Dr. Eddies Wingman
Brighter than thousand_suns
Are you implying 38 is old?her age

Are you implying 38 is old?her age
The constitutional requirements to be president are pretty straightforward: You've got to be a "natural born" citizen of the United States. You've got to be at least 35 years old. And you're required to have lived within the United States for at least 14 years.Do you need to be a certain age to stand?
The average age of presidential candidates was fairly old, too, it was like 59 until the Civil War.35 (at the time) was fairly old ... given the life expectancy of the time
You've got to be a "natural born" citizen of the United States
Not for president, but you can run for any other office up to governor. (mayor, city council, etc.)A bit weird, if you move to U.S when you're 10, become a citizen by marriage and all that, you'll be longer "an American" than your kid at 35y.o.a but you can't run for office.
Yep. Or a sleeper. If a traitor is going to run our country, it has to be someone who was born here and corrupted after the fact, like our current president.I think it has to do with that fear of being "ruled" by a "foreigner."
She is right. Trump can leave you, but you must never leave Lukashenk... errh, Trump. Let's celebrate your future dictatorship, Trumpsters!Tiffany Trump told the GOP Convention last night that "If freedom is lost in (the USA), there is nowhere else to go."
You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.She is right. Trump can leave you, but you must never leave Lukashenk.
They should use that as their campaign song.You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
In interviews from the 80s, Trump speaks coherently and structured, albeit just as boastful and self-indulgent. It would be interesting to know if it's possible to see at around what time his decline started from video material.