USA Politics

It is true that some Islamic charities have been used (at least in the US) as money laundering for terrorist cells, there have been a few cases brought up on this post 9/11, but I am pretty confident that those represent a small minority of cases. Most Islamic charities can be compared to organizations like Catholic Charities in the services they provide .. both religious and secular.
And you can point to Catholic charities in the USA being used for the same purpose in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s when a lot of them cycled money to the Irish Republican Army.

Travis, you only believe that the Obama conspiracy stuff is possible because you don't trust the president. You don't trust the president because you believe the conspiracy stuff is possible. Your reasoning is extremely poor. Why do you think the president of the USA is capable of such vicious treason? Answer me that question.
That is a decent point, I do not care for Obama, I think he is a poor President for a few reasons 1) I do not agree with many of his policies or general view of the role of government and 2) I think he has been a pretty ineffective leader. However I do give him the benefit of the doubt that he is not commiting treason, is not a bad person, etc. I disagree with him, but respect that fact he is the duly elected President and deserves a degree of respect even while I oppose a fair amount of what he is doing or trying to do.

It is unfortunate that people bring the level of debate so far down into the gutter whether it be Obama, George W. Bush, Clinton, HW Bush, and on and on. A challenge for this country, and I assume others, is to raise the level of debate away from this sort of thing and disagree in an agreeable manner and get out of this constant campaign mode.

I think the amount money going to the IRA from Catholic Charities was always exageratted by the British .. this article seems to prove this out
I think that there is a difference between disliking Obama the President and disliking Obama the Person. People who want to slander Obama's ability to be president by attacking the person are ruining the debate. I said the same thing when people attacked Bush. I think Bush was an extremely poor president, but I also think he was doing the best he could within his ideology - which is what he was elected to do. The policies are open for criticism. The man isn't.

Just like the amount of money going to Al Qaeda from American Muslim charities, eh? It's a very, very small percentage that got inflated by the government who wanted a cause to action. Of course, a lot of that was the British not believing the IRA ran on the tiny little amounts of money they did, and part of that was the British being unable to cease monetary transfers from the Republic of Eire to Ireland. Much like Islamic terrorist cells, and where their funding comes from.
Thanks for that explanation Perun. I now better see what Zakat is about and how all of that works and am much less worried about that.

I've already posted all the conspiracy theory stuff that shows the reasons I think the president could be planning all of that, but you blew it all off and said the sites and people involved didn't know what they were talking about and such.
They know exactly what they're doing - they're making shit up or making mountains out of molehills to sell you on bullshit like the Zakat thing. It's base propaganda.
No. We have lots of truth that it isn't true. Pretty much every bullshit conspiracy theory you've posted has been debunked, and not just by me. At a certain point, shouldn't your trust in the organizations bringing you the crap that has been shown false, and sometimes incredibly false, be shaken?
What if absolutely NONE of it is true, and it's only being said in a base emotional attempt to make you dislike the man so you'll vote against your interests?
The scary stuff is said by insane conspiracy theorists, con artists, and liars who have no base for what they are saying. None of it is true and all of it is easy to disprove with miniscule amount of research. The people who make up this shit are preying on gullible people and those who are desperately trying to find a reason to hate Obama but are too lazy to do any real research and form an opinion based on facts.
That's why I believe in the possibility of it. Again, the key word is possibility. Of course, I hope that none of it is true. And I've disliked Obama even before I discovered all this stuff so that has nothing to do with it.
You know, to be honest, I don't remember all the exact reasons, but it was a lot of what he said in the debates and such. I just don't remember any of the details from all of that.
Now tell me...what are the top 3 things you hate about Obama. Not conspiracy theories. Actual. Factual. Things.
I don't really have a top 3 of things I hate about him. But these are definitely some reasons:

I'd have to see a list of actual negative facts about him and pick from what I think are the 3 worst ones.