USA Politics

Sorry, (another) rant ahead.

Probably not the whole story, but kinda gets along with my feelings.

Like I said before - this shouldn't have been this close. This should have been a Democratic landslide. I wished for that (to be fair, my favourite presidents would be Teddy Roosevelt and JFK, covering both parties, but at least until recently Democrats were closer to their 60 incarnation than Republicans were to their early 20th century one - Reagan fucked them up real nice).

But they fucked it up four years ago and they fucked it up again. Biden aimed to get the middle-of-the-road and swing-types, while his party became more and more radicalized and now reminds me of a parody of itself just as much as the Republicans do. Just not possible.
Also, you have 4 years to get someone really great to get you all those necessary votes and end up with this senile (confusing his own family members, damn it) old pervert? Someone even older than Trump?

And the tactics "look how terrible he is - I'm not him" doesn't work. It was the same with our Czech re-election recently. It was infuriating then as well.

But also:
Half the American citizens want the Trump for another four years. Disgusting.

Sorry, but I can't endorse this sentiment. America is pretty damaged and - at least according to all the shit on the social media - both sides are irrevocably down the rabbit hole already. Aggressive, not listening to a dissenting opinion. My way or the highway. That won't change, whichever president might be elected. And perceiving any side as either inbred racist hicks or Commie lying infanticiders is not going to help anyone. It's still just people. People with different opinion. People sure of their stance being the right one. People thinking they have the moral high ground (and both sides are guilty of that).

And I hate Trump, believe me, I do (as much as I'm allowed to hate anyone, anyway). But I get the people who voted for him. Sorta.

In fact I kinda wanted Trump to win, in vain hope Dems would finally get the wake-up call, but it's not likely anyway. I can't vote anyway, so there goes.

America needs more social traditionalism and more so-called "communism" (healthcare, welfare etc.) And it won't get it, because the two parties strive for everything cross-wise, they won't meet. My main concern is that we all should try to cross the chasm. Unify, not divide. Enough people do the opposite.

I'm sick of it. The social media make me sick to my stomach. Fuck this shit, really.

"The time for talking is over. Call it extreme if you like, but I propose we hit it hard and hit it fast with a major -- and I mean major -- leaflet campaign, and while it's reeling from that, we'd follow up with a {whist} drive, a car boot sale, some street theatre and possibly even some benefit concerts."

The situation you describe will not be better if Trump wins Judas.

No, it won't. And I don't want him to win, really, he is terrible. But the Democrats' victory smugness is going to kill me, I know it.
smugness? From who? The polititians or the people? Biden has not come across as smug at all.
The party

Biden aimed to get the middle-of-the-road and swing-types, while his party became more and more radicalized and now reminds me of a parody of itself just as much as the Republicans do.

It probably won't happen now, because it's really close and I hope there's still some humility left, but if this was to be seen as the victory of "liberal values", as the donkey party perceives them, that's what I'm talking about.

I'm politically really off, if we're talking American - I find GOP and the Democrats really terrible and wrong and leading the country to terrible places. And I dislike Libertarians the most, so I'm not even that kind of weirdo.

Abortion? Is that your reason?

Not the only one, but a pretty strong one, yes. That's one issue that's really important to me (and just for the record, it was even before I converted and was still an atheist - I insist it doesn't have to be only about religion).
But more in regard to the Democrats, actually. I am aware that Roe vs. Wade came to pass under GOP and Tricky Dick and that their current supposed "pro-life" stance is mostly hypocritical and just scrambling for votes. But if only the Dems wouldn't be that fucking bloodthirsty, when it comes to the unborn...
Eh, still don't see it. It's not like they've won bigly. They didn't get the senate, they played musical chairs in the house, so winning the presidency isn't a reason to be smug. Biden's hands will be tied for the most part and as many have pointed out, he'll most likely be a one term duck.
Fair point, I admit.

You know, my point kinda is - the election's really close, it's on the edge... and the (whichever) winner should look around, accept that in humility and think - 'gee, almost a half of the nation stands for a completely divergent set of cultural, political, economical values - how am I going to cooperate with them? "Get" them? I need to in fact concentrate specifically on them. Bring the nation back together, 'cause this is a disaster.'

And I don't trust either candidate to actually do that, more like - "okay, I won, I will double down on my policies". Bruteforce it, if you will.

Maybe you're right and it won't happen if the Democrats win. But I don't see the extended hand. And the better, the truly winning party should have that.
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Not the only one, but a pretty strong one, yes.
Right. I believe you’re completely honest in your religious journey. But take a look at the pope, supporting same sex marriages... I mean, why be more catholic than the pope? To me it’s obvious that the Trump’s a complete hypocrite with his showy religious ingratiations, as well as with everything else he says. His values are the exact opposite of the ones by Jesus.
there is a difference.
Yeah, the spelling.

All marriages endorsed by the state are simply civil unions. The Catholic church is free to offer religious marriage services to anyone they want - or nobody at all. Not all religious marriages are endorsed by the state (the vast majority of course are).

They're different things.
if only the Dems wouldn't be that fucking bloodthirsty, when it comes to the unborn...
Opposing the outlawing of abortion doesn’t make you bloodthirsty. If people were actively campaigning for others to please abort their fetuses at any stage of pregnancy, cos all the cool kids are doing it, that would be bloodthirsty.
Trump’s a complete hypocrite with his showy religious ingratiations, as well as with everything else he says. His values are the exact opposite of the ones by Jesus.
This. Trump is pretty much the polar opposite of what every Christian claims to value. And yet look at how many self-styled “virtuous” people stumble over each other to bow at Trump’s altar and excuse his immoral, unethical, illegal behavior.
I have to say I’m really relieved at the public response to the results so far. Trump trying to stop vote counting/have ballots thrown out is wrong and dangerous. It would’ve been more dangerous if people took the bait. It seems like no prominent republicans are trying to die on that hill and even a lot of Trump supporters are kinda just accepting the results and moving on. I was expecting a lot more unrest today. There’s still a long period before the inauguration (and Trump can still win), but I think today bodes well for things to come.