USA Politics

Interesting, didn't think that was gonna pick up steam. Saw quite a few of those signs like in that picture, but didn't think it was gonna go anywhere. I agree, it's kinda stupid. Guns are definitely not going to be criminalized here anytime soon.
I am sure this will be a total piece of crap, but blocking the trailer is a horrible move

Kirk Cameron can’t be stopped–by Facebook or by YouTube.

The former “Growing Pains” star, 42, posted a plea on his Facebook page last night after the social media giant had blocked him from posting any links to his new movie “Unstoppable.”

“Calling all friends of Faith, Family, and Freedom!” Cameron said. ”Facebook has officially ‘blocked’ me and you (and everyone else) from posting any link to my new movie at UnstoppableTheMovieDOTcom.”

More than 250,000 fans have stepped up and shared Kirk’s post, following his request to encourage Facebook to unblock the movie.

And it worked, with Facebook reversing the ban. YouTube also blocked the trailer for some time, but has since put it back up.

In Cameron’s message, he said the content of the film had been deemed “abusive, unsafe and spammy.”

Related: Kirk Cameron Receiving Support Despite Anti-Gay Comments
The trailer focuses on why God allows bad things to happen to good people.
Even though there doesn’t seem to be anything that would warrant a block, there are images of people running from a masked man, who at one point holds a rock over his head, possibly to hit someone.

“Unstoppable” is a one-night, live event set for 8 p.m. EST on Sept. 24. Tickets became available today.

A rep for YouTube did not immediately responded to request for comment.
Good for Zimmerman's defense team for responding to this! Obama never should have gotten involved in the first place. And I guarantee you that if it was 2 white people or 2 black people, he wouldn't have. It's because we have mixed races that he's getting involved so he can make it sound like white people are racist.
Good for Zimmerman's defense team for responding to this! Obama never should have gotten involved in the first place. And I guarantee you that if it was 2 white people or 2 black people, he wouldn't have. It's because we have mixed races that he's getting involved so he can make it sound like white people are racist.

Regardless of any statements made, responded to, or the fact that I agree he shouldnt've got involved (He doesn't get involved in every other case does he ^^) - I find it very unlikely Obama was sitting in his office one day, saw the case and thought "Quick, here's my chance to make white people look bad!".
The shame of this, besides the death of a young man, is that it has given pond scum tax evaders like Sharpton air time
Both white people and black people are racist against each other in this country. I wish it would all just stop, but I don't see that happening any time soon.
United States desperately needs not just a 3rd party but i'd say 4-5 major party system in which all have representatives in congress(then I woke up from my pipe dream) but a guy can dream can I?
Both white people and black people are racist against each other in this country. I wish it would all just stop, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

True, but one of those groups of people benefits from institutionalized racism within the justice system and social strata. The other group is black people.
No, the thing that gives blacks the right to be racist is the same that gives whites the right to be racist - the First Amendment of the US Constitution. Being a racist isn't a crime. Acting on racism in many professional situations is, but you can't criminalize thought, and in the USA, you pretty much can't criminalize speech either.

Racism is a problem in every sector, in every sphere, in our society. No matter how much people seem to think otherwise, we just aren't colourblind. Overt racism is moving on towards a thing of the past, and that's wonderful. It's the subtle stuff that we have to deal with now.
Here's an example from Hurricane Katrina:


White people "find". Black people "loot". They are entirely different words with different connotations for the same activity - and the AP ran both these pictures with those captions at the time. It's racist. It's not overt racism, but it's still racist - it twists the message to the underlying message that blacks steal and whites are virtuous.
I've never been bothered by racism toward white people. Not condoning it, but I don't think it's worth making a fuss over. There's a double standard for a reason. Hate crimes still exist, discrimination still exists, and people still place negative stereotypes on minorities. These things can affect them beyond just being offensive. The sentiment expressed earlier (in this very thread) that Trayvon had no right to be walking around in that neighborhood wearing a hoodie is a perfect example of that. White people don't have to deal with racism on that level. So someone called you a cracker, big fucking deal.
What I don't like is that it seems like it's easier for black people to get away with being racist against white people. You say it's not a big deal to be called a cracker, but it's a huge, gigantic deal if white people call black people the N word. See? I'm even afraid to say it on here because of the issue with it. I used to have a list that I wish I could locate again. It listed things that black people can do that would be considered racist if white people did them. Comedian Chris Rock did a great example of pointing out a lot of this stuff as well. In fact, I think my dad said that other black people ended up not liking him very much for pointing a lot of stuff out. I think he's great for not being afraid to be honest about his own race like that.

I don't like the stereotyping unless it's true. An example is violent crimes and minorities. Go here and you'll see what I mean. It might be considered a stereotype by some to say that minorities commit most of the violent crimes, but as you can see, it is in fact true. Then again, if it's fact and the truth, then it shouldn't be considered racist or stereotyping.
This is a little old, but the source is reputable and I doubt it has changed much since then

Nearly half the people murdered in the United States each year are black, part of a persistent pattern in which African Americans are disproportionately victimized by violent crime, according to a new Justice Department study released yesterday.

The study by the Bureau of Justice Statistics also found that from 2001 to 2005, more than nine out of 10 black murder victims were killed by other blacks, and three out of four were slain with a gun. Blacks, who make up 13 percent of the population, were victims in 15 percent of nonfatal violent crimes.

It is a shame what happened in Florida, but if the people who are so outraged against a black kid being killed showed as much concern for blacks killing blacks and trying to eradicate the "gangsata" influence (not to mention the gangs themselves) a lot more good will be done than focusing so much energy on blaming Zimmerman or the Stand Your Ground Laws.

And more than 8 out of 10 whites who were killed were killed by other whites. Crime is racially exclusive.