michigan in the Governor's race, resulting in a couple of thousand rep votes tagged as dems in a county. Reps are now spinning that might be the case everywhere the software was used, statewide, and on the Presidential ballot. This will show if true in the validation,when they compare the notes to the machines any case. There haven't been any reports of that though, so looks like clenching for a straw at this point.
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CNN, NBC, and others are now projecting Joe Biden will win Pennsylvania.

Joe Biden will become the 46th President of the United States. Kamala Harris will become the 49th Vice President, and the first woman, first Black and Asian person to be VP.

It's over.
Wonder if the news outlets decided to call it now (rather than e.g. 30 min from now) because the Trump camp had announced a press conference, just to rub it in?