USA Politics

If Biden can get more than 270, Trump will have less room to discount the vote. If it comes down to PA, there might be reason to worry, but honestly Trump claiming fraud for months and claiming early victory last night probably ruined any legal credibility he may have had.
Whatever the result? It's seriously the only thing that counts for me.
However difficult it would get for Biden, in the Senate or elsewhere: the thought of the greatest manipulator of all times not being President anymore is a very fine one.
This is where I’m at. We’re looking at 2 more years of gridlock, but I can accept that to have someone competent and not dangerous in the White House. It feels really good to know that the Trump train is approaching its final station.
All the Wisconsin ballots are supposedly counted according to NBC - Can't find any result on it anywhere though.
Looks like the uncounted votes are largely in Maricopa County, where Biden is leading.
This should ensure the Senate stays Republican

Democrat Sara Gideon concedes to Republican Sen. Susan Collins​

Democrat Sara Gideon has conceded the Maine Senate race to Republican Sen. Susan Collins, a top target of Democrats this election cycle.

"We came up short," Gideon told supporters on Wednesday afternoon. She said she'd called Collins to wish her well.

"I congratulated her on winning this election and told her I'll always be available to help serve the people of Maine," Gideon said.

Collins called the call "very gracious." "We had a good talk," she said.

The race was the most expensive in Maine history. Collins raised more than $26.5 million and spent over $23 million, while Gideon brought in more than $68.5 million and spent nearly $48 million, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
Biden 248 - 214 Trump!
2 states other than Alaska (unless he has PA & Alaska) needed for Biden. North Carolina & Nevada is also not enough for Biden.

Trump will win Alaska for sure, the are probably still waiting on Penguins to finish delivering the ballots ... he needs PA for sure (assuming GA and NC stay the same) plus Michigan or Nevada to win or something dramatic happen in Arizona (which some, but not all have called for Biden)

Wisconsin will do a recount, but it seems too far out of reach for Trump
I was reacting to Foro - you posted before I managed to.

But honestly, if we take the strong leads for granted, Trump would still be at 265 (counting Georgia, Pennsylvania and NC) - I'm not saying he's gonna win all of those, but it's definitely not over yet and if we did took Arizona for Biden's (like the website Foro posted), let's do it in the opposite way also.

EDIT: My guess right now would be that Biden wins Nevada and Arizona and Trump wins PA, NC, Georgia and Alaska... And the result will be decided by Michigan, where both candidates ask for a recount. Am I completely off or is that actually possible?
I think it’s safe to give Nevada and Arizona to Biden. The outstanding votes are not going to come from Trump friendly areas. This means he simply needs Michigan to win, and between MI and WI, WI is the more difficult state.
EDIT: My guess right now would be that Biden wins Nevada and Arizona and Trump wins PA, NC, Georgia and Alaska... And the result will be decided by Michigan, where both candidates ask for a recount. Am I completely off or is that actually possible?
That's along my line of thinking.
I think it’s safe to give Nevada and Arizona to Biden. The outstanding votes are not going to come from Trump friendly areas. This means he simply needs Michigan to win, and between MI and WI, WI is the more difficult state.
Probably the case, but ... looking at what counties have not fully reported in Nevada, there are still votes in Trump friendly areas and of the votes counted in the 2 most populous counties, Biden is not doing as well as Hillary did. Also that state seems like a poster child for the "open up the economy" message .. which is probably why Biden is not doing as well as he should in Clark County (Vegas)

Biden probably wins it, but he is only up by about 8K votes. For some reason, NV decided to take the day off from counting and will resume tomorrow .. which just seems weird (not in a conspiracy way, but in a why would you not just keep counting way)