USA Politics

I'd say that those are facts that are warped well out of proportion to make you think they are bad things.
My knowledge of politics and the US government.

1. US government spending has actually decreased since the end of the stimulus when measured against the US GDP, the only way you can really measure debt.
2. Yes, and he ended the even more pointless war in Iraq.
3. Obamacare will save the USA money according to the Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan watchgroup.
4. Bullshit statement. Keystone XL won't create jobs, by the way. Obama has increased taxes, which has increased revenue. The US economy came out of recession under Obama.
5. They put in red that no budget has been passed since 2009. is that Obama's fault? He's not in Congress anymore. This has exactly 0 to do with Obama.
6. They'll tell you the current US debt is unsustainable, but they won't quantify that statement. WHY is it unsustainable? The USA has carried a much higher debt-to-gdp ratio in the past.
1 and 2. That's good to know and hear.
3. Hopefully Obamacare turns out to be a good thing for EVERYone.
4. Well, we've slipped back into recession:
5. In that case, it's not Obama's fault, but the fault of Congress.
6. We're probably so far in debt that we'll never come out of it, ever. It could be lowered though, but I don't see that happening any time soon.
Re: Obama conspiracy theories

Travis (and anyone else into this sort of thing), please sit back and imagine the following scene: You are in a large public square. If it helps you picture it, it can be a famous one, like Times Square, Trafalgar Square, Place de La Concorde, whatever. It doesn't matter. You are in this square, and there are hundreds, if not thousands of people around you. They are all talking. Some are talking alone, to themselves, others are conversing, but all are talking. As you stroll across the square, you find that some are talking louder than others. The loud people talk about how nice the square is, astonished at how big, taking photos, etc. The less loud ones are discussing the square and its history, who made it and when, what the monuments represent, reading from travel guides and so forth. Then, there are a few quiet ones, you don't actually notice many of them, who are quietly discussing the ideas of public squares, what they are good for, why they should or should not be built.

All of the sudden, a guy bursts out in the middle of the square, and shouts: "This is not a public square! I am not here! There are no people here! There is no such thing as a public square!" He walks around and grabs one of the loud guys, and screams: "This guy thinks this is a public square! He admires the square, but the square does not exist! He is being lied to!" He goes further to one of the less loud ones, and shouts, "This guy said that this square is oddly constructed! You see, there is something odd about this square! This is proof that the square does not exist, because if it existed, why would it be odd?" He then goes to one of the quiet ones and shouts, "I just heard this guy say that public squares do not make sense! If this square makes no sense, then why does it exist? This is proof that it does not exist!" He runs around shouting and screaming, and then goes and grabs another quiet person, shouting, "This guy said that building squares is an unnecessary effort! Five minutes later, he said that this square is a feat in engineering! [What he does not mention, is that the quiet guy actually just paraphrased one of the not-so-loud people as part of an argument.] He contradicts himself! He is the one lying to you that this square exists! First he says that squares are unnecessary, and thus they don't exist! Then he notices that people think the square exists, and he says it exists! He lies! He wants you to believe the square exists! Now I want to know why! Look at him! He does not exist either! [He grabs and shakes him] He wants you to believe that he exists, and does this by telling you that this square exists! Wake up, people!"

The guy stops shouting, and you are left dazzled. You are trying to tie things together in your mind.

Your first thought is, "But this square does exist. I am right in the middle of it." You ponder and start to wonder, if that were the case, then why would that guy claim the opposite? What does he have to gain from it? You start to question the existence of the square, despite the fact that you're right in the middle of it.You find that the guy quoted all sorts of people. You think that maybe the fact that the square is odd doesn't prove that it does not exist, and you are not wholly convinced that the guy at the end does not exist. Maybe he lied to you for some other reason. But still, all this seems suspicious. The guy made a lot of arguments and quoted a bunch of people, and even if he is not perfectly right on everything, he must have a point somewhere, because otherwise he wouldn't have made these claims. There's no smoke without fire.

So you start to doubt the square's existence, or maybe you even actually believe it doesn't exist. But the bloody square does exist, you're standing right in the middle of it all the time!

That is how conspiracy theories work.
For now, I somehow doubt that North Korea is capable of more than launching a new year's rocket with a radioactive lump of metal attached to it.
It's still not a threat you should make, especially towards a power than does have state-of-the-art nuclear weapons
3. Obamacare will save the USA money according to the Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan watchgroup.
4. Bullshit statement. Keystone XL won't create jobs, by the way. Obama has increased taxes, which has increased revenue. The US economy came out of recession under Obama.
5. They put in red that no budget has been passed since 2009. is that Obama's fault? He's not in Congress anymore. This has exactly 0 to do with Obama.
6. They'll tell you the current US debt is unsustainable, but they won't quantify that statement. WHY is it unsustainable? The USA has carried a much higher debt-to-gdp ratio in the past.

