USA Politics

Trump campaign says it is suing to stop Michigan and Pennsylvania ballot counts

President Donald Trump’s campaign said Wednesday that it had filed suits to halt the counting of ballots in Michigan and Pennsylvania, as the campaign demanded increased access to observe the tallying process at numerous locations in those battleground states.

The Trump campaign also said that its lawsuit demands that the campaign be allowed to “review those ballots which were opened and counted while we did not have meaningful access.”

The announcement comes as the Republican incumbent faces an ultra-tight race against Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in the key battleground states and in Georgia and Nevada.

Yeah, the spelling.

All marriages endorsed by the state are simply civil unions. The Catholic church is free to offer religious marriage services to anyone they want - or nobody at all. Not all religious marriages are endorsed by the state (the vast majority of course are).

They're different things.
I'm aware, didn't feel the need to spell it out, but yeah. In short, to me, same sex marriage and abortions aren't religious issues. We know what most religions think about them, there is no issue.

Same sex marriage is a civic issue. States have the obligation (IMO) to extend equal rights and protections under the law to all citizens.

Abortion is a health issue. Funny how when women are given access to legal, safe abortions the numbers of abortions go down.
Everything slowed down to a crawl.... little to no change in the last 24 hours. More results by tomorrow and then next week, the earliest.

General consensus is we may not know for sure until Dec. 2nd, due to all the lawsuits.
Day 3 of the election has been uneventful in some ways, but very interesting and strange in other ways. No new calls, and the counting appears to be happening at a glacial pace. At the same time, there isn’t any remaining doubt that Biden is going to win (the networks won’t say it out loud, but Nate Silver stated that Biden will obviously win PA and NV should’ve been called already).

I think there are a few things at play here. If we had a state like Florida for Biden, I think all 4 of the remaining states would’ve been projected yesterday. The media is in a tough position because Fox and AP called Arizona way too early. You can’t make a call on Nevada because fox/AP is then going to be forced into projecting Biden as the next president even though there’s a small chance AZ call will have to be retracted, making it the biggest electoral projection error since Florida 2000.

In PA, Biden is obviously going to win. In normal times, the state would be projected already. But there’s added drama with it being the tipping point state and Trump’s fraud claims would probably be amplified even more if the media called PA while he’s still ahead in raw vote totals.

Georgia is tied as I write this. It’s somewhat removed from the other media drama but it also doesn’t have enough EVs on its own to hand Biden the victory. I think, like PA, some of the more bullish networks like Fox wouldn’t be wrong to call it for Biden, but it’s going to be extremely close.

I think we know where everything is going to land at this point. My prediction is that we get an early afternoon PA call tomorrow, Biden wins the presidency, and the media projects the remaining states pretty much all at once immediately after. Georgia is the wild card here, we might get a call before I even post this.
The media is in a tough position because Fox and AP called Arizona way too early.
It still can be corrected. I heard something like AP (seen by many American and foreign media as the golden standard for following election results) said it was based on demographics. Still, sounds to me that they are estimating a little fast.

Today is (hopefully) Georgia day. Trump is just 665 votes ahead.
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How can you be certain that Trump's staff is not behind the frauds in favor of Biden? They have experience (previous elections, controlling the mood of society with the CA) and motivation - a hopeless president who gives the impression of being unbalanced. They could have decided that normal actions would be useless, so they organized some actions pointing to Biden to first motivate their voters ("What ?! Biden is cheating ?! It's over - I'm going to vote!") And gave themselves ammunition / explanation in case losing. This evidence is too obvious and too easy to discover for any competent campaign manager to stand behind it. Daily increase of several thousand votes 100% per candidate when this data is public? Seriously?

Secondly - such activities in marketing (including political) are a standard. For example, I have a friend who works in PR and once talked about an advertising campaign when they made several dozen banners and then demolished a few of them themselves and sent it to the press with a comment that their project is so controversial that the competition destroys their banners. Everyone took the bait to the point where the company's employees, not aware of PR activities, slandered the competition in forums, demanding an apology, and competing companies issued an apology on social media.

If you show that the opponent destroys your products, advertisements or cheats, you are almost 100% sure that the people on your side will mobilize - you can even see it during the strike of women in Poland and the actions of nationalists (information was immediately published that strikers destroy churches to mobilize nationalists to react)
Well, I know that my twitter is polluted with claims of frauds. BS (video from TV, recorded with the phone and voice over mostly saying 'i don't know what I see but this is cheating!!') in almost 99% cases.
God bless mainstream media, especially on days like these.

So many people are copying the bullshit on social media. Told by Trump, his campaign, his sons. They are desperate.
I can also walk inside a polling station, without having a clue, set in my mind that Trump is correct and a win is his god-given right. Film myself, yell at every procedure while intimidating the staff. Some would believe me, but I wouldn't be right. Just a useful idiot, bringing about the destruction of Western democracy as we know it.
It's so obvious what's happening.

A: Trump told people to not do mail voting.
B: His supporters listened. No mail or a smaller amount of mail voting.
C: Consequence: Biden supporters are the majority of the mail vote.
D: Trump underestimated the quantity of these votes, consequence: he panicks and
E: Asks to stop the vote, says the election is stolen, fraud, his campaign makes claims etc etc.

The vote is holy in America. For them this is democracy, this is citizenship at its best. Even Trump can not fool the majority of America when he is doing this (or am I naive here?). The lunatics, the fanatics still follow him. Some Rep politicians follow him. Some Reps condemn all this.
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Yeah, it's stupid and his tantrums would be fun to watch... if he wasn't the actual president incumbent, that is.

That said, watching this unfold, considering my country is just as radically divided (just on a smaller scale and we're a smaller country - nobody cares) I'm real glad that we didn't go for correspondence voting and we're unlikely to do so anytime soon.

Not because of fraud or anything, but because of the uncertainty, the time it takes, the million variables etc. And our mail service is on par with any third world country to boot, so if at least 10% of the votes didn't get lost (by incompetence, not malintent), I would be really surprised.

You can have safety precautions even if you vote in person - we did (and that was at the tail end of summer, the current clusterfuck is not because of that). Or go the whole nine yards and vote online, with certificates etc., at least.
It seems clear now that Georgia will be so close to a tie that a recount is bound to happen - especially if Biden wins it.

Let's hope Biden takes Pennsylvania beyond the re-count margin then.