USA Politics

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Unless the press conference was set up specifically to respond to it, I don't think I'd say she's making a big deal out of it. She answered to a question. Media are making a big deal out of it by singling out the issue.
She thinks it's a big deal because the media is making a big deal about it. Which...they shouldn't be. It's not a big deal.
Politician essentially breaking the law (even a stupid law) ... will generally get attention. It is not like they would have opened up for Betty Smith, plain old citizen.
The multitude of Hatch Act violations by the Trump administration would like to disagree with you.
The Hatch Act has been violated by pretty much everyone (at least in spirit) ... Trump is more blatant to be sure

But last post on the subject, the Pelosi deal is more relatable. Months and months of saying "people cannot do this because of the virus, we need to follow local guidance, and on and on and on ... and she does a very relatable act (getting hair done/cut) in very blatant violation of local law (cannot be inside, have to wear a mask at all times, cannot (even now) get hair washed ... and she goes and does it. It looks bad with a very relatable and common act will resonate more with people than a law directed solely at politicians. Add to that the suffering of small businesses through all this because of those regulations that Pelosi does not think applies to her. Then snapping back with the "I was set up" defense is laughable and looks horribly bad. What, if any, effect it will have is up to debate.

But it looks bad and undercuts a fair amount of what she has been saying for months in the "open up" versus stay locked down debate which is a major issue at the moment That is really all I am saying
Pentagon confirms that Trump called American soldiers who fell in WW1 "losers" and "suckers".

But Nancy Pelosi went to the hairdresser's, so I think they're even, Trump might even have some credit points.
Pentagon confirms that Trump called American soldiers who fell in WW1 "losers" and "suckers".

But Nancy Pelosi went to the hairdresser's, so I think they're even, Trump might even have some credit points.
Well one un-named source said it ... but if your point is Trump is a giant asshole and should not hold office .. no really argument there.

Struggling to see what one even has to do with another though
Well one un-named source said it ... but if your point is Trump is a giant asshole and should not hold office .. no really argument there.

Struggling to see what one even has to do with another though
How one is non-news (a haircut) and the other is insulting one of the most American things to be American (serving your country in the armed forces)

This is not the only time Trump has said this and in this particular case it wasn't just one source.
How one is non-news (a haircut) and the other is insulting one of the most American things to be American (serving your country in the armed forces)

This is not the only time Trump has said this and in this particular case it wasn't just one source.

Again, not sure what the point it ... Pelosi did what she did .. Trump most likely did what he did. If we want to go back and forth on someone from party A did something and dismiss it by something worse done b party B .. this will be a long thread .. and for the most part Trump will end up being the worst, but does not deflect from the fact that both parties are sketchy as fuck .. Trump brought it to a new level .. but again .. a lesser of two evils election, which I am honestly sick of
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Again, not sure what the point it ... Pelosi did what she did .. Trump most likely did what he did. If we want to go back and forth on someone from party A did something and dismiss it by something worse done b party B .. this will be a long thread .. and for the most part Trump will end up being the worst, but does not deflect from the fact that both parties are sketchy as fuck .. Trump brought it to a new level .. but again .. a lesser of two evils election, which I am honestly sick of
Agreed, I think the point is the media reactions to both events are rather.... disproportionate, with one garnering WAY too much attention (a haircut) and the other isn't receiving enough. Honestly, like I told a friend of mine on another issue, I don't care WHO did what. What party the individual belongs to doesn't make the thing better or worse.

I remember what it was, Trump "Pardoned" Susan B. Anthony for voting back when it was illegal and the NY.... Leutenaint Governor (?) overrode it calling it a politicized stunt. My friend asked our opinion (on facebook) and I answered with, "Who cares, she's dead, it does nothing." To which he came back with, "What about all the women!?" I stood my ground, pardoning a dead person doesn't do anything for anybody, especially now that it IS legal for women to vote. I compared it to Cesar Chavez getting the medal of Freedom post mortem, what good does that do for him directly? To me as a Latino or to the rest of the Hipanic community? None.

He tried to rattle by saying, "Guess anything Trump does is crap," to which I said what I just told you, "Don't care who does it, still pointless."
Yeah .. the posthumous medals and pardons are pandering and photo ops with no real meaning of consequence for anyone.
The unknown source is probably John Kelly. Is it that much of a surprise anyway? Trump has attacked veterans publicly in the past and clearly doesn’t see the military as anything more than a PR department for himself.

But yes, the haircut incident is the important thing to be focused on.
I have the ability to focus on more than one thing. Both shitty acts IMO .. different scales perhaps .. but illustrative of the types of people these two are.
It's also hardly news that Trump thinks like that, he said pretty much the same thing years ago, about McCain being captured by the enemy.
Fox News has now dug up 2 more sources. If there's anything left that can move the needle, this has gotta be it.
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