A few quick comments on these

3. An editorial, but sums up my feelings about ObamaCare ...
4. I am pretty sure Keystone XL will create at least some jobs, but jobs is not really the full point beyond this, it is a good source of oil and a project that will benefit both Canada and the US and over time have a positive effect on oil prices.
5. The House has passed a budget every year, this is the first year the Senate has done the same, perhaps not Obama's fault, but he is the leader of the party that controls the Senate.
6. This is a longer discussion, but there is a benefit to not carrying so much debt, it is not something that can be handled in one budget, but the trajectory should change. I really also question the effectiveness of many of the programs we fund. The Sequester has shown so far that cuts can be made and the universe will not come to an end. The grandstanding the Administration did on the sequester was just assinine .. and to be fair, the same with some in the GOP over the defense cuts
I guess the new Attorney General has this going for her

President Obama, speaking at his last California fundraiser Thursday, apparently couldn't help but gush about California Attorney General Kamala Harris.
And it wasn't all about her legal chops, according to a pool report, which said the president noted a couple of times that she is easy on the eyes.
“She’s brilliant and she’s dedicated, she’s tough," Obama said. "She also happens to be, by far, the best looking attorney general…. It’s true! C’mon.”
Sorry for using large letters and caps, but I must emphasize this again. I am open to the POSSIBILITY of conspiracy theories. Again, the main word here is POSSIBILITY. Whether or not they'll come true isn't certain, but because they are out there, there is a possibility that they could come true and if they do, I at least want to be prepared and know about it ahead of time.

And I'm curious. What exactly is it that makes all this stuff about Obama conspiracy theory and not actual fact?
There is no possibility though. It's not fact because there is no evidence to support any of it and there never was. All this Obama secret Muslim stuff is a lie with nothing to support it. And what if he is? Big fucking deal
It's not just the thing about the Muslims. It's all of this:


► Decorated top *special forces* General warns of martial-law and rogue government takeover scenario following an economic collapse:

► Economic collapse as pretext for martial law, conspiracy theory or a real impending threat?

► Still need proof that Obama is a Marxist-Leninist?

► DHS INSIDER: "There won’t be any meaningful deal about the fiscal crisis. This is planned … The coming collapse of the U.S. Dollar is a done deal."

► Obama key campaign contributor George Soros:
"China will be the NEW world reserve currency"

► Executive orders 13603 & 13618 enable the government to take control of ALL national resources (including private property) in case of a "national emergency":

► Obama creating a MASSIVE and *UNPRECEDENTED* surveillance database to spy on ALL Americans, which make's Bush's "patriot act" look like child's play:
╚> Read related article "The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)"

► Obama speaking OPENLY about the need for creating a "civilian national security force" that's just as powerful as the US military (whatever for?):

► Obama has been arming DHS to the teeth during the past ~10 months in preparation:
╚> Related article: "Even Left Finds DHS Ammo Buy 'very troubling' "

► CHILLING WHISTLE BLOWER: DHS Insider Breaks Down Obama’s Short-term Agenda:

"So what I’m telling you is that DHS, the TSA and certain, but not all, law enforcement agencies are going to be elbow deep in riot control in response to an economic incident. At the same time or close to it, gun confiscation will start. It will start on a voluntary basis using federal registration forms, then an amnesty, then the kicking-in of doors start."

► MAJOR EYE-OPENER: Soviet KGB defector and propaganda expert Yuri Bezmenov predicts the left's end-game (now being carried out under Obama) almost 30 years ago, in chillingly accurate detail:
Again, the main word here is POSSIBILITY.

The main word here is probability. Sure, all the conspiracy stuff you're posting is possibly true, but the important question is whether it's likely enough to be worth bothering with. Some claims are simply so outlandish that "preparing" for their possible truthfulness is like avoiding the outdoors for fear of being struck by lightning. Conspiracy theories have a lot of appeal, because we all like to see order where there is chaos, but you have to ask yourself how probable it is that Obama's politics, affected as they are by any number of known and unknown factors, are part of some kind of secret master plan to take over the world.

A short article you might want to read.
Well, regardless of what you all say, I'm still choosing to believe in the possibility of it. Just like I believe that there's a possibility of what you all say is true as well. Maybe it's a bit of both. Only time will tell.