Everything remaining in mI, WI, and PA is mail voting which is expected to be heavily Democratic. The remaining votes from Georgia are from heavily democratic areas.
Looks like by the end of it Biden will win the states he was expected to win in (plus a surprise flip in Georgia and minus Florida which we can probably call a red state now). Thanks to Georgia, we may be able to call this race by the end of the day.
Trump’s “victory” speech last night was interesting. It felt very ramble-y in places, as if he was trying to convince himself that he was winning.
Senate might be too early to tell. Ultimately I think, again, the expected results will happen. Pickups in CO, AZ, and Maine (ranked choice will eventually give the win to Gideon) for a 50-50 split. Looks like we’re getting at least one runoff in Georgia. It probably goes to the Republicans, but we’ll see. It’ll be a much more consequential race than expected. I wasn’t really expecting to see a close Biden victory that included a Georgia win, but it’s looking like a strong possibility.