USA Politics

Onto actual US politics...

53 US Senators now endorse same sex marriage, including two Republicans. Rob Portman (R-OH) started a virtual stampede of Democrats to declare their support for gay marriage; Mark Kirk (R-IL) has just added his name to the list, saying something I found very intelligent and beautiful:

"Same-sex couples should have the right to civil marriage. Our time on this Earth is limited, I know that better than most. Life comes down to who you love and who loves you back– government has no place in the middle."

A true conservative argument for gay marriage.

This is pretty bad ... all kinds of news coming out, most of which I am sure is wrong

At least two people are dead and dozens injured – including up to 10 with amputated limbs – after two bombs tore through the finish line of the Boston Marathon and another exploded near a Boston library, according to the Boston Police Department.
The simultaneous explosions, and reports of two other unexploded devices found near the scene raised suspicions that the blasts, just before 3 p.m., could be part of a terrorist attack. Authorities shut down cellular service in the area in order to prevent remote detonations. Intelligence officials told The Associated Press two unexploded devices were being dismantled, and a third explosion near the JFK Library in the Columbia Point section of Dorchester. Competitors and race organizers were crying as they fled the bloody chaos, while some witnesses reported seeing victims with lost limb

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The latest I heard was 3 dead (among them an 8 year old) and 150 injured (including many amputations). This is horrible and hits close to home for me, having spent 5 formative years there. Thankfully everyone I know over there is fine so far, but my thoughts are with the victims and the citizens of that beautiful city.
It looks like it could have been worse, at least 2 other bombs did not go off and it looks like they were able to disarm at least one, which should help find who did this. I am going to Boston early next week for work, glad I was not there this week.
True, too bad that turned out to be false. Being able to look at an unexploded device would have been a big help in tracking down who did this
Some sources are saying yes, some sources are saying no. Like anything, I think we have to wait for confirmation.
The media coverage of this today has been kind of a clusterfuck -- lots of confusion caused by conflicting and changing media reports. Now the media is reporting that they have a clear image of the suspect's face from a shop's surveillance video, but they are still trying to figure out who it is. Which makes me wonder: if they have an image of someone they have not yet located, especially someone who may be very dangerous and an ongoing threat to others, why not release the image of his face??!! I can understand why they may not want to "out" him unless and until they are fairly certain he's the guy, as they don't want a lynch mob or another Richard Jewell situation. But I can't think of a better way to locate him than to let the entire country know what he looks like.